Really, I must be thick I hadn't put you together. All the best and enjoy Tapping, go to Drovers coffee and Chipmunks, all my family were there for Australia day in SIL pool, xx
The house goes on the market tomorrow, the visa money goes in the post tomorrow, the family are getting excited in Oz, the family in Norfolk bit unsure, they seem to be upset, not sure. We have to validate by 22nd April hubby very quiet.
Loved todays programme , Hope he moves and becomes a doctor he seemed so nice. Lovely family too. Loved the 3rd house and the views around Kings Park, nice for Aussi day
Rossy nothing to do with being racist, it is a decision each person should be able to make when buying or eating the products, esp.with how the animals are killed.
Does anyone know anything about the senior health card ? How much is means tested etc etc. I believe there are 2 different kinds ? Will we get free bus/train passes ?
thank goodness, the thread is being more realistic, I have even had to ring son to check will I be able to survive on my pension after reading how much money is needed.
And Porty, i like your style.
happens everywhere unfortunately, but also remember there is very little news in WA, everything is bigger than what it actually is to find something to write about.