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My husband and I are moving over to WA with our two young children after Christmas this year....:smile2:!!


There is LOTS to sort out both ends but the decision has been made, families have been told (that was horrendous!!) and we are really excited to start a new life for our family in Oz!!


Thought I would just put a quick message on to introduce myself, im sure there will be many questions asked over the next few months!!! Feeling a bit like a fish out of water!! Where to start?????


C x x

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Hi there!

Welcome to PP. My husband and I are also moving in January.


Whereabouts do you think you'll head to initially? We're staying with family just outside the metro area to start with but as we'll probably work in the CBD will be looking to move somewhere that's easy to commute from.


If you have any questions just shout - there are loads of friendly, helpful and knowledgeable people on here!!



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We thought we would be heading NOR but it now seems my husband will not be working in CBD but in the South so just starting to look SOR...all a bit up in the air until a definite job offer.....


It seems that you cant apply for a school until you have an address but you cant get an address until you arrive.....so or son may have to start after the other children at the beginning of term/semester in Feb '14 which I really didn't want but looks like no choice!!


My husband is Mr Horizontal and doesn't seem to be at all worried about anything (not sure why I am surprised...he is always the same and this is one of the things I adore about him!!) feeling a bit frustrated though as would like to get a few things sorted! Like will we be living NOR or SOR!!!


Thank you also Ali for your welcome x

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