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With your skills test you will be able to get a supervised electrical license. From the you will need to do a year of gap training and filling out portfolio back to apprenticeship level.


Companies seem reluctant to take on sparks with the license and prefer A grade sparks. Then the work seems plentiful, I'm in that situation now only on restricted (supervised) license yet still in UK at the moment

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I'm abit further down the line than you just waiting for my C.O. Done the training Vettassess to be exact which is the training to get your visa only!

Once you have your visa and and are in Perth then you have to apply for the restricted license and get a job.You can't do the actual license here don't waste your money with down under tradies saying they can give it you here utter tosh

If your OH is the main visa applicant then he has to do the vetteassess

If you are the main visa holder then your OH can apply for the Artc certificate but with both you still have to do gap training and go to tafe college

Hope this helps

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That's great where would we start to get the restricted licence from? Once in perth?? And how much does this cost? And what roles ca he do and pay we looking at on this restricted licence? Thanks again - are there any sites about this ??



Hi jodie

As far as I know you have to apply for the restricted license from energy safety to which then you have to find someone willing to take you on as a trade assistant meaning you do all the normal sparky stuff but not the final connections.while that's going on you sit exams in the evening at the tafe college get your log book filled in.They say it can take 6 -12 months,to finally get your a license you also have to get your white card you can get there here its abit like the ccs card.

I've been a sparky for over 20 yrs and run my own business it feels abit like a insult when there's this big campaign oz needs u then you get there with all this experience and you find you got to be an apprentice again and the real ball ache is the fact you have got all these youngsters on whv's doing the same job getting there foot in the door and us lot have to go through all this training just to get the bloody visa!!!

I'm not sure of the price of the restricted license could be about $2000 and the pay is abit less than a sparkies wage.I I think that applies if you are of mature years like me

The best advice I can give you is to network think of yourself as a product and sell sell sell!!!!

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I have completed the gap training and it cost me all together about $4000 plus 4 weeks lost earnings. and took me 10 months. You will never complete it in 6 months due to waiting for test dates etc. Your agent might tell you there is plenty of work here but the reality currently is very different. Even with a A Grade license I am getting no replies for any jobs i apply for on seek( don't think most of them are real!) Union companies have been striking about pay cuts and there are no jobs in the West Australian newspaper for sparks lately when their used to be loads. And plenty of people working on mine sites being laid off so make of that what you will but that is how it is today in WA.

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Thanks for all this information it's great! Obviously you mention a lack of work due to the mines, he only really does housing re-wires bit bobs like that etc he is also is registered with napit as he can fully sign off work as well?


Yeah but bear in mind due to the down turn in mining work for the various construction trades the folk working there are being either laid off and/or not in such demand. This in turn puts pressure for jobs in and around Perth, i.e. these folk who cannot get work in the mining sector, many live in or around Perth and they want work so are applying for the vacant jobs in Perth or starting up on their own as a self employed workers to service the housing market. And of course the other knock on effect of any mining down turn is the potential reduction of new house builds which again creates problems for the job seekers who are relying on that line of work.


The issue is, as has been said on many other threads for tradesmen, it is getting much tougher to get work than it has been. All about supply and demand for labour I guess and so skills that were in short supply are now getting more readily available which in turn puts new comers under even more pressure. Not trying to put you off but best to try and get a full picture of things so that you are deciding with eyes wide open.

Edited by StraighttothePoint
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I'm glad I have researched into all this!! Seems abit disheartening when your told they are short in these trades to find this is not maybe so.... But we do want to go for the lifestyle and to be honest even since he has been self employed right bang in the middle recession here in the uk it has been a struggle something we are definitely use to by now, and we are not really doing anymore better really than when he was working for someone else, so we will have to see

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