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So those who are still in the UK


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Have to agree with that Greg. This is year one for us and first summer. We coped surprisingly well with the run of 40 deg + heat. The days were fine although uncomfortable for working! When at home fine opened the windows up and let the sea breeze flow through. But come 6.30 pm it was horrid. House closed up and air con on was a must for 2 hrs then house soon cooled down managed with a fan at night whilst sleeping found the aircon to be too cool. Hubby fifo and had his aircon on constantly in his digs at night........

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In the UK, 5 days of a continuous average daily temperature of over 30deg C is scientifically declared a heatwave by Met Office. Maybe the australian Met office, has different guidlines to stipulate a heatwave. Perth is 31deg south of the equator while the UK is 55deg north of it so the chances of UK mainting the 40 degrees Perth enjoying in summertime are very remote. In the same way it would be very remote for Perth to enjoy the 3 months of winter below 5 degrees in daytime like the Uk do.

Edited by Plimthing
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I think that it also comes down to expectations. Most folk would appreciate that with a Perth summer comes very high temperatures and for extended periods at that: Whereas here in the UK we are having our first 'warm' spell since 2006. I suppose we have simply become used to rubbish summer weather tbh.

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Good to know that the heat of Perth is do-able because I am melting here in the UK at 31*c. I has crossed my mind, how on earth do people cope with it out there then? From what I have read, it is all to do with the humidity. Glad to know fellow Brits cope well with the dry heat of Perth! Another one of my worries checked off. :biggrin:

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30 deg in th uk is vastly different to the dry 30 deg heat here. 30 deg in Melbourne can be very uncomfortable. 40 deg in perth is tolerable, 40 deg in the tropical north can kill you, it's not apples with apples.


So glad someone else agrees that its 'a different kind of heat' as I have told the missus, who being used to Perth climate is alwys amazed at the british mentality of stripping off at the first ray of spring sunshine and in temperatures where she is still wearing every item she owns!

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I wouldn't cope Mal . we had pals live in Katherine ..pheeeew


I was hospitalised in Katherine in the run up to the Wet for heat exhaustion. Hottest and most humid place we have ever been to and it was only 37 degrees at the time.


We live in Spain at the mo and it is in the high 30's, low 40's here at the moment and we cope with it much better than if it was the same temps in the UK. The UK can get very humid and "sticky" and is not geared up for hot weather at all.

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I like hot weather, it doesn't like me.


I'm a bit concerned about the heat over there because I come out in a heat rash in the UK (must be the Irish ancestry).


However, I spent a couple of weeks in Tunisia a few years ago where it hit 45 degrees and didn't have a problem. Yes, I've never sweated so much in my life but I kept my fluid levels up and got a descent tan.

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