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The Jamesy's

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  1. Hi JP, This maybe too late, however, we used White & Co back in November and were very happy with them. We had a 40ft high cube container which was for the household and hubby's work van. They were the cheapest out of all the quotes we got and the removal chaps were friendly, efficient and weren't rushed where as we had a different company a few years previous and it was very stressful and seemed to be very rushed as if they had been on a time limit!! This end was also fine, we got delivery 2 weeks before Christmas and we didn't always know what was going on, but we still found everyone to be friendly and responded to any queries we had very quickly. Good luck with whoever you decide to go with-it is a very exiting time!!! Jess xx
  2. Hi Cornishpoms, I remember you going through the visa process too and have read many of your posts. Yes-we've done it!! We were here the first time round for just under 3 years, then returned to the UK for 5 yes 5 years-in all that time speaking of returning to Perth. It's a long story but we finally made it back with now 4 children in tow so for us it was a huge gamble taking the girls out of school especially the 2 older girls from high school. Unfortunately our eldest daughter had trouble at school in the UK anyway so we felt the time was "now or never" for us. We have been back nearly 4 months and am so pleased we made the move. All the girls have settled well into school, the younger 2 are taking a little longer to settle but they had been off school for about 4 months so it's a big change for them but they are very happy at school and the teachers are brilliant at re-iterating to me that they are fine when they are at school!! So far, hubby has secured a job, we are very happy renting at the moment and will buy once the perfect house comes along. It hasn't been easy-far from it but it has been worth it. Had we not made the move back to Perth I think I would have been devastated-I had wanted to return after about 10 months of being back in the UK as did hubby. But due to circumstances and finances wasn't possible. You can only do what you think is right for you and your children, but good luck with whatever you decide, I know there are a lot of people that "ping pong". My sister is also pregnant-due her first baby in May after years of several miscarriages. Although I am sad not to be there, I know they are all ok and happy and excited about the future. It is also a happy time for my parents after I've taken 4 of their grandchildren away. But for me, it isn't enough to make me want to return. Good luck and let us know how you get on, Jess xx
  3. Oh my gosh that's so funny-always wanted to be a WAG!!! Hubby reckons we can all go walking whilst the hubbies meet up for a beer!! Good luck JenPen with the move, hope it all goes smoothly. Definitely up for a Mullaloo walk once all the girls are settled into school x the older girls were too nervous for breakfast this morning so only nibbled at what they had bless them, but have had a text to say they are both fine and all ok-so very very relieved and taking them all for ice cream after school for a treat to hear all about their day!! Just had tears from my 6 year old which was expected but am sure she's fine, the teacher seemed really lovely, can't wait to pick them all up and hear all about it!! Jess xxx
  4. Hi JenPen, We have settled in Kinross (as per previous post) renting at the moment, but looking at buying in this area near to the schools. The girls all start on Monday and are extremely nervous but I have spoken with the school and they have been fabulous and really put the older girls minds at ease. I know it is not everybody's cup of tea, but we like it and are happy. I have heard some very negative and positive things about the high school where the older two will be going, but we really loved the feel of it, all the staff were very friendly and welcoming when we have been there unlike some other schools. Fingers crossed they settle in well and make some lovely friends-all we can hope for!!! Good luck with everything, it's a big journey physically and emotionally!! Jess xx
  5. Hi FOL, Well, we decided to have our third child when we were here last time and more or less as soon as I was pregnant, (I think the hormones played a big part in my wanting to return-life changes should never be made when pregnant!!) I wanted to go back to the UK to be near family. Fortunately, we couldn't sell our house straight away so we stayed and had the baby, got Citizenship (thank goodness) and then went on to sell our house. I do think had I not been pregnant, we wouldn't have returned. It was a very hard decision to make though and I am a strong believer in everything happens for a reason. This time round, we are emotionally stronger, older and wiser and know what we want from life and for our kids. I'm not saying this is it forever (never say never) but for now, we are settling in, enjoying all Perth has to offer, and hoping all the girls will love school and settle in to their new lives comfortably!! Good luck with your move-again-it certainly is a roller coaster of emotions!!! Jess xx
  6. Hi Nikki, We decided on Kinross in the end, we lived in Currambine when we were here 5 years ago, but Kinross is a slightly cheaper area so we are hoping that when we buy we will only have to have a very small mortgage which is another reason for choosing this area. We love it so far, we are so close to everything which for us is perfect with our family dynamics!!!! Jess x
  7. Well Perth Pommers, it has been a while since I have been on here as been so busy so thought I would do a quick update as I know how much I enjoyed reading other newbies posts!! It was very sad to say goodbye to my parents the evening before our flight, as we had requested nobody to come to the airport but it was very special in that they spent a last few quality hours with the children and I left them a little card to find when they went to bed! Which they were very grateful for and I did speak to them one more time that evening. So, after goodbyes at the in laws very early the next morning we got our taxi to the airport-2 very nervous parents and 4 bewildered children!! After realising on the way my 14 year old had forgotten her iphone charger-a quick dash from granddad and was all back on track again!! We were all very excited by this stage although my 12 year old was still a bit unhappy about us taking her away from her best friend and my 14 year old was worried about being sick on the flight (her return flight 5 years previous was still very fresh in her mind where she was sick the whole flight) And low and behold even after a relaxed breakfast and travel sickness tablets she was sick before we had even taxied!!! The poor love, this went on for the first few hours of the first flight until she then just slept the whole way The second flight was less eventful apart from my 4 and 6 year olds having trouble getting comfortable to sleep much, and then again about an hour before we landed-14 year old was very sick again (I don't think she is ever going to fly again!!!!) It was a relief to land and we had all forgotten how long that flight actually is. We flew with Emirates and only ordered bland meals and because we had to pay adult fayres for the 12 and 14 year olds they had to have adult meals-they didn't like them much!! And the young childrens meals weren't great, quite spicy which they also didn't really eat much of-wish I had taken more snacks for them all as they all moaned nearly the whole way they were starving-apart from my very sick 14 year old!!! We had a holiday let for the first 4 weeks with a pool which was a real blessing for the older girls as we had so much running around to do, they could just chill by the pool! Bank accounts were confirmed and after a couple of mishaps (on my part) our money was finally transferred into our Aussie bank account-it is a huge relief when you see the balance as it should be!!! As we only had the rental for 4 weeks, we were quite aware that we needed to sort schools and areas where we would like to settle. So as we had been here before, we thought in our minds where we would end up, however, once we had looked at the high school and primary school for that catchment, we were quite underwhelmed!! So had to rethink our whole area of where to settle-it's a lot harder when there are 2 schools to think about!! So, after rethinking, we looked at other schools in the areas and then decided where we would like the children to go to school-so the next thing was to secure a rental!!! I wanted to secure this before they broke up from school so I could enrol all the girls ready for next term. We only looked at 4 and secured the 3rd one we went to. Which we moved into 3 weeks ago-and how happy were we to have the container arrive with all our things on-the girls are all very happy to have their toys and belongings back. Even just having their own beds to sleep in-it's a lot more settling for all of us. Although it was quite stressful at the time and we very nearly had to find another holiday let to stay in but it all came together in the end. We were very lucky in that we were able to borrow our friends car until we purchased one and after a few weeks of traipsing round car dealers we finally decided to buy a cheaper one for now and save the money in the bank to go against our mortgage when we get one. Also finding a car was made a bit harder in the fact that there is 6 of us, so can't just buy a standard car, had to be family sized!!! Christmas was great, obviously we went to the beach!! we also went to the local park to us with the girls on their bikes and just had a lovely relaxed day with the girls and all their new presents. On the work front, hubby just started work yesterday through a friend of a friend and now we finally have money starting to come back in the account. He is a carpenter but until he had all his tools off the container and got his van through customs, he hasn't really been able to do much-plus they all seem to shut down over Christmas. He has found it very hard but more so because of the money draining out of our account and no steady promise of a job-he is also a doer and a hard worker so has found all this time off quite hard-especially spending it with us 5 girls!!!) But now things are finally starting to come together work wise, he is feeling a lot more positive. (if anybody wants any skirtings fitted or doors hung PM me!!) If you are importing a vehicle just a word of warning-make sure you can get it insured here-we have spent 2 days on the phone trying to get it insured, we thought we were going to have to scrap it and buy one anyway, but luckily one company came through for us and they now have a Vauxhall Vivaro on their system!!! So just double check this first, it has been a pain but we will hopefully have saved around 10,000 dollars by importing it so worth it for us. All in all it has been a very stressful time but totally worth it. All the girls are feeling settled and am sure once they start school next month will hopefully make lots of new friends. We have been to some very beautiful parks and beaches and spent lots more quality time together than we would have back in the UK. I feel closer as a family unit especially to my 2 teenagers which is what we wanted so all good on that front. We have found most people to be friendly and open and very helpful. Unfortunately haven't had chance to have coffee at Dome in Butler yet and am quite keen to go on the Mullaloo ladies walk, but until the girls are at school, it's a bit hard to do anything like that at the moment. I am meeting up with another Perth Pommer on Friday which I am really looking forward to xx So, this is our account so far, sorry if I have gone on or bored you to tears!!! If anybody has any questions I am happy to help out if I canxxx And wishing all those here already that I hope to meet you one day and all those making the move, good luck, hope your flight is smoother than mine was and take each day as it comes-don't underestimate how stressful it is moving to the other side of the world!!! Jess xx
  8. Wow Dan, you have got so much done in such a short time, we've been here a week longer than you and haven't got as much sorted!!! Good luck with your new life to you and your family, Jess x
  9. Hi Jo, Wow, can't believe you are here!! We have been here 2 weeks on Friday and just haven't stopped!! Having the two older girls and the two younger girls we have found it really hard deciding on schools and areas as we have to look at both primary and high schools and be in the catchments for any school we choose!!! Nightmare!! We finally decided yesterday after looking at another primary school and high school, so now we have to wait for a home open on Monday to hopefully secure a rental we want. Our holiday let finishes in 2 weeks-we need to find something else for another week to see us through!!! All feeling highly stressed about it all. We also had trouble getting a car because of needing a 7 seater for all the kiddies to fit in-maybe we are just fussy and indecisive!!! Sorry your little one was sick on the plane, I had the same with my 14 year old-she is never flying again apparently!!! So pleased that flight is over!! I feel exactly the same as you-so pleased to be back even though I am more stressed than ever at the moment, I know it will pass once we have more sorted and have only really enjoyed a couple of days out so far as we've been so busy sorting stuff out but am loving it-loving the weather, the views, the people that are willing to do anything for you even though they don't know you and am loving Dan Murphy's!!!! Hope you get settled soon, would love to try and catch up one day once the madness subsides!! We were south of the river on Sunday-got a catbus and had a picnic on the beach-beautiful!!! Hope to see you soon and hear how your settling, good luck with everything Jess xx
  10. Hey guys, I feel really bad that I haven't updated you all with our big move. We have been here a week already but to be honest we have been so busy trying to sort cars/rentals/medicare/schools etc, we don't seem to have had time for anything else!! Although we have been to Burns Beach for lunch with friends and the kids loved the park and beach so a good afternoon was had by all!! Anyway, the reason for my post is that we have a holiday let in Carramar which runs out on the 12th Dec. We obviously have been looking online and contacting agents but just thought we would try here also. We are looking for a 4 x 2 from the 12th Dec or earlier in the Iluka/Ocean Reef area and preferably with a pool. Our two older girls would like to go to Ocean Reef High School as they will know a few friends from when we were here 5 years ago and they like the look of it-having a tour on Tuesday to make sure it's what we want. And we are also looking at Beaumaris Primary school for our two youngest girls. So, if anyone has anything coming up for rent for maybe 6 months, we would be very interested!!! Thanks for your time guys Jess xxxx
  11. Thank you all for your kind wishes xx last day today-saying goodbye to my parents which is going to be tough. But, to be honest most of the goodbyes haven't been too bad!! We have just tried to stay really positive for the children and not really been saying goodbye as such more of a "see you on the other side on Skype/facetime etc!! Which seems to be working!! Jo, I am looking forward to meeting you-we shall definitely have to arrange a meet up-good luck with your flights-I have stocked up very well on travel sickness tablets for everyone!!! Will try and post an update as soon as I am able xx Take care Jess xx
  12. To be honest it was the pull of family and the homesickness-but-saying that we had our third child out there and with a mix of the hormones through pregnancy it made my feelings of wanting to be near my mum worse! The first time we tried selling our house out there, I was pregnant, but we couldn't sell, in hindsight that was a blessing because we stayed and got citizenship. Then before our daughter was one, we sold and came back. I really do believe had we not had our daughter, we would still be there. After about 10 months of being back in the UK and everything returning to normality we felt we had made a mistake in coming back but by that time we literally could not afford to return to Perth. It has been 5 long years of renovating a couple of properties to feel like we are now financially able to do it. We thought that we were also emotionally ready, but as it draws closer emotions are all over the place! We are going to give it another go, take each day as it comes and if it works out this time then great but if not then we will return and draw a line under the whole Aus life. Obviously, we are very hopeful that this time it will work for us and we can get on with some kind of "normal" life without wishing every day we were somewhere else. Jess x
  13. Hi everyone, Just thought we would share a bit of how we're feeling with only 3 days to go!! So, me 37, hubby 40 and 4 girls aged 14, 12, 6 & 4 are heading to sunny Perth on Thursday on a 9.40 am flight. It has been a long journey and now it's finally nearing and the goodbyes have started the emotions are running very high! We have been back in the UK for 5 years after spending 3 years in Perth before. We were very lucky enough to get citizenship before so haven't had the trauma of trying to get visas this time. since returning from Perth we have had trouble settling anywhere and haven't felt that feeling of "belonging" somewhere, so the decision to return to Perth has been an ongoing conversation for maybe 4.5 years! So here we are living out of suitcases at the in laws for the last 4 weeks which have flown (luckily) and getting excited about our impending move. Hubby is starting to get doubts about it as we came back before and we have 2 teenagers schooling to think about, and the whole starting all over again-housing, friends, schools, doctors, dentists-everything. I think he is feeling overwhelmed by the whole thing. It has been such a long wait and now becoming so real he is starting to fret BIG time. Both the little ones are very excited and really don't understand the whole goodbye thing and really comprehend how far away it is. My 14 year old is excited but nervous about the flight as she was extremely sick last time. She has had trouble with girls at school so she is looking forward to a fresh start. My 12 year old is a little excited but also dreading going as she has to say goodbye to her bestest friend in the whole world-they have become so close it is like tearing two old friends apart that have known each other for years and years!! I am feeling very excited and looking forward to hopefully feeling like I belong somewhere again and feeling happy with our day to day lives and just feeling like we actually have a bit of a life. But I am also feeling pressure on myself that we are making the right decision for all the girls and not ruining their lives completely and the two older girls aren't going to end up resenting me for taking them away from grandparents. I am hoping they are going to have more opportunities in Perth as they get older and we all enjoy a much better quality family life together. These are the reasons for going and I just hope that as we aren't so naive this time and are a little more knowledgeable we are going to be able to create this for our family. Anyway, a little insight into how the emotions really play on your mind towards the end and make you question everything you are doing. Hubby is a carpenter by trade but does a bit of everything and we both love meeting new people and am looking forward to some of the meet ups and putting names to faces. May even have to pop in and see Rob at Costa for a cuppa!! Anyway, we wish all those trying to get visas good luck and don't give up and all those also making the move soon good luck with your new lives and we hope it is all you want it to be, Jess xxxx
  14. IKNWC but booked flights -2xadults & 4xchildren-why oh why are my 12 & 14 year olds expected to eat adult meals whilst their 4 & 6 year old sisters get to eat crisps, chocolate, fries and juice!!!!!!! Have booked them bland meals but am pretty sure they are not going to want to eat ANY of it!!!! GRRRR
  15. Thank you TMJ, Good to know there are some dentists out there willing to continue UK treatment!! My daughters orthodontist has said that they will email across all her records when we find the orthodontist in Perth that we are happy with. I agree that using a savings account instead of high premiums for private health care would also be more beneficial-especially for orthodontic work. Thanks again Jess x (The Jamesy's)
  16. Hi Ali, Have you had any braces through the school dentist?? Thanks Jess x
  17. Hi all, This is a very interesting post!! We are due too fly around the end of the month and have a 14 year old with fixed braces upper and lower. She went to the orthodontist yesterday and they said she only maybe needs to be seen two more times before her treatment is finished!!! Anybody gone through this and have any good orthodontics they can recommend?? I have emailed one practice but they do not continue dentistry work from the UK!!!! Looks like we could be flying back just to get her braces seen to!!! Be a darn site cheaper by the sounds of it as well!!!! What about the dentist that the children get seen by through the schools?? Do these also charge the earth?? Any advice very welcomed!!!! Jess xxxx
  18. Hi Jo, It's nice to see you on here again Okay, so, the middle of 2010 we bought a doer upper on our original return from Perth at the end of 2009 and after spending 10 months with MIL. It was never going to be our forever home as it wasn't in the area we wanted to be in. We built an extension, new kitchen, new bathrooms, every wall and ceiling needed plastering. Well, hubby did most of it as he is a carpenter by trade but does a bit of everything, so we moved in with 3 children and our 4th imminently due!! After being in the house for 2 weeks, baby number 4 came along!!!! We then spent 3 years doing all the work as we didn't borrow the money to do it, we had to save a bit then do a bit. Well, hubby did all the work so again, like someone else went through hubby spending every weekend/evening working on the house after doing a full days work. We finally sold this at the end of last year and were returning to Perth (typical ping ponger!!) however, hubby had cold feet about work and was really unsure about going back, so we said we'd spend another 6 months in the UK and see how we feel then. A property came up that was near to the girls school as I had spent the previous 4 years doing round trips of about an hour to and from school. It didn't need loads doing, just reflooring throughout and décor, new doors-so cosmetic really. We bought it for £405,000 in Feb this year, we have just literally sold it for £467,000, so after outgoings and costs, we made about £50,000!!! We are currently living at the in laws until we book flights to return to Perth in about 3-4 weeks!!! We are all very very excited and hubby doesn't have cold feet this time and is more positive about work especially now we have extra money to take with us. So, although we have spent the last 5 years renovating properties (at the cost of family life believe me) we have made a very nice profit which is going to give us a lovely safety net in Perth and may allow us to be mortgage free or at least a very little mortgage-depending on where we decide to stay. It is hard going working and living in that environment especially with young children and family life does get put on hold. I don't regret doing it because of the profit we made, I am just anxious now to get to Perth and make up for all the lost family time we have missed out on. Good luck with whatever decision you make, if you have maybe another year before you get back to Perth then it may be worth it for the extra money it will give you in your new lives down under!!! Good luck Jess xxxx
  19. Thank you so much Jane, It's nice to be able to hear about a school through someone actually experiencing it!! Thanks again Jess x
  20. Hi again Jane, Sorry, just noticed your in Kinross, can I be cheeky and ask if your children went to Kinross College/Mindarie Senior College and if so if they liked it and what you thought of it?! Thanks Jess x
  21. Hi Jane, Thank you so much for your reply, that's great news, one less thing to worry about!!! Cheers Jess x
  22. Hi all, So children have about 4-6 weeks left of school and my 12 year old daughter came home yesterday with the consent forms to have to HPV in October then the second dose in March. Obviously we won't be here for the one in March and possibly not the one in October. Just wondering if they do the HPV vaccine in Perth and if so at what age? Thanks Jess xx
  23. Thank you all for your replies. Looks like i'll be looking for an alternative to go to the days she's not at kindy-like I haven't got enough to worry about!!! Either that or we'll just hit the beach and play whilst her sisters are at school!!! HA HA bit mean!!! Good luck to all of you and thanks again Jess x
  24. Have looked on previous posts and can't find anything recent (less than a year) with regards to Woodvale Senior High School. Just wondering if anyone has children that currently go and what you think of it? We are thinking of it for our 2 eldest girls who will be entering years 8 & 9 in Feb 2015. Just trying to get a head start with which areas to concentrate on!! Thanks again Jess x
  25. Hi everyone, Okay, so we are heading to Perth in the next 6-8 weeks-YAY!!! We will be heading NOR and was just wondering if anyone had started their child in pre primary early? Our youngest (of 4 girls) won't be 5 until the 16th July-16 days past the cut off date of 30th June. She has just started reception here in the UK and is doing so well-as in she is finally sleeping through the night every night-a complete Godsend believe you me!!!! She is one of those children that I think need stimulating physically and mentally. And although I don't mind having her keep me company at home and going to Kindy, I think she would prefer to go all day like her sisters. It will be a bit like going backwards for her. So, has anyone managed to start their child earlier or know of anyone who has? Was just wondering how flexible the schools might be on this as it is only 16 days. She is quite bright and really enjoys school so I don't think it will harm her in any way being able to go to school full time instead of part time?? Thanks for any replies Jess xx
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