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Everything posted by SarahJayne

  1. Hey Girls, Im 26, am from just outside of London
  2. Heey We are all organised now ok so all we need now is numbers Price is $150 (may be less if we get more people) 26th April 10-5 (pick up and drop off at train station) breweries, wineries and lunch included so whos coming? We also have regular meet ups so if you would like to get to meet some new friends we would love you to come along
  3. Hey guys We are working on the date at the moment, should have it all confirmed by the end of the day Im not sure about children, I will check with the company for you
  4. Gutted that i missed this, when is the next one
  5. Heeeey Im sarahjayne, recently moved over to be with my aussi bf and lacking in the friends department. Im originally from just outside London, mid 20s (maybe late 20s haha) love beach days, bbqs, alcohol. Haha i feel this is turning into a lonely heart advert Would love to also meet up with some new people Am also currently organising a swan valley wine tour meet up, if anyone is interested
  6. Hey girlies, would love to meet up with your guys also, im living in leederville and with an aussi Am also currently organising a swan valley wine tour meet up, if anyone is interested
  7. 26th April Swan valley tour - meet new friends, get tipsy and have some lunch We can also find one that includes beers for those who aint that much into wine Once we have some numbers we can work out the details (times, location, prices etc) This is also posted else where, if anyone is interested let me know
  8. Hey girls Im Sarah 27 years old and originally from Bedfordshire. I came over with friends on a working holiday visa but they have now all gone so I'm just here now with the Aussi bf, looking to make some friends i actually created a poms meet up page on Facebook that your welcome to join, there are now over 200 people and we have regular meet ups - my name on fb is Sarah-Jayne Nolan if you wanna add me
  9. Heey Im from bedfordshire and now living in Leederville You guys should join the poms meet up page on facebook, we have lots of different meet ups all over the place, just search 'Poms in Perth - meet ups'
  10. We have a large group of us on Facebook with lots of meet ups join our group. Just search poms in Perth - meet ups
  11. Hey Im SJ, 27 from outskirts of London
  12. Hey I'm Sarah, I'm also looking to meet new people Join the Perth poms meet up page on fb and we can all start organising some meet ups? https://m.facebook.com/groups/1458581221059371
  13. Hey I'm Sarah, I'm also looking to meet new people Join the Perth poms meet up page on fb and we can all start organising some meet ups https://m.facebook.com/groups/1458581221059371
  14. Hey I'm Sarah, I'm also looking to meet new people Join the Perth poms meet up page on fb and we can all start organising some meet ups https://m.facebook.com/groups/1458581221059371
  15. Hey I'm Sarah, I'm also looking to meet new people Join the Perth poms meet up page on fb and we can all start organising some meet ups https://m.facebook.com/groups/1458581221059371
  16. Ah kool so let's arrange a get together, singles and couples all welcome shall we meet for a few drinks? Or ?
  17. Heey girlies we should arrange a couple meet up, iv arranged a few singles but would bd great to bring them along what u reckon? im Sarah-Jayne Nolan on fb with the kangeroo selfie pic ?
  18. Perfect haha, im also currently poor lol yeh il add you now im Sarah-Jayne Nolan with the kangeroo sign picci
  19. I'm def up for it, currently working all weekends at the mo tho sorting a mon-fri job at the min
  20. Heey where you meeting ? What you doing? If I'm not working then yeh I'm up for it
  21. Hey im due to move over to Perth on monday, love to make some new friends. your welcome to add me on fb also. my name is Sarah-Jayne Nolan - my profile pic is of me in a doorway in India
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