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Everything posted by odies

  1. I take it that the rental is awful ?
  2. One of them only waited 2 months , keep trying and good luck
  3. Quinns Rock school, however if you can afford send to Peter Moyes as they do.
  4. Jason, I had a travel around yesterday, personally I would stick to Quinns, new Clarkson,Butler. not sure on the schools but Quinns Rocks seems to be the favourite school by a couple of teachers we know.I went to find the Butler train station also , it is nearer to Eden Beach and Trinity than the front of Butler I was surprised how far up it was, you turn by the new Masters on Marmion Ave if you are looking at a map.Just in case you are travelling by train it is around 25 mins to the cbd from there. I have to say although all new and smaller plots it looks nice up there.
  5. no inside info, but put mine in june 2013 it came jan 2015, it comes via email to send the money , then visa sent. I had the money ready. I know a couple of ladies who are still waiting at 18 months.
  6. welcome to Perth, lovely post Laura , so pleased for all of you , ENJOY
  7. Well the Dome in Butler has a perth pom person who owns it, there is a playground which is good by it also. A good swim school in Merriwa for the children. There is a nice cafe/ restaurant called Portifinos in Quinns which has a playground too. Of course there is a lovely walk as you are in the middle to walk along the beach to Jindalee or the other way to Mindarie Marina. There seems a lot going on for winter if you catch the train to Perth, ice rink etc. I will be meeting up with Annjean , on here, soon just waiting for this virus to leave the house, we are older than you but I am sure a coffee and natter will be ok , and not to boring for you.
  8. yes Ann, it has been to long, but let us all get over this bug first, seems to take a week after it first hits anyone,one gets it then another etc.
  9. other than everyone down with this bug, we are doing great Dom, the car is on the road now, we have told the rental people to look for somewhere else, we are starting to enjoy ourselves, just finding money running through my fingers though.What you been up to, it is so quite now
  10. I know what you mean Domdom, but still here watching, where have you been ?
  11. finally we can drive our car, all done, thanks for everyones help. The price of insurance and car tax has killed off any good feeling though, what a rip off towards the uk.
  12. just bought a Teac set top box , which even records vis a usb , for $60 and a hdmi cable for $20 and it works, THANKS, everybody
  13. thanks both of you, will have to go shopping as I cannot change to Germany.
  14. just found an old thread, I think I have the answer
  15. does anyone have any idea how to tune a uk tv to oz, we managed to pick ours up with the car , only we have tried everything normal to get the tv to work.any ideas helpful
  16. odies

    Here finally!

    we have our up and down days, hubby a little better, everyone trying to find things for him to do, I think a lot of it is boredom. he is looking forward to picking his car up today, thanks for asking x
  17. I told sgio it was a uk import about 5 times to make sure, they also have covered me via the vin number to travel while I have no rego. they were $150 cheaper for my car than Shannons. thanks both of you for your help so far.
  18. just been to a great party at inflatable world in Joondalup, everyone had a super time from 3 to 10 year olds, you can take your own food, though the kids just had a drink and a few nibbles with the birthday cake. The weather was better had a barbie in a park up north, with a play area, but the food cost looked a bit high. going to Atlantis at the weekend a playpark, you only pay for the kids but have to have there food. DIL always done parties at home for last 5 years however last year was a fabulous star wars party and ended up costing a fortune, food etc. plus dress up and decorations.enjoyed by everyone but not doing again.
  19. just paid $870 for $48k with basic excess, on a bmw x3 if that helps x
  20. thanks so much Laz, really helpful. we have gone with sgio told them it was an import, nearly fell over at the cost
  21. You were right Druid, went through to there head office and they do not do any imported cars. Sgio are the cheapest but double that of AAMI. they get you every way with this bringing your car to Oz.
  22. thanks Druid , just waiting for a call back to ask. Also why do you have to send off to niddrie for your Rego ? when it can be done in Joondalup. I have the car booked in at Welshpool tomorrow so fingers crossed.
  23. odies

    Here finally!

    welcome to Perth x
  24. great news Deb, more money now. xx
  25. just tried for car insurance, if it helps anyone if it is a car import and it is a normal car , ours is a BMW, we found AAMI will insure us and with no rego at the moment, this allows us to drive and not worry. The biggest plus the quote was half of Shannans and SGIO. We just update with the rego number when we have it.
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