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Perth City to Surf 12km Walk for SIDS and Kids


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[h=2]Perth City to Surf for Sids and Kids[/h]

Its that time of year again.....Perth City to Surf is on 25th August.


I will once again with a very good friend be doing the 12 km walk in memory of my 4 week old baby..Jake Sonny Yuill.


We lost Jake 3 years ago on the 8th April at the age of 4 weeks to SIDS. He was a healthy baby and I put him to bed that previous night but sadly he never woke up. Being only in Australia for a year and not having many friends I could have and would have if it wasn't for SIDS and Kids WA being contacted by a fellow member from this forum I wouldn't be here today.


This is why I do fundraising for SIDS and Kids WA and in memory of Jake.


Every little helps.


Thanks in advance





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We are also not in perth yet but I've just read this & am in tears. I have 2 little boys the little one is 9 months & has been poorly with lots of different allergies but I'd go through it a million times as long as I still have him here. So sorry for your loss & ill donate now. Good luck for your walk, I'll be thinking of you. X

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Guest guest9824

Hi SusieQ, very brave of you! Hubby does the City to Surf every year, and will try to donate his application fee to this great cause. Not sure if he will be able to, but he said if he cant this time, when he does the HBF Run he will donate his application fee to SIDS then. Good Luck.



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Guest guest9824
  SusieQ said:
Peanuts that is very kind....I think all the application fees for to Activ and then you are allowed to set up a donation page for people to donate to. Not too sure how HBF works......but again thank you xx


You are very welcome:cute:



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