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  1. Hi Lisa, I'm in Baldivis where is Harrisdale??? Not been here long so not familiar with many places yet??? ive a 6 yr old girl & 4 yr old son, also not far from Liverpool! We are from Warrington.
  2. H I have just seen your post. I've only been here 11 weeks & living in Baldivis so only up the road. my partner is FIFO as well on a 2/1 roster he has been here Almost a year. We have 2 younger children 6 & 4 so a lot of my time they are with me but I do have a couple of child free days in the week if you fancy a coffee!?
  3. Hi we are also a FIFO family! With 2 kids 6&4 but we are SOR in Baldivis. me & the kids have only been here 11 weeks & find some days a struggle! Kids have settled amazingly though & fitted right in at school
  4. No I was referring to the visa agents fees alone. Are you doing it your self or going through an agent?
  5. Hi just after bit of advice. We are already in Perth on my partners 457. We want to go for PR but could do without the added cost of migration fees!! who has done it alone??? My partner scores 60 without the IELTS. We have no criminal background & apart from my dodgy back no health issues.
  6. Hi Ladies we've been here 6 weeks now!!! Lots of adjusting to do! But the weather makes it easier!!! I'm in Baldivis 10 mins from Rocko. If you fancy meeting up for a Coffee or Wine!!! Once you have settled, let me know ?
  7. Hi I arrived on the 2nd Jan with my 2 children 6 & 4 my partner came out 8 months prior to us, so sorted a rental on heritage park estate. There is still a lot of building going on but the area seems very quiet!! To quiet!!. My kids will also be starting at Makybe rise next week!!! Roll on Monday!
  8. Hi guys just wondering if any of used vacuum bags in your suitcases???? just packing for our flight on Wednesday & running out of space rapidly! any advice welcome!! Thanks Kate
  9. We are flying Emirates! Depart Manchester 13:20, 7.5 hrs to Dubai 2hrs in Dubai then fingers, toes & whatever else I can cross they will sleep the 10.5 hrs to Perth! I happen to know the big fella is bringing tablets & a wide range of sticker/activity books, games etc!! If all else fails I do have some medised!
  10. This time in 3 weeks I we will be about to start the 2nd leg of our flight!!! Cant believe its finally happening, even though its been along time coming it now feels surreal. Any tips for the departure?? Leaving family? Getting to the airport without to many emotional breakdowns!! Also any tip for flying with young children? I will be flying alone with a 6 & 3 year old.
  11. Hi all, I believe I have to change my nursery nursing certificates over to the australian equivalent??? Any ideas how to do this???? Or where to start looking?? I'm also working as a registered play specialist, does anyone know if I would have to change this over? Thanks in advance Kate
  12. Hi me & the children arrive 2nd Jan! We will finally be a family of 4 again!!! We will be living in baldivis & the children will be going to Makybe primary.
  13. Hi my son Finn will be 4 in Feb & daughter Neve has just turned 6. We are hoping to arrive beginning of Jan. our rental is on Heritage Park?? I've seen a photograph of the outside!!! Rob moves in on the 12th Dec. how old are your girls?? And where are you? What footwear do they need?? School shoes like here or do they wear trainers???
  14. Hi my 2 children have just got places at Makybe Primary in Baldivis. I'm still in England with the children, While my partner is over there working & sorting things out! As I have not seen the school would be nice to here from anyone who's children go there, & what you think of it etc... Also I have just seen the school uniform list, do you have to buy from the school?? Or are there shops around to buy uniform? What are the sizes like? When it says 8 is it age 8? Are they generous etc??? Does this school have a PE kit??? My partner not mentioned that. Thanks in advance Kate
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