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  1. Hope it stays low 30's, that would be nice! She wants to get a lot of sun bathing in that's all
  2. mid 20's? i hoped it would still be a bit warmer than that. expected the occasional shower though. Either way i'm sure we will enjoy thanks
  3. Hi all, I'm flying out to Perth next Friday (28th March) and wondered if anyone can give me a heads up on the weather forecast? Hoping for it to be nice as its the first time my girlfriend will visit! Thanks in advance Tom
  4. I'd like to know this too. I'll be in the same boat as of next summer, what courses has he done in the UK?
  5. What did you have to do regarding your skills assessment?
  6. Thank you both for replying. Yes that was my worry, the experience part of it. I think I've mentioned before and I've looked all over the internet for information, my dad is an Australian Citizen as of January 2013. Will this benefit me any way? Or will it not have any effect due to my age? Thanks again
  7. Hi All, Me and my girlfriend have finally decided to go for the Working Holiday Visa next year. I was unsure whether to look straight for employment and settle down but we feel it will give us chance to explore more of Australia. My only worry is finding a job after potentially two years being out of employment. I'm coming towards the end of a 4 year apprenticeship and will have a HNC in Electrical/Electronics, has anyone else been in a similar position? And does anyone have any advice at all for us? Anything will be appreciated. Thanks Tom
  8. To be honest I think that will be our best bet, the working holiday visa will work as a test i suppose. We are both only young so its not like we have a lot to lose if we leave the UK for a year. However I also reckon I should talk to a migration agent too. Thank You
  9. Thank you for responding! My occupation is on the Skilled Trade List which is the first good news. I've checked out the website but I think I have two choices really and am unsure which is the best route to take; 1. Head out on a Working Holiday Visa then look for 457 Visa Sponsorship. 2. My dad could sponsor me but I am unsure where my girlfriend comes in to this? Regarding qualifications, she has no qualifications yet works full time as a lettings agent manager in Birmingham. Am I able to apply even though I do not yet have the qualification?
  10. Also am I able to apply for a visa now even tho I won't have my certification for a while yet? Thanks
  11. Hi All, I'd already posted on Poms in Oz before realising there was a Perth specific forum. Basically, I'm 20 years old and currently doing a four year apprenticeship. At the end of it I will have a HNC in Electrical/Electronic Engineering. My dad has recently become an Australian Citizen but I just wondered what are my best options? I currently live with my girlfriend and we both intend to move to Australia however we don't really know where to start and when? Any information would be appreciated! Thanks in advance Tom
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