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  1. Hi there, we are flying with Singapore airlines in February with our two children 5 and 3. We only have a 55 minute stop. It is a different plane to Perth. Didnt think about it till reading these posts, what happens if our first plane is delayed? Do we have to go far once we get off our plane to get connecting flight? Thanks
  2. Just under 6 months for us..12 February! I'm more nervous about the bloody spiders than anything else. Silly I know. Got so much in between this time to take my mind of it lol my little boy starting school, getting married, Christmas and my little boys 5th birthday party week before we go.
  3. Hi Bal, we are staying in Tapping which is not far from Carramar and Jonnalup. Same as us we have friends in Iluka that offered for us to stay which was so nice but my hubby thinks it would be too much and best to stand on our own two feet. I am just hoping that is enough time to find somewhere. Tapping sounds great and the school is supposed to be great thats what made us decide to take the holiday home as makes more sense being in the area you think you might want to settle. When do you move? Ours is February which I'm sure will come round very quickly. So exciting!!!
  4. We go in February and they will be 5 and 3 by then. Think the am one will probably be better as they wont be tired from being up all day. If we stay in a hotel the night before near airport we will hopefully be refreshed before the long flight:) and it lands in the day in Perth too as totally agree with you thesteels first impressions really matter. Just booked our holiday home for when we get there for a month. Didnt think it would be so hard to make a decision as you want it to be right. Now that and the flights are booked can just look forward to our adventure
  5. Hey everyone, we are booking our flights today and just wondered if anyone that has flown with small children can help? Do you think its better to fly in the morning or late at night?
  6. We also got our visa granted this week after a long 19 month wait. Congratulations everyone. We are going in February with our two children. Will be 5 and 3 then. So nice to share the news with everyone going through same thing.
  7. Good luck with yours too as I see your at the same stage!!!
  8. Our agent sent a form to the CO which he said would of flagged up as activity as we just weren't getting any response from them. We have logged on to the system this morning and everything now says met!! EEEKKKK!!!! He said it will have now been passed to somebody who will give the final decision. I really hope it's soon!!! Its been such a long wait to get to this point. Thanks for your responses guys
  9. Hi, thanks for your reply DyLeB, we have a CO who requested us to provide further evidence of defacto relationship and the medicals and police checks. The medicals have come up online as finalised but the CO hasnt updated any information for ages even though they have had defacto and police checks for ages. Guessing they will update it all together. Do you get an email for the final answer or do they directly contact your agent first? Thanks again!
  10. Hi everyone, We lodged a 176 visa a very long time ago now We passed the ilets, got state sponsorship and then lodged main application at end of June last year. We did our medicals on the 1st June and they were lodged a few weeks ago. We still haven't heard from them and I just wondered if anyone could advise how long this last bit takes? It feels like this is the worst bit. But I guess we are nearly there after a long 18 months. Thanks everyone!!
  11. I'm so glad I'm not the only one feeling this way. It's been one of the hardest things I've gone through. We had our medicals this morning and I found it very traumatic. Guess just more of a waiting game and more sleepless nights.
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