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Hi Guys,


Does anyone have any knowledge of Bassendean. It seems to have retained its charm and is within easy commute of the CBD which is very important as I do not want to go back to the days of living in the UK where I had a long commute each way to work. TIA Lorraine

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I live just down the road in an ajoining suburb.


Good points :-

15 mins to the city on the train.

Near to Tonkin, so it's quick to get South (via Roe) or North (via Reid).

Morley has a big shopping complex (Coles/Woolworths/Myer etc.).

Big dog park at Bayswater on the river.

Beauford St in Maylands had resturants, cafes and the Astor Theatre (for comedy, concerts, shows).


Bad points :-

It's 30 mins to the beach on a weekend.

Can be under the flightpath for the airport (usually over Guildford, but wind dependant).

I've heard there is/was a problem with the indigenous population (drinking, fighting, stealing). Not sure if it's still an issue.

Railway Parade, Beauford St & Guildford Road are a pain to drive down (lights, traffic, pedestrians) to get to the city.


Inbetween points :-

The areas seem a lot less White/English, more of a Asian/Eastern European mix. With quite a few Okkas/Skippys thrown in.

Mix of old shacks on big plots, and sub divided plots with new houses. Still possible to get over 500m of land (which you can't really in Vic park or Maylands).

Wrong side of Bayswater to have any impact on extra train that may eventually run to the airport if the government pull their fingers out (They are going Perth -> Bayswater, and then down the Tonkin I believe)

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We looked at Bassendean but were put off by unsavory elemets hanging round shops etc, i also hear it was quite rough and had high level of home invasions. So we discounted it plus we wanted to be closer to the city, dog parks etc

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Guildford has some real character and charm, good Thai, nice place for a poke around the odd shops, on the train line so easy to get to Perth and CBD. Don't know what mix of people live there but looks expensive in parts. We're in the hills so Kalamunda etc but puts you further from the sea if that's important to you. My personal choice is to avoid the northern suburbs, little England in a lot of places. Previous poster is right about the dog park along the river, several entrances along Guildford road, bbq's, picnic spots, open space on the river, cafe etc dogs can swim in the river nice spot

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Sorry, but what are Okkas and Skippys?


I'd just like to preface this with a "none of the below is ment as racist". I'm just explaining the terms.


They are terms along the lines of Pom, Paki, Wop, Wog etc. It's a term for anglo saxon whites, but have been in Aus for a few generations.


Skippy is from the TV show which usually included blonde haired australian kids.

Okka is a term for something "truely Australian". Think Mick Dundee, he's "Okka".



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Just an addition to Bibbs' post - the other spelling you may see is 'ocker' (rather than okka). Someone who's ocker will wear short footy shorts and will have a broad Australian drawl, and use terms like 'she's lower than a snake's belly' and 'yous' as the plural of 'you' ('Do yous guys want another beer?'). Mick Dundee is a good example :)

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Guildford is really nice but its on the flight path big time and the traffic can be heavy. Theres a beautiful estste just outside called Waterhall i think which we lovedbut we needed to be able to walk to the train and it was just that bit to far (plus through feilds) its also quite pricey for being so far out the city.

Agreed the northern burbs are super full of poms which isnt my thing, we moved away from england so going to an all english pub seems soemwhat odd to me !

Maylands is ok, Mt Lawley is nice but high level of home invasions due to the affulent area but tis nice and great shops and cafes. Bayswater is also nice and morley is ok ive heard to.

So many places to chose from ! We took 18 months to buy a place but rented in Burswood until we found our spot :)

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Hi Guys, Thanks very much. The beach is not high on our list. We live 2kms from the beach now here in Spain and after 8 years the novelty has worn off. We are more concerned about living in a decent area with like minded people and with an easy commute to the CBD. We started looking at the East due to the river and the walks with the dogs etc. We are also looking at Ashfield, Morley and Bayswater.

We are defo not looking for an ex pat domain. We live in an ex pat area now and would like to avoid that again:rolleyes:


I agree that there are so many places to choose from. I am trying to draw up a short list of areas before we get there. We will only have a month in a short term let to find an area that we like and then rent a home. I can see us driving round like headless chickens at the moment:wacko:

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if your by the river in bassendean it will be expensive , but there are some nice houses in a lovely location near the river , woodbridge [ west midland is also nice and not quite the prices of guildford which is the next suburb , i like east guildford it has a lot of character , went to a nice little tapas restaurant there a couple of months ago , but its not a cheap place to find a house and it is on the flight path as is greenmount , the other week i was at greemount and i thought a plane was going to take the top of the house off i had forgotten how low they fly when coming into land

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