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lisa jayne

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  1. Hi Lauren, apologies, writing here on behalf of daughter! Ems 18 weve been out here nearly 10 months, enjoying it but still working on the social life, if your still looking for contacts, reply and will get Em to message you back
  2. Hi, I know its totally embarressing me replying (and she'll hate me for it) but my daughter is 17 and going through the same thing, is there a way we can get you two chatting? FB? email? we live in Mandurah and shes at Tafe but everyone on the course is alot older so shes missing out on a social life!
  3. Hi, were in the same boat, have been here a while but still finding it difficult to meet friends, like you say alot depends on your work environment! weve got a a 12 yr old who has settled right in and a 17yr old (very soon 18) whose finding it harder, really could do with meeting people of similiar age group, were in halls head so not far from you and would love to meet upsome time? lisa
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