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  1. Hi frosties.... My 18 year old is doing great and settled in really well, she was the one I was most worried about, she is very quiet but started tafe 3 weeks ago and is loving it, she has made two or three really good friends from day one there and this week has managed to get herself a little weekend job at hungry jacks, so I am sure she will meets lots more friends there. All in all very good. The only one of mine that found it a bit more difficult is my 16 year old, he is very confident and wasn't worried about making friends, he has had to go back to school to do year 12 whereas he had finished school in the UK. But when he got there I think he thought everyone would chat to him but it wasn't like that, the first week or so not many people spoke to him and we had a few wobbly moments, where he pointed out that he had so many friends in the UK!!! But 3 weeks in and things are much brighter for him too. I think you son will be fine either working or at tafe, mine all got a bit bored in the first few weeks as we arrived during school holidays but now they are meeting people it is all good.
  2. Just seen this thread..... We arrived 1st January!!!! So nearly 8 weeks here now, we are loving it. Kids are all settled in schools now, I have 5 children 18, 16, 12, 9, & 5 and living NOR in Ridgewood x
  3. You are right there probably is some reason as to why!! Just me being impatient lol!! Very impatient! I have called them every day since Friday, I am probably getting on their nerves now lol. I have just emailed the estate agent back home tho to see if they can do me some sort of reference as to what condition our house was in and if they were satisfied with the settlement of our fees directly after the sale. So hopefully that will help and I will add in the brochure of our house too x
  4. Thank you everyone, I am definitely going to put in our brochure of the house we sold as the pictures on that show what good condition it was in and we was there for 12 years!! I might email the agent too who sold it for us and see if they can do some sort of reference for us. Thank you for the few pointers here as some I hadn't done so will try that.... You never know we may even hear back about the other one maybe tomorrow. Maybe I am expecting too much but just thought that if they want to rent the property they would let us know one way or the other rather soonish. As far as what the agent told us no one else had even looked at the property!!
  5. Hi, I know a lot of people have trouble renting but was wondering if anyone can give me any tips or even better if anyone has a 4x2 to rent in northern suburbs around quinns rocks, butler, mindarie anywhere around that area!! I admit we have only been here two weeks but have viewed so many houses....... Each one we have been to have so many people turning up to viewings, that I feel we have no chance!! We finally found one at we went to which was a private viewing, no one else had seen it but us, so although it was exactly what we were looking for we decided to go for it as thought we would have more of a chance with it!! We out the application in on Wednesday, spoke to the agent on Thursday and was told they had contacted all of our references that were all fine, I supported our application with bank statements to prove we had the funds available to pay rent ( up front if required ). The agent told us that they are now waiting on the approval of the owner...m it seems to be taking a long time and what I am worried about now is that I have 5 children so worrying that this is going to put potential landlords off!! My children are 18, 16, 12, 9 and 5, so yes a lot of children but would this really put landlords off. We have just sold our house in the UK and it was immaculate, yes it got untidy but was in perfect condition when we left..... But as I said my fear now is that we will not be accepted because people worry their property will get ruin which really isn't the case. Can none give me their views. I am in such a predicament because we have been staying with friends since we got here, which is so lovely of our friend but with seven of us I don't want to outstay our welcome as you can imagine with 12 people in the property it's a bit hectic lol!!
  6. We used go Matilda, they were very very good, had no problems at all and they are very highly recommended by many people on here.
  7. Hi we have booked our flights to arrive in perth 1st January and wondered if anyone can give any recommendations for car hire, I have been trailing through many websites and not sure about good ones, bad ones etc...... We need a people mover as there are 7 of us but the websites I am looking at either do not seem to have any available or I am not sure if they are a reputable company!!
  8. it made a difference when we were looking, 2 months ago, I could get the flights for £4200.00 approx ( there are seven of us) but we had to wait for completion of our house before we could book, we booked last Tuesday to fly on New Year's Eve which was one of the cheaper days to go and it had gone up to £5400.00!!!
  9. Thank you for your reply, she doesn't have A levels, she went straight to college when she finished year 11 here instead of staying on in sixth form, she only has gcse's which is why she was doing two years at college to get the qualifications she needed to go onto uni, I have looked up the bachelor of education which she needs to do for four years, but I am confused as to what pathway she needs to take to get into uni due to not having done A levels.
  10. Hi just wondering if anyone can help me with tafe courses, we are due to land in perth in January, my daughter is 18 and wants to do primary school teaching, she completed a cache (childcare nvq level 2) course in the UK at college, had we been staying here she would have gone on to complete an nvq 3 in childcare and then onto university to do teacher training. I need to get her enrolled into a course in perth to start February but we are so confused looking through all the courses. We are looking at the west coast institute and there are a number of courses for example certificate III, certificate IV and also diplomas and advanced diplomas, I have no idea what she needs to do. There is then options of childrens services or education which all look like they are possibly what she needs. Is there anyone that can help or maybe someone else that has gone down this route to become a primary teacher. Any help would really be appreciated x
  11. Hi did you get any further info for your question?? My son was born with a cleft lip and palate and I was so worried about what this would mean for our medicals, I contacted great ormond street hospital where my son had his treatment before we went for medicals which were on 30th may..... They just outlined in the letter what treatment my son had had since birth( he is 16 now) and pointed out that there is no more treatment needed and that all is well. When we saw the doctor for our medicals, she asked us one by one if we had had any hospital treatment..... So I told her about my son, she had a look in his mouth at the repair and said there would be no problem..... She did however say that our meds may still be referred as the computer will automatically categorised his meds as a B because he had had some treatment in the past but she did say that it wouldn't be a problem and as far as she was concerned if she had the choice she would categorise him as an A. We still don't know if ours have been referred or not but she said it will depend on the medical officer the other end who picked ours up, as to if he is in a good mood or not lol!! she put a note on saying no problem and we had the letter from the hospital so she is hoping they will go straight through. Either way it won't be a problem but if referred could take up to 3 months to get a grant. But if her letter and hospital letter were enough will go straight through.
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