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Everything posted by Andyrob

  1. Hi. Sorry I should have updated the post, the last of my stuff went yesterday. Thanks for enquiring tho. Andy
  2. Just to boost this again. I still have some stuff left. Queen size bed $800 Bedroom furniture $300 Men's bike $250 Woman's bike $50 Dishwasher $100 21" TV $100 Will also accept reasonable offers for things. I need it gone by the 5th March Hope all you amazing people can help!!
  3. To be honest Phil, I'm going back because of work. Been looking for a job here for 3 months and getting nothing at all back. So I'm just burning through cash. Scotland is doing quite well at the moment, not suffered as much as the rest of the UK. And the oil & gas side has never halted. It's only going to get bigger in that market as they keep discovering new reserves. If the independence goes through, there may be a few bumps along the way, but I believe Scotland would come out the other side a better and more economically stable country because of it. The winters will be a shock to the system though - not looking forward to that!!
  4. Anyone know of any cheap companies for steam cleaning of carpets at the end of a lease? I have 5 rooms needing cleaned and the damn agents want an invoice for it, even though I can get a cleaning machine for free to do it myself!!
  5. Its a Rinnai Avenger 25. Great heater with a double timer setting
  6. Just to update, a lot of stuff is gone Still have a few items left: bed and bedroom furniture 2 bikes - $250 / $50 dish washer - $100 tumble drier - $100 microwave - $180 21" tv - $100 nespreso coffee machine - $250 gas heater - $300
  7. I leave on the 9th of March. But a lot of the furniture can go before then
  8. Oh I also have a couple of cars I need to get rid of - a 2011 Hyundai i30 and a 2011 Hyundai i45
  9. I'm moving back to Scotland soon, and selling everything in my house. Ive got a fully furnished 4 bed at the moment, and need to get rid of the lot. Lounge furniture, beds, sofas, dining set, appliances, garden equipment - everything you could need. Some of it is advertised on Gumtree but it's proving quite slow there. Happy for people to come round and view what I've got, or I can send photos if you want to see something in particular. Its all fairly new stuff - oldest is 2 years, up to a queen size ben which is only 6 months old. PM me if interested Andy
  10. Yeah there is a shop on site, small one at the moment but a bigger one coming. Sells drinks, food, toiletries, newspapers - all that kinda thing
  11. Hey Edd RDO is Rostered Day Off. You can only work 13 days straight, so every 2nd Sunday is an RDO. The flight is about 2.5-3 hours out of Perth, as it's Fauker 50's they are using until Onslow airport is upgraded. Once they get better planes running should be about 2 hours. Andy
  12. Hi Eddy. I'm going back to your original post here, in terms of the camp itself. I work on the Wheatstone Project - we are building the camp, and I was heavily involved with the design team (I'm Perth based, but know the camp inside out and have been up a couple of times). The camp is pretty decent. The biggest philosophy asked for by the client was to change the perception of FIFO camps. The final village (it's about 1/3 complete at the moment) has plenty facilities. Lots of BBQ areas, sports field, tennis courts etc, 2 gyms, recreation centres and taverns (though you are only allowed 4 drinks per night), a shop and there's a medical centre too. There's a huge diner, and the food is good if the fly camp is anything to go by. The rooms are reasonable - single ensuite with TV (Foxtel), Internet and phone. There's also a running track that runs round the outside. They do excursions on RDO's to some of the local areas. You can leave stuff up there when you are on R&R - there's a luggage storage building so you just pack what you want to leave and drop it off - then get it back when you get there. It's a good project, who will you be working for? Andy
  13. Andyrob


    Does anyone know a dentist in Perth who will take a tooth out under general anaesthetic? Big girl I know, but it's the only way I can do it!!
  14. I have a novated lease, and I'm delighted with it. It was really straight forward to sort out, and the best thing is that I know that I don't need to find the money for fuel, servicing, rego etc as its all included. Fully maintained is the way to go, as it gives the biggest tax saving in your pretax contributions. It is possible for you to novate a second car, but only if your employer agrees to it. You can have someone like Smartsalary source the car for you and try to get a deal, or you can go to the dealer yourself and negotiate. The latter is how I did it, and he offered me a $6500 discount from the list price straight up. Then I sent the paperwork to Smartsalary and my employer, and collected the car around a week later. Really simple. Smartsalary (I never looked into any others, as my employer has a set-up with them already) can also include some other handy extras. Their insurance is fully comp for any driver. They give breakdown, extended warranty, tyre and rim insurance, and also a good discount on scratch / chip repairs. All in all, delighted. I know there is a payment at the end, but they have to set these realistically under the conditions of novated leasing to ensure that the future value of the car is covered. And I will trade in when my lease is up and novate again Hope this helps
  15. Depending on the visa you come out on, it can be costly. My ex-partners son was autistic, and we had to pay the extra costs for the assistance. He was in an educational support centre attached to one of the mainstream schools, in Canning Vale. Was an excellent place though, and the support was first class
  16. Andyrob

    Car ownership

    Haha oooops indeed. Well if they want it back, they can always come over to oz lol
  17. They sent me a letter yesterday. Just giving me a gentle reminder that I have 10 demerits (and listed them all too!!) and that if I get 2 more I get a ban. So helpful lol
  18. Andyrob

    Buying a car

    I bought from DVG. good deal, though the after sales service is a bit poor. What you looking for? I have another post here regarding a car I'm selling at the moment. Happy to negotiate terms lol
  19. Lol I have been trying. Really trying. And still I'm now on 10 demerits. Didn't see a speed limit change in the freeway and the sneaky cop was hiding behind a busy with a gun!! Aargh!
  20. Andyrob

    Buying a car

    I bought 2 recently. All the dealer asked for was a copy of driving license. Finance company wanted passport, driving license, copy of visa and proof of earnings. Andy
  21. Andyrob

    Spiders etc

    Been here 8 months. Have seen loads of snakes, but I worked in a rural area for a while. Never seen any in Perth. Loads of spiders too. Get lots of harmless ones in the house, but had it sprayed outside yesterday so that should help. Have quite a few redbacks in the garden, but tend to leave them be unless they make the webs right next to the doors or windows. I've had one spider but so far - don't know what it was as it but me in bed one night, but it wasnt a redback. Was some swelling and itching, and was gone in a week. Like everyone else, you think it's going to be killer snakes and spiders everywhere, but the reality is that the spiders won't kill you, and the snakes don't seem to come into the suburbs. Buy some insect killer when you get here, and you will be fine.
  22. Andyrob

    Car ownership

    You need permission from the finance company to take the car out the country for any longer than I think it's 30 days. It will be in your finance agreement. I guess if you can convince them that you will make the remaining finance payments there may be a chance they will allow it. But given your finance will be secured against the car then I wouldn't be that hopeful that they are going to allow you to take the security asset for the finance to the other side of the world (that is assuming that your finance is HP or lease type arrangement secured against the car) However if you financed it via a personal loan, then this is not tied to the car. So you can bring the car over if you want to - the loan company have no claim on the vehicle
  23. It depends on which company you go through. I know that smart salary will let you sort the car and finance yourself, provided that the finance company will meet there conditions (there are only 2 and they are to do with the repayments). But if your finance is approved but not paid out doesn't mean you need to go through with it - worth getting a quote elsewhere at least. If you are straight out financing then a lease may well work out cheaper per month. The only real condition with the novate lease I found was that the lease has to end 2 months before my visa expires (ie my lease is 3 years 10 months) but didn't bother me as I am going for residency anyway. Regards Andy
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