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Everything posted by lincolngirl

  1. Well I would keep your fingers crossed and there is a good chance they won't make you do the transitional stuff. As the uk training is very similar to Australia. I woul be surprised if they don't agree it is 'substantially equivalent'. Random question do you have an interest in working in early intervention psychosis? If you do google 'enhanced headspace' and the EPPIC model. There are definitely going to be jobs coming up soon in regard to this in perth, based in Joondalup northern suburbs. I really live perth, great weather lots to do. Few too many Brits!
  2. Greetings from perth. Not heard of the transitional program as I was assessed to be equvalent of 6 years study. Have you actually applied for anassessment yet. What are your psych qualifications and experience? IF you can get your skills recognised and get AHPRA registered i may, stress the may be able to point you in some job directions. There are lots of jobs here but not sure how easy it will be to get the supervision bit. I got a job through a skype interview before I left within a not for profit, im a counselling psych.
  3. I have been able to secure a job from the UK, I guess that ability to do this will depend on what jobs you are looking for (I'm a psychologist). I think I applied for five or six jobs, two of which I got interviews for and one job offer - both interview were done over skype. So I think it never hurts to apply.
  4. Hi Elizabeth, I know exactly how you feel. Im also making the move on my own and I'm 34. In the middle of packing boxes now with only a very short time before I fly (26th March), and also have to fit in quite a few goodbyes. Thankfully I have a job to go to, which I was offered a couple of weeks ago now - nice to not have anymore telephone or skype interviews which are all a bit odd and normally mean getting up quite early in the morning. My friend moved to Perth on her own November 2011 and is absolutelly loving it and would not dream of coming back. See it as an adventure, best not to have any regrets in life! I will let you know how I get on.
  5. Hi Everyone, new to the forum. I fly to Perth in two weeks (26th March with Singapore Airlines), got my skilled migrant visa granted in September 2012. Thankfully I also now have a job to start on the 15th April, so no more horrible skype interviews. At the moment packing boxes to be shipped. Coming over on my own but going to be living with my friend you has been out there since November 2011...and loving it!
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