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Perth Good Food and Wine show


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Went last night. Great value $40.

There was just so much wine to taste it was awesome, didn't realise there were so many producers in WA. How we made it home I have no idea and I was surprised to wake up this morning to find 2kg of cheese had returned with us and eftpos slips for $600!


If anyone is stuck for something to do tomorrow I recommend it but don't drive and I'd advise leaving the credit cards at home and taking Monday off.

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Guest guest9824
It's a brilliant day out, nobody wanted to go this year so I have had to miss out :(


I wanted to go too but had Disney on Ice on tonight. Went last year and went to Manu's master class...very entertaining! :)

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I had other commitments this weekend, but my son went on Friday night - came home very much worse for wear but with a box of wine that I am now enjoying tasting! Seems he melted his credit card too and the rest of the vino will be delivered shortly! I definately need to lock it in my diary for next year by all accounts.!

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