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  1. Hi Guys, myself hubby and 2 kids are making the move in just under 4 weeks time, same situation as some, told hubbys family over 2 years ago about our plans to move to perth, they don't like talking about it! Made it very difficult for my hubby to carry on the the process of applying as they were so unsupportive, even though they like to tell us now how much they encouraged us, total joke. They hardly lifted a finger to help when we had to move out of our house or pack up the shipment, think they need to realise how selfish they are being sometimes. MIL threw a newspaper in my face a few months ago saying 'look there's someone else been murdered in Australia, do you really wanna take my grandchildren there' I realise it is hard for them but it is hard for us too and they are making it even harder! We are also from Ireland and my hubby just cannot get work so I know we are doing the right thing, he has been offered a job already with 2 different companies in Perth, we need to make a better life for our children.
  2. Hi we are flying out on 16th sep with Singapore airlines, safe flight
  3. Hi Guys, I am moving to Perth with my hubby and 2 kids in about 4 weeks, flying out on 16th sep. We're staying in Warbro for the first 4 weeks and we are hoping to find somewhere in the Baldivis area. We didn't do a reccie trip so it will be our fisrt time in Australia, very scary. My hubby is also an electrician and has already had a job offer with a lift an escalator company, they have a few vacancies, let me know if you want me to pm you? Good luck everyone xx
  4. Hi Guys I am moving to Perth with my family in about 5 weeks time on a PR, I was wondering if any of you lovely people have suffered with hidradenitis suppurativa and if so did the condition get better or worse when you moved to a hotter climate; and also what is the treatment like over there for this condition. I am fairly new to this site so apologies if I have posted in the wrong section. Thanks
  5. Hi my name is Amy, originally from Wolverhampton, but livi ng in Dublin the last 9 years with my husband Michael who is Irish, and our 2 children, aged 6 and 3. We are coming over in September on a PR visa and will be starting off in Warnbro.
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