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Waiting Times For Case Officer


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you've beat me to it again! When you say 5 week deadline what do you mean is that a deadline set out by the emigration people? Ill be 5 weeks on Friday.

I really hope I hear something soon.




Hi Andy,


Yep the 5 week thing was the guidance given from the DIAC as being the timeframe in which you can expect to have a CO assigned on a 190 visa. It varies for toher visa types up to about 8 weeks I think.


Might be worth checking with your agent that they will send a chaser if the deadline is passed as it was in my case.



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We were assigned our CO today too! Lodge on the 20/6/13 so within the 5 week deadline. Have just been asked to complete the PCC's by the CO. These are in the post so should be back by the time we return from our hols. We have a squeaky clean background so this should be fine. Meds have been front loaded and there was no mention of these so must have been uploaded by the docs.


So excited but also sh..ting myself that this may come true!!!!! Really want this but scared too, ridiculous I know!


Better go now as My glass of Vodka &orange needs refilling. Sitting by the pool in the humid, sultry heat of Florida. Been out on the self drive boat today around the islands. Kept thinking that if we make it to Oz then we must get a boat. Fishing tomorrow.


One question that did pop into my head today as I looked as the dark blue water off the coast was.....Is the water around Perth clear and torquoise? Is it seasonal? I asked this before but never really got a straight answer. Anyone out there that actually knows???


V&O just been served by OH. Better go and indulge!



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Just got emailed today by our Case Officer(GSM Adelaide Team 7) 24th July.. Visa 190 we applied last 21 June so less than 5 weeks of wait! CO requesting for Medical, PCC and further proof of relationship.. will schedule to complete the soonest! Good Luck to All Cheers! :cool:

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Just got emailed today by our Case Officer(GSM Adelaide Team 7) 24th July.. Visa 190 we applied last 21 June so less than 5 weeks of wait! CO requesting for Medical, PCC and further proof of relationship.. will schedule to complete the soonest! Good Luck to All Cheers! :cool:


You should have uploaded PCC, Medicals before CO's email. You would have saved 1-2 weeks ;)


anyways, all the best

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You should have uploaded PCC, Medicals before CO's email. You would have saved 1-2 weeks ;)


anyways, all the best


That is not possible in our case mate because were based here in singapore they require the request letter from CO before they process the medicals and PCC.. anyway not rushing though. Patience is a Virtue. Goodluck on your application. :rolleyes:

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Well - I sent off 16MB worth of Form 80's and relationship evidence to my agent last.


As well as utility bills and bank statements etc, I included a montage of pictures for every year that we've been together, including a lovely shot of me and OH standing in front of the vicar exchanging rings :biglaugh:Well and truly evidenced I would say!!

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Well - I sent off 16MB worth of Form 80's and relationship evidence to my agent last.


As well as utility bills and bank statements etc, I included a montage of pictures for every year that we've been together, including a lovely shot of me and OH standing in front of the vicar exchanging rings :biglaugh:Well and truly evidenced I would say!!


Haha.. that is more than enough evidence i should say :D i think CO reply is just pre formatted to all those de facto applications just need to resent those things he require for review.. few waiting days and you'll receive the good news already. Good Luck!

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Guest Jagmel

Hi, everyone, its really nice hearing positive outcome from you guys. I have applied for 189 on 17 june. seems tomorrow will be my 6 weeks. so far patiently waiting. no news from CO.

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did you send utility bills etc from previous years? this concerns me a bit because every bill in our house is in my wifes name as they come out of her account, the only thing I can think of that's got joint names on is our bank account but we each have a separate account in just our names. What sort of proof are they looking for. Ive just checked and the water bill and phone bill etc here are just in wifes name.

Cheers Andy

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Hi Andy,


The agent said to provide a couple of letters addressed to both of us per month to cover the last 6 months and if that wasn't possible then to include some older stuff.


We're in a similar position that most of the utilities are in sole names. So I sent the latest council tax statement, several mortgage related letters, an old house insurance letter, an old wedding invite I happened to stumble across and 6 months worth of joint bank statements.


We also had to write a joint personal history statement saying how and when we met and we support each other financially, emotionally etc.


As an added measure I put together a selection of photos of us together over the years, including a couple of the wedding.


It was probably a bit overkill but i didn't want to take any chances. especially since the agent had queried the need for extra evidence as they already had the marriage cert, and got quite a short reply saying yes they did need more....well they got more!! Be careful what you wish for is what I say ;0)



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Hi andy I'm the same 5 weeks tomorrow and not heard anything I still can't upload any of Paul's documents as there's no option for his name, keep hoping the bloody visa page will say something different every time I log on but still the same...arghh

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Hi Nikki

We are 3 mile away from bury we live in Birch its only small theres a pub called the Gardeners Arms and the Birch Hotel. I moved here 2 years ago from Heap Bridge. We go to bury shopping how long is it since you moved , bet you wouldn't recognise the place now , there is a large retail area called The Rock a bit like a mini Trafford Centre

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Checked our status last night. Meds have been uploaded by clinic. The only thing the CO wants to see are the PCC. Can't add these until we are home from our hols, hope that come back clean as a whistle. Our CO is Adelaide team 2. Fingers crossed.


reflected last night on what a huge journey this has been so far. It has been spread out over such a long time that sometimes you forget just what hurdles we have had to jump over. Once this is over and hopefully we have the thumbs up from the CO, the champagne is definitely going to flow!


Good luck guys!

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