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  1. Hi! I'm in the process of looking for mental health nursing jobs in WA and at present have only been looking at WA Health (who only seem to have pool recruitment available at the moment but that's a start so I shall still pursue that). Does anyone know of any private hospitals or settings that I could look in to? I've tried a few google searches but doesn't seem to be finding much unless I'm using wrong search criteria! Thank you!
  2. Hi! Whilst waiting for my PR visa (applied March) I have decided to start looking for a job again as an RMN (I did this previously when I was originally going to do a 457 and got placed in a 'pool' after interview but that pool closed in December). I see that the same jobs are still available and advertised as recruitment pool positions but that the selection criteria has changed a little. I understand the format for evidencing the criteria, but this time one of the questions ask for knowledge and experience of the 'Quality Improvement Cycle' and patient safety initiatives. I have found a 'strategic plan 2008 - 2013' for safety and quality in Healthcare (thats the most recent I can find) and could demonstrate knowledge of it and liken it to Quality Governance here in the UK but obviously I do not have any experience of the Australian Cycle. Please can anyone advise on this one? Many Thanks, Emma :smile2:
  3. Hi everyone, after a a little advice......so pleased as we are nearing the end of our process; skills assessment done/invited to apply/visa lodged/medicals and police checks done and just thought we were waiting for a decision until we got asked to do the character assessments. I thought these would be easy until I read the questions; DATE, MONTH & YEAR of holidays over the last 30 years, MONTH & YEAR of ALL working experiences since birth and MONTH and YEAR of ALL addresses since birth!! I'm totally stuck as I have absolutely no idea of holiday dates further than about 5 years back and we holiday every year to somewhere different. At nearly 40 years old both myself and husband have had many jobs (especially as teenagers and during studying years) and have also moved quite a lot. Please, what are others experiences of this form-will it be ok to put approximate dates and comment that we do not have accurate records of dates and if not how on earth do we get them?!!!! Only got 2 weeks left to get the forms in. Thank you!
  4. That's great, thank you for putting my mind at rest! I have everything all prepared except for my daughters and husbands passports which still haven't arrived yet, but should be able to get everything uploaded, submitted and paid in a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed all goes smoothly thanks again Lou
  5. Hi, well I'm very excited as I have finally arrived at the visa application stage, woohoo!! What I would like to ask people who've already done the 189 visa is about the 60 day time frame. The invitation states that I must submit my application within a 60 day period. Does this mean that I have to submit my application and get the police checks and health checks all done within the 60 days, or just submit my online application / upload certified documents within that time frame? Many thanks :smile2:
  6. Thanks so much everyone for your advice - really appreciate it, the process is really very complex once you start it with the various options and implications! I think I understand what you're saying about it being potentially difficult to secure alternative employment when changing from TR to PR, I guess it would look like I'd 'used' the original employer sponsor, which is understandable. I would like to think that once I have secured a position, that I will like them and they will like me (trying to look on the positive side!!) and therefore my main concern and reason for applying for PR would be securing residential status within the country (if all was well with job I would want to stay with them regardless of visa type) so it feels a little reassuring to know that I can apply for PR at any time with that in mind I am going to continue with my ANMAC skills assessment process anyway (I may not be successful at interview and then I'll definitely be doing the 190 route!) but does anyone know how long those results are valid for? Also, I read recently that Colin Barnett has said there will be no education fees for TR's now until 2015 - is this correct as that coupled with knowing now that we can access Medicare will also lighten the burden, and we would have hopefully got PR by the time 2015 comes around! Just want to get over there and give it my best shot; work hard at work and enjoy the country with my family when I'm not :smile2: thanks again everyone
  7. Hi! Have been on here a few times regarding RMN work in Perth and the application process and have been very grateful for the advice received so far. However, I have another dilemma! I was originally going to apply for the 457 visa (and applied for some jobs via this route) as this had been recommended. Following some advice from this site I looked in to it further, got myself an agent and started to pursue the 190 route (not just due to the fact that I'd have to stay with the same employer for up to 4 years but more worried about how much extra it would cost us to live with no access to medicare etc and the worry of what would happen if I lost my job - not sure what the rate of redundancies are like with public sector health in WA). Anyway, I am currently in the process of gathering transcripts etc together again as I previously did for AHPRA but this time for ANMAC as part of the skills assessment, when I receive an invitation for interview from one of the jobs I applied for via the employer sponsored visa. I am now very confused; if I am successful at interview should I take it on the 457 and hope that everything works out well over there or say no, go down the 190 route and hope I a)get a visa and b) can get a job? I'm sure I read on the Immi website that I cannot apply for permanent residency until I have worked for the employer for a minimum of 2 years, but I've seen posts on here that say you can do it within months (providing the employer agrees). If this is true and I am lucky enough to be offered the job then maybe I could negotiate this with the employer. We could probably manage financially for a short while on the temporary visa, but I just don't want to move my family to the other side of the world, then be made redundant and have to come all the way back again. Then again, we really want to go so a 457 offer would be tempting ............ confused and not sure what to do Any other nurses out there who've gone on 457 visas (with families) and been ok??
  8. Hi guys! I'm getting so confused!! After the above advice (thank you - seems to make sense) I started to look at the 170 (only reason I was going the 457 route was because that's what I was advised was my best option) and decided to contact an migration specialist to make it a little easier. I'm now confused and worried that actually I won't be able to do the 170....mainly because of the cost. In addition to being told the visas will cost a whopping £3000 for me,hubby and young daughter (and that they are due to increase again next month) I've also been told that the lengthy and costly process I went through with AHPRA has got to be repeated all over again but this time for ANMAC for the skills assessment. I'm so disappointed as that stage took me ages and cost a fortune getting documents notarised, not to mention how long it took for the university to arrange a transcript (2 months just for the transcript) plus the fees for NMC confirmation, references, etc. I can't believe I will have to do all this again - is there no way AHPRA can forward confirmation? Feeling very sad
  9. Hi Ali, sorry me being a bit thick-which one do you mean, the 457? If so what do you recommend? The only other one I know a little about is the 189. Do you think it would be better to get that first and then look for jobs from the UK? Thanks Ali-I appreciate all the advice, this site is so useful
  10. Hi Ali, not really, well not right now anyway as I don't want to eat in to our 'Australia fund'. Yes, my AHPRA eligibility is to be activated by July 2014 so my reason for previous question was because I'm thinking that as that date gets close, maybe I should either think about looking for a fixed term position or applying for a 189 and coming over so I can activate it. If I did that it would be another 6 months down the line and we'd have more savings so could cope without work for a short while. I like the suggestion about contacting hospitals direct, just finished a 3 night stint so it'll make no difference staying up late tonight to make a phone call!! Thanks again for your advice. Bye bye from a sleepy Emma
  11. Hi, I don't have a visa - I am looking for an Employer Sponsored Visa (457) as I was recommended to try this route (it also seems like a safer option re.having a job to go to). I would consider the 189 as a last resort but as I mentioned I don't really want to put my family in the stressful situation of having no income and limited savings in a new country in case it took too long to find a job. What route did you do? I saw your dates (pretty quick!) but wasn't sure of some of the abbreviations!! ☺ QUOTE=Chardy;73873]What visa do you have ?
  12. Hi! I've wanted to move to Australia for so many years and I guess that now Im actively trying I just want it to happen......quickly!!! I will just be patient though and keep trying. I was talking to someone at WA health the other day and they said that although the Fiona Stanley is due to be ready by the end of this year, they won't be putting staff in till this time next year (my AHPRA will have expired by then) so I was wandering - with regard to the fixed term contracts, what's your view on doing that in order to get there and then looking for further employment for when the contract ends (and whether there is a visa that allows that to happen-we want to go and stay and not have to come back!) ?
  13. Evening all (or morning to perth!!) I'm probably going to be told that I haven't been waiting very long at all but all I think about daily is getting to Perth so it seems like forever! I'm a mental health nurse and I've been looking for work in Perth for nearly 3 moths now and not heard a thing from anyone. I've got my AHPRA reg, a good degree and nearly 3 years experience plus some lovely references from my employers. I got some great advice from WA health here in the UK and a lovely lady on here called Ali, who both advised on how to complete applications and address the selection criteria element. I'm feeling a little disheartened but still very determined, as after going to an emigration expo was led to believe that it takes on average 3 months from job application to arrival (however this was a recruitment company who took all my details and haven't contacted me in over 2 months now). Is it just really slow or am I not looking in the right places/doing something wrong? I have been told by WA health that as I'm here and not there, and don't have a visa I won't even be looked at unless they cannot fill vacancies with Australians (which is fair enough but as I've only seen 4 jobs with WA Health I'm guessing its highly unlikely that they won't be able to fill them with Australians). I've also looked on job sites at some private hospitals in and around Perth but no vacancies. Want to be in Oz ?any advice? (Do not want to risk going without a job as I have a family to think about and wouldn't want to put that sort of financial strain on them).
  14. Hi Ali, thanks ever so much that's really helpful-it sounds like putting in to writing the sorts of thing that we'd normally discuss during a face to face interview over here (which I guess is understandable for an prospective employer to want up front when the potential employee is so far away!!!) many thanks, I appreciate your advice and will post again with an update of progress!
  15. I've just been granted my Nursing registration (RMN) with AHPRA (woohoo!!!) and have forwarded my CV to an agency over in Oz and have also contacted WA health (UK contact) requesting advice. I have been told that I need to include with my CV a description of my day to day responsibilities and clinical skills (from all of my nursing positions held so far) being specific about the types of cases I have handled. I have read other threads about doing statements to accompany job applications but this request is not in response to a specific job (and therefore no competency criteria to match specifically) - so not quite sure how to go about it and what to include as they don't want it to just read like a job spec. Can anyone offer any advice, such as how much should I write roughly for each job? I'd really appreciate any advice :smile2: thank you
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