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  1. Nice one Andy! Well deserved after all this time!
  2. I agree Andy that it is unfair - there needs to be more transparency particularly in terms how they prioritise and medicals being referred. People spend so much money and are making life changing decisions! I have everything crossed for you and hope that you will hear something soon.
  3. VISA RECEIVED TODAY! 5 weeks and two days from submitting application. No word from CO, all nice and straight forward. Feel very lucky!
  4. Hi Just thought I would join this thread as it is one I have been obsessively tracking and counting the weeks of everyones progress. I am very impatiently waiting! Dawnf - looks like I am a week behind you as we lodged on 15th July. Am going to chase for CO next Monday as this is my 5 week mark but from your conversation looks like CO allocation is more like 6/7 weeks now which I guess is to be expected with the influx of applications.
  5. That's great - you are going to be busy! Let me know your experiences with meetings and interviews and fingers crossed you get something soon.
  6. Hi alant, Sorry I didn't reply sooner - not used to participating with these threads. We are still waiting for visa, applied on 15th July so I am hoping to hear soon! Will figure out how to put up timeline after this post. I registered with a few recruitment agencies a few weeks ago and Michael Page sent me an e mail asking if they could call me for a chat. It was really useful as the agent told me a bit about the job market and expected salary. If you are still looking I would recommend getting in touch with them as I was impressed that they contacted me even though I am still in UK. Sounds like it is competitive for Management Accountants but he said I should be ok as have good experience and CIMA qualification is recognised. He said he had over 100 applications for one job over a weekend though! Good luck with your search - not long until you arrive - how exciting!
  7. Hi, Sorry can't offer any advice but the thread caught my eye as I am also a Management Accountant and wondered about trying to get a job before arriving. Our visa application has just been done by agent yesterday and hoping it will be quick! Have you been applying through agencies or direct to companies? How long did your visa take?
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