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IT Management Positions


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My wife and I are considering a move to Perth, and presently looking into the visa options. I wanted to get a feel from members on the forum on job opportunities in IT Management. I am presently an IT Director, and would be looking to further my career, but am just as competent as an IT Project Manager.


Are there many vacancies in this field in Perth? I have looked at the usual job sites but am always a little skeptical on whether all the posts actually exist. Are there people in the industry which could give me an indication on the demand in this area?


Many thanks

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Just wanted to say hi and welcome.

Not sure about the IT climate but it is generally viewed that WA is on something of a downturn in most sectors. This is largely as a result of almost everyone being dependant on the resources sector in some way which, whilst still moving forward, is doing so more tentatively than ever before.

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Yes, I have been reading about that in the press the past few months. Its difficult to get a good idea on how severe the downturn is going to be (I guess nobody really knows), the press articles seem pretty mixed at the moment.


I'm attending a seminar in London next weekend and the WA government are one of the speakers. Hopefully they will spend some time talking about their expectations for the economy.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Colour712
Yes, I have been reading about that in the press the past few months. Its difficult to get a good idea on how severe the downturn is going to be (I guess nobody really knows), the press articles seem pretty mixed at the moment.


I'm attending a seminar in London next weekend and the WA government are one of the speakers. Hopefully they will spend some time talking about their expectations for the economy.


After moving from the UK to Perth in 2010, similar position to yourself as an IT Director, Perth was a good choice......until the bubble burst! I wish now I had moved to Sydney NOT Perth. There are very little jobs at this level and although you and I think that we can fall back on our PM skills you can't. Most agents and hiring managers all think the same, you are too experienced and as soon as the market picks up you will be off.


I have been out of work since the mining crash in September of last year! I did used to work as a Snr Mgr for one of the big three so I know almost every player in town and there are no jobs to be had.


I had a team of PM's only two out of 20 have managed to work from September until now without a break, the rest have had 6 months contracts, 7 like me have found nothing since September. The market is flooded with good people with no work. One of my ex senior guys has had 7 interviews for a 6 month contract at only $650 a day, usual rate is around $850 up.


My advice, move to the East, Perth is all about mining, when it sneezes the entire market catches a cold.

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Yes, I have been reading about that in the press the past few months. Its difficult to get a good idea on how severe the downturn is going to be (I guess nobody really knows), the press articles seem pretty mixed at the moment.


I'm attending a seminar in London next weekend and the WA government are one of the speakers. Hopefully they will spend some time talking about their expectations for the economy.


How did that seminar go? Anything covered worth sharing re. IT opportunities, or lack there of?

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We run an IT Consultancy and Change Management company in Perth. We employ / place senior BA's and PM's. Our rates are still $800 to $1300 per day but we see the end in sight. Our projecsts all have end dates and positions will no doubt not be renewed for most. It will really start to go down further over the next 12 months. We would not employ IT Director's as PM's because of the risk to our business and our clients. Career in Perth? The two do not always go togther to be honest. It is a money making town until the down turns hit and the tumbleweed starts to blow through. Then folk either leave or live off their savings and wait till the next up turn. (Assuming of course they understand how Perth works and have been smart enough to salt cash away.) The story above does not surprise me as we know that the labour is out there, readily available and prepared to take reduced rates. The funny thing is so do our clients.

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  • 1 month later...
How did that seminar go? Anything covered worth sharing re. IT opportunities, or lack there of?


Apologies for my delayed response. Unfortunately there was very little information that came out of the seminar. The representative from the WA government seemed to downplay the comments about the downturn and almost insisted that there is still a shortage of labour in the region. I caught up with him after the seminar, and when mentioned that my wife was an accountant and I IT Management, he seemed to think we would have no problem finding work. Of course, there's no guarantees and he isnt necessarily in touch with recruitment opportunities in those areas.


We have some friends that live in Perth having moved there about a year ago. We have been checking in with them quite regularly to understand how the job climate there is changing, and they seem to think that most of the press about fewer jobs is grossly over exaggerated (bad news sells).


Not sure what to believe myself but its good to see that there are still some positive views.

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Thanks UTurn, very hard to read if you ain't there. I'm heading over in Dec to assess the lay of the land ;)


Thats great DavidM. Please do share your experience when you return. My wife and I are going through the Visa process, so we aren't planning to go to Perth until we have our visas. With the cost of travel we wanted to save the trip for the visa activation.


I'll certainly post any further relevant information i come across on this subject.

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