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Great restaurant northern suburbs


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We had a very nice meal at the C restaurant, the food was excellent and it's had other good reviews from members here - obviously our opinions differ


Sorry youngun , you're obviously not a gastronomic connoisseur like some

Edited by portlaunay
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Thanks everyone -- I just limited it to northern suburbs in case babysitters got fed up with our kids who turn mental after 8pm. Will look into all (well most) of the suggestions and report back with a breakdown of the brownie points I acquired.




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We've settled on Joondalup Resort as it's handy and been there a couple of times and it's pretty good for a local venue. I had wanted to go somewhere different (I quite fancied one of the restaurants at Burswood and a night at the Hyatt) but babysitting arrangements made that unworkable.

Thanks for all your suggestions, will report back in the style of Michael Winner...



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From what i understand, they wanted northern subs, which is going to be a challenge - the Perth northern subs are not renowned for top end cuisine (though Perth is a challenge). So, they received options for others in the city, which they wanted, but in the end couldnt do to babysitter issues.


They have though a load of advice for when they can get a baby sitter sorted and also most threads are read by lots of people who take in what has been written

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Asked for recommendations, then goes to a place they've been before that no-one recommended! Why ask in the first place? Seems pointless!? Just MY OPINION!


Firstly, thanks for your unhelpful and incredibly rude comment. Why bother saying anything? The purpose of this forum is to help people by sharing information. Your comment is of no use to anyone, so perhaps the next time you decide to comment, you'll have a think about that instead of blabbering away.


The fact that I didn't go to one of the recommended restaurants doesn't make the thread pointless at all. After receiving some recommendations I made a decision based on a variety of factors: cuisine, quality food on offer, proximity to home, availability of tables to name but a few.

Moreover the thread may have provided some useful information for others. I know I've certainly got a new list of places to visit.



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I don't see how I was rude, but if your offended then I apologise! I just thought you had asked for options and people had made an effort to reply, and it appeared you'd just ignored them and gone somewhere else anyway!


I'm not offended, I just think it was inane and incredibly rude. Your three word comment accompanied by an exclamation mark was abrupt and you were saying my thread was a waste of time. I asked for opinions and thanked people for their contribution. I will be visiting one or two of the suggestions at a later date, so people haven't wasted their time.

I didn't sign a contract stating I was legally bound to attend one of the recommended restaurants. I am able to make my own mind using my experience of restaurants and the recommendations. Generally that's how people make decisions -- gather information then based on that info make the best decision under the circumstances.

If 300 people had recommended McDonalds do you think I should have gone there?

Anyway let's not bore everyone any longer. Apology accepted.




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