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10 weeks 3days!!!!!


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No posted on here for a while, had heaps on my mind!

Time is going way to fast, have so many things to think about and sort its unreal:chatterbox:. part of me just wants to board that plane and start our new life, the other needs another year lol. like many of you my biggest worry is saying good bye to my nearest & dearest. I feel i cant look forward till thats over!!

Is anyone else arriving in october, how are you feeling?

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good luck with the preparations and the big move, try to remember why you're doing it :-)

my nine yr old recently made friends with a little girl while we were away in our caravan - after only five days playing together,she sobbed when we left making me realise how hard it's going to be for us all saying goodbye to nearest and dearest :-/

it WILL be worth it!! (I hope)

J x

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Hi myself and hubby land on the 9th October, some days I am so excited about the move, others I think holy s@!t what are are doing? Dreading the goodbyes and tears but keeping thinking why we are doing it. As the weeks go by I think it will sink in more, today is a good day so feeling positive!

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We arrive on 9 October and it is certainly squeaky bum time in this household:frown:. We both have so much to do before we leave, that to be honest, we are more stressed than excited at the moment. I am hoping that once we get onto the ferry from Spain to the UK we will relax a bit more. Sold my lovely car last night and I have been like a bear with a sore head today. I know she is going to a good home as my hairdresser has bought her and is so excited to get her, but it is still very sad.


I feel like I am on a conveyor belt at the moment, not wanting to get off, but just wish I could wake up and everything be sorted.


I am not looking forward to the goodbyes. My friends are counting down for me and saying things like, how many times we can meet up before you go:err:

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My cats are being rehomed on Tuesday, this is when I think reality will kick in, I have already told my work mates to be gentle with me next week! Even though I know they are going to a good home where they will be spoilt rotten, it still brings a tear to my eye thinking about them going, soft I know!!

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Would just like to wish all of you arriving in the coming weeks all the best.


Ive just done my first year here, and its been a wonderful experience. I reckon Sept/Oct is the best time to arrive. You will have missed the winter but will be able to acclimatise a bit before the hot heat of summer. For those lucky enough to get a rental with a pool you won't need to have to wait before you can use it, November sees them become useable.


Although you will be busy settling in, Xmas will be a different experience. IMO a lot more enjoyable and less stressful here. To get you all in the mood if you have the time, I would def recommend booking a Xmas lights cruise on the Mandurah canals. The waterfront houses there really do go to town and it helps you get in the Xmas mood. Sometimes not that easy when its 40 odd degrees and you can't equate it to being the festive season as you know it.


Australia day in January is something to look forward to aswell. It's a great feeling being part of all the celebrations.


biggest advice would be try not to stress to much and try and remember why you wanted to come, normally for a more relaxing lifestyle. Try and make the most of all the good things this great city has to offer.


best wishes



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Tell me about it!! My daughter 11 is my main concern at the moment. She REALLY doesn't wont to go, its proving to be a real nightmare!! Her best friend lives next door and they spend every moment together.

When are you planing to move?

Hi just wanted to say about the kids.. My friends are in the middle of the visa application too with 3 boys age 6,7 and 11 and the oldest really didn't want to go. They just been for a 3 week trip to Perth on holiday and now there all so excited to get there they loved it so much.

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Tell me about it!! My daughter 11 is my main concern at the moment. She REALLY doesn't wont to go, its proving to be a real nightmare!! Her best friend lives next door and they spend every moment together.

When are you planing to move?

I would like to think within twelve months but it will be more likely validate next Easter then await house sale........

good luck with your daughter

J xx

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Hi from another cornish girl who is heading over to perth in exactly a month, Start date for my job is 7th oct, staying with family for a bit until my OH arrives in november, our cats are rehoming with OH parents so i know that by the time we see them next they will both be barrels on legs, lol.



Where are you guys from in cornwall and where are you going in perth. For me im in truro at present and will be starting out in Byford WA. on our big aussie adventure.


Good luck


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Good luck with your good byes the moment I got on that plane and it was taxiing down the run way was the biggest relief phone switched off and it was time to look forward. Been here coming up 4 months, love it, cant say I don't have bad days but Skype is great the best was a surprise call on there from my dad who isn't the sharpest but worked it out and just called us so had no time to work myself up about it was the first time I saw my dad face in 3 months I was on such a high for day. Hope you daughter settles quickly take care

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15 Weeks exactly for us. We know how you feel, we have everything organised but there is a lot to actually do. A lot of things cant be done until closer to the time. I'm looking for work at the moment, canvassing companies for when we arrive. My biggest fear is not finding work. We just want to get on with it now!

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Hi from another cornish girl who is heading over to perth in exactly a month, Start date for my job is 7th oct, staying with family for a bit until my OH arrives in november, our cats are rehoming with OH parents so i know that by the time we see them next they will both be barrels on legs, lol.



Where are you guys from in cornwall and where are you going in perth. For me im in truro at present and will be starting out in Byford WA. on our big aussie adventure.


Good luck


We're currently living near callington. I off to truro today actually!!

Trying not to get to obsessed about certain areas as I don't want to be let down when we can find a rental. As long as there's a good high school within the catchment area I'm not to worried. But it will be north as that's where we're most familier with.

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Would just like to wish all of you arriving in the coming weeks all the best.


Ive just done my first year here, and its been a wonderful experience. I reckon Sept/Oct is the best time to arrive. You will have missed the winter but will be able to acclimatise a bit before the hot heat of summer. For those lucky enough to get a rental with a pool you won't need to have to wait before you can use it, November sees them become useable.


Although you will be busy settling in, Xmas will be a different experience. IMO a lot more enjoyable and less stressful here. To get you all in the mood if you have the time, I would def recommend booking a Xmas lights cruise on the Mandurah canals. The waterfront houses there really do go to town and it helps you get in the Xmas mood. Sometimes not that easy when its 40 odd degrees and you can't equate it to being the festive season as you know it.


Australia day in January is something to look forward to aswell. It's a great feeling being part of all the celebrations.


biggest advice would be try not to stress to much and try and remember why you wanted to come, normally for a more relaxing lifestyle. Try and make the most of all the good things this great city has to offer.


best wishes




Oh Fi, really good post.


I like the idea of the Xmas lights in Mandurah so will google and take a look. Thanks Lorraine x

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Hi mate,


we had our visa granted 25/7/13 and we are going to perth (Baldivis) 23/10/13 to validate and have a look around and if things look good, mainly job wise, we will be looking to move very soon, I am a plumber and have been hearing conflicting stories about work for plumbers so its gonna be a good thing to see for myself what it's like.





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