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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Hi guys, its been a while since i have posted on here but thought I'd give an update! Eventually we got jobs and the three month period was near to an end and we had to decide where to stay. Having spent a week in Wembley Downs and having actually lived here – albeit in the City - for three months we realised how much we loved Wembley for its proximity to everything, the amenities nearby and the great choice of schools. My other half also loved the golf club and was a member of a society there within days of landing! It also kinda felt more Australian - if you get what I mean. We love Mullaloo (where we originally wanted to live having stayed near there last year on our reccie) still but for us Wembley seemed to have it all. Having done a tonne of research I knew the school there was good anyway and that Churchlands as a secondary school was also brilliant. So then came the search for a place - now Wembley Primary has the tiniest of tiny catchment areas but we got a house a couple of streets away from the school so my son can walk there. It just seemed to be such luck as not much comes up in the catchment area for the school within the budget we had but we got ours from seeing an ad in the back of the Weekend West. So basically I got a job on a Thursday, my partner got his the next day,then we got the house on the Saturday and I flew home on the following Friday to pick up our son. He had been staying with his grandparents so that we could make sure it was right for us rather than uprooting him and everything and for it to go wrong. Also meant he got to finish his primary education with his friends in the UK which he wanted to do so much. We're all here now and loving life in Wembley! The beach is a few minutes drive, the city is just a 13 minute bus ride away, public transport is great and we have lots of shops etc. at the bottom of our road - including a cheesecake factory which is lethal. The school is just amazing. The staff are brilliant and he has a separate teacher for art, another for music and another for sport! He starts surfing lessons next term! We're building things up slowly in our house - it was camp chairs for a while but we now have a sofa, the rest of the living/dining furniture is on order so we'll be able to get rid of our current tv stand which is a printer box! But it's been fun and great to be able to do it piece by piece. I'd definitely recommend Wembley as a suburb to live in. And when I start to feel like I'm taking things for granted I go and sit on my bench at City beach with a coffee from Clancys cafe and look out at the most beautiful sea and then pinch myself to realise that I am living the life that so many people wish they had a chance to do! Yes it's had its ups and downs but hey if things were all easy they wouldn't be worth it! And it’s not a holiday! No matter where you live in the world people still moan about things – the weather, your boss blah blah blah! But for us it just has a few extra benefits and gives us a quality of life that we couldn’t have in the UK. Our son has settled into school has friends, a bodyboard and has seen a redback so for him life's good! Our little family is all together again and if anyone is reading this wondering whether they should try it over here then I would say if you're thinking about doing it then just jump in and do it. What's the worst that can happen? You go back to the UK? So what you've given it a go,it wasn’t for you and then you know. It's better than looking back in 20 years and thinking I had the chance to do it but didn't. But if it is the right place for and for us right now it is, then you will have the most amazing chance to have a great quality of life in a great place with such lovely people. And like I said there have been ups and downs and stresses along the way and there will be tonnes more to come I’m sure! And the homesickness hasn’t kicked in yet at all but I’m sure it will at some point. But I’m here, I’m happy and I’m living each day as it comes. You’ll see a lot of negative things about Perth but there are some great things too you’ve just got to put yourself out there and give everything a go! I’m booking a camel trek in for next weekend! Don’t ask…just google it!
  2. We definitely see this as home now and neither of us want to go home. I won't moan about the UK yet as there are lots of things going for it just not for us. I miss my friends more than anything and I think he's missing his golf and beer buddies but good friendships will come our main priority is work obviously. I'm going to recommend the walk to him. Fingers crossed for us!
  3. Thank you so much Rossmoyne. I think he's contacted these but hasn't done the walk yet! Is this something worth doing? There's tonnes of work going on in the city so I will recommend it to him. We've realised you've certainly got to be more proactive over here to get work. You even have to sell yourself to the agency to get them to take you on let alone get a job!!! Thank you for your advice will definitely pass on. All fingers crossed!
  4. Well my job is going well but my other half is struggling to find work. The agencies ask for WA experience in pretty much all jobs and have suggested he contact companies direct. So he contacts them direct but they say they haven't got anything at the mo and would like WA experience. He's a site manager in UK but is happy to do labouring just to get his foot on the ladder out here and to earn some money. If anyone can help please let me know! Otherwise it looks like we might have to go home and I really really don't want to do that.
  5. Hi Lorraine, A lot of permanent jobs do ask for WA experience but the temp agencies don't as much. I have found that agencies may put you in a position for a few days that is lower than what you would usually be in to get some feedback from the company to see how you did but will then recommend you for better, more relevant roles. There are some agencies where you meet with the recruitment agent who makes you feel that you are lucky to be in their presence and you leave feeling demoralised! However, there are some lovely ones out there who really do want you to succeed and I have found so far (with limited experience) that the smaller, boutique agencies are best. I think no matter where you are in the world some companies are just like that! My friend left our work to join a company listed in the Times top 100 companies to work for. He gave his 2 months notice, went to work on the Monday after his last day with us only to be told that position had been made redundant! Definitely not a place I'd like to work no matter what The Times says! I'm sure you'll be fine honestly, but it's just scary at first thinking you haven't got a job but have bills to pay! Keep us updated how you get on! There seems to be quite a lot of temp work out there at the least!
  6. We've been asked to show it a few times too and is handy when applying for jobs to prove to them there and then that you are a PR etc. Also after all the paperwork filled in, evidence, IELTS tests, paperwork delayed by customs, and in total the year it took to get them it was lovely to have something in black and white in front of us proving it! Haha!
  7. Hi, no we are PR but they just wouldn't budge. In the end I emailed them and they agreed to give us 5kg extra! And we're Krisflyer members! However, they didn't say a thing at the airport so all was ok!
  8. Hi All, thank you for your messages and replies! And loved the info about rules etc! Well I've got an 8 week placement starting on Monday so that's me sorted for a bit and will give me good WA experience - something jobs love to ask for! So fingers crossed that all goes well and now the other half just needs to find one! There's quite a bit of temp work about luckily so it's a bit easier for me! Being here for Anzac day was amazing. I didn't go to the morning ceremony but definitely will next year. We went down to the service at the Supreme Court Gardens though and felt lovely to be part of something so special. Will keep you posted on things a few more weeks in! PS If you're reading this from the UK and are waiting to come over make the most of chocolate. I've only Dairy Milk here and they have more choice as to the things they put in it - cashews etc so was quite excited. Until I tasted it! No matter how long you keep it in your mouth it doesn't melt. When you bite into it it crumbles. Enough said. Make the most of every square, I knew I'd find something soon to be jealous of back in the UK haha!
  9. Well we've been here for two and half weeks and loving it! We know there are ups and downs to come but this is what we have found so far: Home... Well we booked into a B&B in Wembley downs for a week. The lady who owns it moved over in '87 (not that we knew that at the time) but was lovely and was more like a house share than a B&B (PM me if you want the details). A day after landing we went into the city to get a post box so that we could register for TFNs etc and were sent to the only place where they had some available in at East Perth. On the walk there we walked past a couple of real estate place and knowing we didn't have our Rental Packs that we'd set up with us on the advice of people on this forum we thought we'd just pop in to inquire on the way back from the Aus Post. So we did...they had a pace to show us there and then in the city...so we went, loved it and went back to the agency to put a deposit down. We moved in the day we were due to leave the B&B! We know this is rare so we know we are lucky but the rental people were great! We only wanted three months in the city to arrange jobs etc in fully furnished before moving out to the suburbs and were told it would likely be 6 month lease but they would ask and the owner accepted it! Fab! One major thing off the list and all the rental packs we have will be saved for the next search in a couple of months but we can add this reference to it! Love being in the city but know we want to be closer to the beach eventually. Although sitting on your balcony and watching the dolphins in the river certainly does have it's charm! Jobs.... I joined a temping agency last Monday and had a placement from last Wednesday for 3 days. I have an interview for a job tomorrow and two agencies to meet in the afternoon for temp work with a view to gain permanent jobs. Other half has realised that his job at home was quite niche so will need to spread his search. We've also learnt that it's very laid back over here. You have to chase and chase for jobs there are lots out there but lots of people looking for them. However, I'm still staying positive. We been here less than three weeks after all and I've already had a bit of temp work although at a bit of a lower level than I'm used to. However you know what they say if everything was easy nothing would be worth it. And WA experience means a lot to future employers so hopefully a few things will trickle in and we'll find jobs! Life... I said that things are very laid back over here. This could be positive or negative depends on how you look at it. I'm choosing positive right now as I've been working in London with a two hour commute each way for 6 years. Over here 45 mins is a long commute. People wait for the green man at crossings here..even when there's no traffic! At first I was incredulous now I'm trying to calm down a bit, life doesn't have to be such of a rush it's nice to stop for a few minutes and take stock! We've spent so much more time outdoors since being here at National Parks and the beach etc. I don't think I'll ever get used to having parrots in the trees and roos in the fields. Amazing. I went with my other half for a wander at the golf club whilst he played 18 holes as it's a national park too. There were galahs and parrots on the greens. Beautiful. He's joined a golf society there already which is great as he's looking for work so hasn't had any other male company since getting here. This also means I've got Saturdays largely to myself so he dropped me in Subi (everywhere and everything is shortened - a glass of orango juice anyone - seriously) yesterday morning. Farmers market is amazing, farmer jacks is fab - I love the food scene in London and was worried I wouldn't find it here. God knows what I was worried about there was no need. And the station markets is the place to go for fruit and veg, oh and lychee snow cones. Addicted. The fruit and veg is fab, cheaper than supermarkets and makes you feel like more of a community. Off I wandered after this thinking I'd get the train back to the city but then realised I had all day to do what I wanted so why rush back? So I walked home via King's Park where i sat with my watermelon and the paper overlooking the city. Fab! So whilst I haven't got a permanent job and nor has my other half these things make us realise it's worth fighting for and accepting we'll probably have to go in to the workplace at a lower level than we're used to but our home experience will hopefully help us work up quickly. The fast food is KFC, Hungry Jacks (Burger King) and Maccas if you want it but why would you when for the same price you can get teryaki chicken and rice or noodles etc. We're still learning the places to go and there are tonnes in the city. I'll stop wittering on about food now although it's my passion. TFN, Medicare, drivers licence We registered online for medicare the day we got our PO Box address. Haven't arrived yet. We went into the city with our passports etc (tip carry these on you at practically all times for the first few weeks you never know when you might need them), filled in the forms, had them processed and got the auto print outs but are awaiting the cards. You can't get get medicare without your passport and you can't get your driving licence changed without Medicare evidence so the little print outs are handy in the interim. Phones... Beware, if your phone is unlocked and you're thinking of bringing it here make sure it is unlocked for worldwide usage as ours weren't. Also if you're on T-Mobile or Orange make sure this is done in the UK or you'll have a nightmare doing it in Oz. Only they can unlock iPhones - no one and I mean no one else can do it for these networks. I bought mine off a friend so he sorted it for me but in the interim we had a dual sim little nokia that was fab. $50 but will be handy to have when friends come to stay. We haven't tried to get contracts but I'm dreading it although by then we should have a credit rating etc. We bought post paid (pay as you go) sims for phones but you get better if you get a pay as you go prepaid sim as you get more for the same money. We got the sims the day after we arrived but we were told we couldn't get the pre paid ones without a confirmed address - PO Box not allowed and evidence of medicare. We had this by the time we wanted a dongle for our new apartment. (Luckily the B&B had wifi) So we went with our passports, a copy of our lease agreement,a copy of our medicare and a copy of our bank statement. They have to do a credit check - even for pay as you go mad I know. But it was referred as we have no credit history. All you have to prove was that you have at least $1000 in your account which we did. So we left all that info with them - no other choice and it still wasn't accepted as the bank statement wasn't stamped...???!!! Bejesus. So this is what you need to get a prepaid sim pay as you go - a stamped bank statement of an account with at least $1000 dollars in it, evidence of your home address, passports and medicare. God knows what they'll want for a contract...blood???!!! Banks... We registered with a bank before we left and transferred our money which worried my other half immensely as you can't log in to internet banking until you'bve activated your account when you arrive. We arranged an appt two weeks before we arrived. All sorted. Advice..... The only advice I have for these first few weeks other that what I've learnt from above is...make sure you get your Visa put into your passport. So many people have asked to see it. Even job agencies! We're lucky we're here on PR visas as a lot of agencies haven't wanted to talk to us until we specified and later proved this - also put it on your CV makes a huge difference. For things like changing your driving licence they can get confirmation within 48 hpurs vby fax but why bother when it can all be done and evident in your passport before you leave? So we're still very new, have loads to learn and more ups and downs to experience. Fingers crossed for the job front although I was secretly loving being able to say I was the main breadwinner for three days but felt bad for my other half when I was telling him about how companies apparently generally provide all tea and coffee - real coffee not instant at work. My place even had a bar and provided drinks for everyone on a Friday afternoon and pastries every morning!!!! I worked in London - everyone wrote their name on their own milk; someone even drew a line after each use to make sure no one was stealing their milk!!! Shopping... Last thing about food, I think I've written enough for now. I bought a whole fillet of beef today for $36 in farmer jacks..... OMG. Came home, trimmed it and cut it into ten steaks and the thin end saved for a stirfry. All in individual bags in the freezer. It is expensive here and make sure you bring as many vest tops, flip flops and clothes as you can. It's expensive here. But we're still living off the English pound and you can get a good deal on some things particularly if you search for it and follow the community you're in. (PS we were allowed 20kg each on the way here with Singapore airlines. I had 27kgs, my other half had 32 (he's a big girl) and his babies - also known as his golf clubs. No one even blinked. But the visa stamp may also have helped???) I'll update again when we hopefully have more news. Hope this helps. There are struggles but it's worth it and I know we're new but like I said I don't think I'll ever take the parrots for granted, the amazing sea, the beautiful national parks - oh and BTW the golf course which was gorgeous is public and owned by the local council...a different ballpark out here and cheaper than home. When it comes to money it's swings and roundabouts I think. And the beach is always free. Tell me the thought of standing in the Indian Ocean doesn't amaze you! Haha! PS No spiders yet!
  10. Hi All, I'm coming from Kent and we're looking to live NOR too! We land on 3rd and have a B&B booked for a week. That's it! So we're hitting the ground running. I've always been quite a planner but I've decided 30 is time to start flying by the seat of my pants haha! Good luck to you all too who are moving in the next few weeks and months and I'm looking forward to meeting you all! This time in three weeks I'll be in the air!!!! WOW! xx
  11. Hi All,I'm 30 and arrive on the 3rd of April. Am so excited but am worried about missing my girls! Would love to meet up when I arrive! xx
  12. Hi all, We arrive on 3rd April and don't know anyone in Perth! Would love to meet up after we arrive! x
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