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Could you not go on a skilled visa like the 189/190? As you're a nurse and your OH is a police officer I think they both qualify (maybe just nurses actually?) Have a look! My bf and I are trying out for the 189 as he is an electrician!


We came over to Perth in 2011 on a WHV; it was great. I think we both feel that we didn't get the most out of the year and feel like we should go back to satisfy the need to try again! xxxx


Police officers do qualify but they have restrictions on their visa whereas I wouldn't have any being a nurse. I think skilled visa looks like the best option for us tbh.


We have never been the Perth before which worries me slightly, feel that maybe we should at least holiday out there first before making the massive leap to moving. Feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place tryng to make the best decsion. Week. Xx

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The application would be purely in your name. Your husband would be the secondary applicant. So you both get a visa, but only you would have to jump through the hoops. The reason being that police officer is on the CSOL but not currently being sponsored by any states or forces.


However, once here, he could apply for the WA police and they have a big recruitment drive at the moment.


There are lots of threads on here from nurses discussing the process.

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The application would be purely in your name. Your husband would be the secondary applicant. So you both get a visa, but only you would have to jump through the hoops. The reason being that police officer is on the CSOL but not currently being sponsored by any states or forces.


However, once here, he could apply for the WA police and they have a big recruitment drive at the moment.


There are lots of threads on here from nurses discussing the process.


Thanks VS, I have found a nursing thread on here and I am already chatting to some folk about the hoops that I am going to have to jump through :). We already knew that the WA police force are not recruiting internationally at the mo as they were in London last year doing a big recruitment drive for international officers. I did not know however that he could apply once there, that's very useful to know, thanks for your help.


I am going to get in contact with a few agents to find one that I feel will help us the most with the process. I will also give Go Matilda a try.

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