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Fav herbage or spiceage?

Guest guest9824

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I love oregano, mint and coriander in salads.


However, my favorite spice is the unsung hero in the spice world. Sadly it is also the one often forgotten because it's so ubiquitous. It's the King of spices, the cause of wars and the reason why Europeans spread their influence to the far east (India got it's name from the Greeks).



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Guest guest9824
Coriander for the herb and probably star annise for the spice - fanstastic with beef sunday roast


Star anise and poached pears in red wine, makes the dish! Reminds me, must make some gluhwein.....will feel and smell like Christmas in the house! Might have to do Chrissy in July just for the gluhwein!:biggrin:

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Does anyone remember the Herb Garden....? Children's programme.......?


showing my age now!


What - with Parsley the Lion & Co? Loved the reruns when I was a kid!


Speaking of Parsley it has to be my new fave. Humble and under-estimated. The Spanish actually use it more than the obvious basil etc!


Chilli's, coriander and Oregano all rate too!!

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Guest guest9824
What - with Parsley the Lion & Co? Loved the reruns when I was a kid!


Speaking of Parsley it has to be my new fave. Humble and under-estimated. The Spanish actually use it more than the obvious basil etc!


Chilli's, coriander and Oregano all rate too!!


Yep that's the one, first time round for me.....Dill the dog and a very friendly lion called Parsley!


Must admit I use a lot more fresh herbs here than I ever did in the Uk, mainly in warm and cold salads...:cute:

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