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Tyhoon /water spout demolishes North Coogee Building site, rumours ?

sunset addict

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Well, I swear I had this conversation yesterday lunchtime in the Pickled Fig at South Beach Freo.


Me to Waitress: Did you hear about the construction site accident yesterday?


Waitress to Me: Yeah apparently it was a tyhoon/ water spout thingy, it whipped up a couple of sea containers out at sea and dumped them on the construction site, injuring seven.


Me: OMG that's incredible


Chap on next table: Apaarently there was a whole heap of other stuff whipped up and dumped too, like fish, sharks and stuff


Me: WTF! Jeez Loiuse! I live about 10 minutes walk from that site !


Me thinking to myself: (well I hope I only thought it and didn't say it outlound) Bloody hell I could have been hit on the head by a flying shark or a Barramundi as I was unloading my shopping!


God this is a crazy place to live but I love it!:biglaugh:

Probally all nonsense but I do hope the injured men are OK

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I work in North Coogee, about 2mins from the site. Power went off for about 20mins but that's not unusal. We Didnt have a clue that anything had happened until a colleague went online and was browsing a new site.


there has been a tornado she shouted, we all looked out the office window but nothing looked any different!!


weird to think though that if it had happened a few yards in a different direction it could have hit us:shocked:



off topic have you sorted a rental now then?:jiggy:

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Yes fifi thanks rental now sorted at last ! We moved in on Friday. I must have viewed at least 30 places and was on first name terms with most of the agents (not that it did me any good LOL) Got to say I kissed a lot of frogs before I found the prince house, but we moved in within days as it was empty. I do think that there is a lot more scope for negiotiation than previously not sure why. We got the second one we applied for we managed to get a bit of a reduction on it and this is at South beach Fremantle.

The owner accepted the dog no problem just had to pay a 250 dollar pet bond, she arrives on Thursday BTW Yippee ! I can visit her in Byford on Friday and just cant wait to give her a massive hug I have missed her so must over the last 7 weeks. feel like its all coming together now, all I need now is summer! ha ha.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Fi

yes we are literally on Dog Beach it's so beautiful never thought we'd be lucky enough to live here!


Jess hates it in quarantine, it's so hard leaving her at end of visiting time she is literally climbing the walls to get out.

I feel so guilty , even though she will love it here and will have a much more active life because of the great weather.

I think I worried too much about getting her here which went splendidly well, we had a great team behind us Bob at Petair and my Vet back in Warrington were fab , and went over and beyond to get her here, but I underestimated how hard this 30 days of her in jail would be. I honestly feel like kidnapping her every time I go, but the kennel girls there all look much fitter than-me so I don't think I'd get far Lol.

Thanks for all your help, you made a huge difference when I needed it most.

Edited by sunset addict
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