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Flying companions


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The long haul UK:Aus/Aus:UK flight is something of a marathon for most.

So, whether flying her or flying back, you've settled into your seat and the one besides you has yet to be filled. If you could have anyone wander down to aisle to take their place next to you for the next 10+ hours who would it be? No rules, anyone you like.

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Definitely not the man who actually sat in the row next to us on the flight to singapore, poor guy had tourettes and was the loudest tourettes i have ever heard. He even shouted in his sleep! Felt so sorry for him but made our flight unbearable.


will think about who i would actually want!

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Guest guest9824

Alan Carr, chatty man....we would sit gossiping about the trolley dollies, pressing the buzzers every 5 minutes, asking for stuff! Or if it were a lady, then Sarah Millican, can't beat a bit of geordie shore humour! if all fails and the plane goes down, we would go down laughing....:laugh:

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Alan Carr, chatty man....we would sit gossiping about the trolley dollies, pressing the buzzers every 5 minutes, asking for stuff! Or if it were a lady, then Sarah Millican, can't beat a bit of geordie shore humour! if all fails and the plane goes down, we would go down laughing....:laugh:


Mi brother actually was sat next to him on a trans Atlantic flight , private persona dosent match public , very private dude

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I had a conversation similar to this with my wife yesterday. We were discussing who you'd have round for a dinner party.


She said "that small bloke in the orange suit with a bald head"


"You mean his holiness the Dali Lama?"


I thought you were going to say an Oompa Loompa

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Due to the current news agenda fresh in my mind I would say Nelson Mandela.


I was on a flight from Oz one time and the seat next to me hadn't been filled and the thought crossed my mind, who will end up there. Then 2 of the more larger people on earth wandered (loose term) down the plane. I thought oh FFS !! Yes the big bloke sat next to me pinning me to the window.


Turns out the bloke was the then tourism minister/representative for Vanuatu (small island in the Pacific, East of Oz) on a business trip to Edinburgh, he was sat in economy so I can only think Austerity had already kicked in with their ministers. After 'a few' hours of chatting on and off it turns out he was a follower of Liverpool Football Club, I kid you not.

He passed me his business card and invited me as a guest of his for a holiday to Vanuatu, I never took up the offer but we did email for quite a while afterwards.

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Leave the seat empty please.


I hardly fit in the cattle class seats as my legs are too long (I always book the emergency seats when flying cattle).


Give me some room to stretch out and get drunk.


It's too noisy on a plane anyhow (even the new A380s) to hold a conversation.

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Guest guest9824
Louis Spence...i reckon the flight would go so much quicker.. We would talk the time away!!


Is that the guy from Pineapple docu? Very entertaining he is :)

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