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Schools on 489 Visa


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We have just come back from a Perth on a reccie and after looking around all of Perth, having various meetings with prospective employers, then getting our IELTS results back whilst out there and not getting results we need for 190 we decided to go and look at regional areas for 489 visa and after having already researched Mandurah before going to Perth and looking at schools etc, thinking the place was too good to be true and wondering what the catch would be (perhaps work??) and then meeting our friends and some of their friends in Perth they all said how lovely Mandurah was and that they could not think of any reason of why we should not come out on 489 Visa!! So we thought we would go and find out for ourselves and fell in love with the place especially with Meadow Springs and it helped that it was close to Frederick Irwin School we went along met registrar who again was lovely, filled in forms and paid the enrolment fee and then she asked us the Visa number we were coming out on and could not find it on the list!!! So for now we have been kept on the waiting list until we get there etc, so I just wanted to know is there anyone who is in Mandurah or any other regional on 489 visa had this problem or any other problem with any schools there?? We have also been told that we will have to pay for our childrens schooling and that it will be alot higher and we will not get any medicare etc too!! I thought she had got confused with 457 visa but that was on the list, so I just wanted to know how people already on 489 visas are getting on with schooling.


Many thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, we too are on 489 visa. For the moment our kids are in the local state school. Not many people seem to have heard of the 489' as its a relatively new visa. I always put on forms "previously 475 regional visa". They all know which visa you are referring too then. Don't know why they changed the visa number, maybe it was getting confused with the notorious 457 visa.


I think the school certainly are getting confused with the 457 visa, as you do qualify for Medicare and free state schooling. If you are going down the private schooling route you will pay the same fee as everyone else. The only worry for this 489 visa is work. Mandurah is a lovely area, but depending upon your job, it may not be viable for you as certain jobs just aren't available here, and if they are they are scarce. I've struggled for work' don't even get a look in for most jobs. My OH on the other hand is fine for work, he a brick layer and at the moment there is a lot of work around for him.

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That's a useful tip re. Quoting 475 visa. DIAC only issues 100 489 visas a month so I think that's probably why they are less known.


Yes that's right, when i talk to people they've never heard of 489, even the woman in the Medicare office didn't know it, but as soon as I said this visa replaces 475 regional, they know exactly what visa it is. This was the same for both schools and some jobs.

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Also, we didn't get the visa grant sticker for our passport as they say you don't need it. The Medicare office wouldn't register us until they had sighted our grant letter, as they can't access the vevo system! Crazy, as they are a government department!! But there you go, you have to take a copy of your visa letter everywhere lol!

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Hi taylors4,


Thanks you so much just the information I needed that will really help me with regards the school. I know what you mean about work I dont think my hubby will struggle to get work as after our recent trip people he had interviews are still emailing to find out when he is coming back, the employers also mentioned the 457 Visa to us to sponsor my hubby but we did not want to go down that route as schooling and that would be expensive for 2 children. I am not too worried about work for myself to start off with, what do you do?? If I get desperate I will do anything going even if it means working in shope/bar/cleaning I dont really care as long as I am in the sunshine, it will be worth it!!

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Hi taylors4,


Thanks you so much just the information I needed that will really help me with regards the school. I know what you mean about work I dont think my hubby will struggle to get work as after our recent trip people he had interviews are still emailing to find out when he is coming back, the employers also mentioned the 457 Visa to us to sponsor my hubby but we did not want to go down that route as schooling and that would be expensive for 2 children. I am not too worried about work for myself to start off with, what do you do?? If I get desperate I will do anything going even if it means working in shope/bar/cleaning I dont really care as long as I am in the sunshine, it will be worth it!!


That's good about your OH, there have been a few people coming on a 489 regional, that just can't find their type of work. So at least you know what you're up against. As to what I do, we'll in the UK I have worked for about 20 yrs doing pa/secretarial roles, so would consider myself very experienced, worked for multi-nationals, Nhs, local government, private business. Here I don't get a sniff of that sort of job. Prior to that when I first left school I was in catering, so have experience in that area too. Like yourself I'm no princess and don't mind getting my hands dirty, so have applied for anything and everything, but I don't get a look in. However, tomorrow I start a job stacking shelves in Coles, they have given me 10 hours doing nightfill lol, just don't expect too much. All I can say is this is where I'm starting from, not where I've ended up!

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Coco67 and All.


This is Soha and i think of applying for 489 visa. I am an HR Administrator and also worked as PA for almost 10 years.


I understand all the conditions of this type of visa but i would like to know if I will pay for my little 4 years old son school ?? I intend to enroll him in a governement school till we can secure a job.


Is it free or paid service ? Another question, is there any limitation for some schools, i mean are schools accept students based on thier parent's visa ?? If 489 can't let me admit him in a good free scholl so why bother to come to regions ??


Another final questions, as we have the same field of work, Do you have any ideas about the availability of PA or HR Admin jobs in regions? What regions are best for this type of work?


How can i find a job because all online websites do not have plenty .


Need your help urgently please.


Thanks alot

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Hi Taylors4.


Are you sure that 489 visa holders can acess free schooling for thier kids ? As some people say it is not for free.


I beleive also that 489 is not entiteled to Medicare unless you have a reciprocal agreement with Ausstralia.


Another question please. Do you know any recruitments websites or online recourses to know where HR Admins and PA jobs are available and which regions are the best for families.


Thanks alot

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