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rules for WA SS 176 visa


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CAn anybody help me out here.

I have a176WA SS visa which means i should stay in WA for 2 years. I have now read that on the 190 visa which is the new one that you could leave WA and work in another state and nowbody would ask.

Has anyone done this? If so how?Would you Job need to be on a list?

We are finding things are costing far too much here and you can only live Hand to mouth on a non mining wage. We do not all earn $100,000+ per year and i'm starting to feel things could be better in another state.Perth is a great City so don't get me wrong it's just i had hoped for more to life here than working 60hours weeks to Support my Family.


Any help here would be great.

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As I understand it, it's 'policy' and you'll see discussion about 'moral obligation', but it's not law, there's nothing legally preventing you from going to another state. I don't know how you'd go about getting that in writing though for peace of mind.

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As Rob said you read a lot about it being a 'moral' obligation to stay with the state, although some people have suggested that you need to fill in questionnaires saying where you are living. The stipulation for state sponsorship is that you stay for 2 years so they're not going to give you something in writing that says that you can move - it's a chance you will need to take.


Do research other states though - WA is expensive, but other cities are also expensive.

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