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Everything posted by odies

  1. odies


    Travelchic, lovely to hear from you again xxx hope you feel great again soon x
  2. It is wanted down under revisited , starting today, I am sure we have a pp poster on one of these programmes, so be nice.
  3. not sure where Warnbro area is, is it north or south
  4. I know we are bringing everything, hubby will not part with stuff easy. That is half the problem furniture is right for this house but until its in it's place in the oz house you never know. My head is full of what to each room and what each room will be for etc etc. I have been buying Portmerion, worcester and moorcroft as I may never get it again, take it for granted in the potteries need a container for the crocks.
  5. thanks, thinking we may have to fly in for a holiday to validate the visa, then this would be a nice way to come for good, will have to see how it all pans out .
  6. it is 3am here can not sleep, the snow has not stopped yet, really deep, hubby woke me to say glad we do not have the newspaper rounds to do. very pretty though
  7. my son normally goes with all the extended family around mar/april to Bussleton he loves it.
  8. wondering why is it the same price on flights if you book return or one way ?
  9. I am sure when I have flight booked we will all be there Dom , at least I hope so, feel as if I know everybody can not wait.
  10. snowing here and estate agents closed, good first day , not
  11. I really fancied a cruise, starts at Southhampton goes over to USA, Panama canal, Carribean, over to New Zealand then on to Oz.
  12. got annoyed with todays programme and switched off, dare not write my thoughts.
  13. wanted to open champers Coco but hubby thought I was mad xxx rang everyone going to be a busy few weeks xx
  14. thanks Nikki, long road well travelled, the end is near now, the house has the sign up and gone on the internet today. They say this wkd should be busy, hope so x
  15. thanks Lou, big catch up and hug x
  16. Freedom, Harvey Norman, good guys,super a mart, lots more. but we are shipping.
  17. according to the link from Porty , you are right, tues the day to book
  18. thanks Nikki, I think big meet up coming xx
  19. just had a look for 17th April, Etihad is £445 and Emirates £800 ??? and business is £6k ??? may just leave it until after the wkd.
  20. boys will be boys, but glad all ok
  21. I know , births , birthdays, christmas etc etc. about I moved there , he he
  22. Yes Perth here we come, we have a house in Jindalee north about 15 mins in the car from our son and his family. looking forward to walks along the "prom" .Where are you headed ?
  23. We have visited Perth 14 times before making the decision to retire in the sun.
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