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Everything posted by jomaniura

  1. yes i think i am going to go for the skilled migration subclass 189 visa, no i dont want to hire an agent as its going to eat into our start up costs.. from what i have been reading i think i know what processes i have to do and in what order.. just have to get my sons father to agree..if not its court
  2. oooh single mums! i thought i was the only one! i want to start the process for me and my 6 yr old, i am on the CSOL list but thinking i should try and get a sponsor? as moving to a new country with no job and a little one to feed isnt a good call, i'm confused as to what the best visa is to get, any advice would be really appreciated
  3. hi, i am having the same trouble (single mummy with 6 yr old) wanting to start the process, from the info i have gathered so far i think its best to apply by yourself as agents can be very costly, decide which visa you want (i am joining skilledselect) you have to have your qualifications assessed by an Australian assessor then submit a EOI expession of interest, employers can find you and sponsor you if they have vacancies that is! then at least you have a job to go to when you arrive..i think i am going to go for the ''regional sponsored migration scheme subclass 187 visa'' permanent.. i just hope there is plenty of work there as here in the uk work has dried up!
  4. hi all, just wanted to ask before i start the lengthy application for me and my 6 year old son if anyone knows of any ''buddy up'' sites? ie people who are single and alone and want to apply for a visa but would prefer to do it with a someone/friend etc? long shot but thought i'd put the question out there
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