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reasonable areas near Nedlands

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Sorry if this has come up somewhere else, Im starting a Job in Nedlands and to start with will be staying in Byford, which I know is a huge trek each way.


Looking for ideas for nice but reasonably priced areas near-ish to Nedlands, would be happy to travel upto about 30mins each way but not much more.


Thanks in advance for any help/ideas


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Sorry if this has come up somewhere else, Im starting a Job in Nedlands and to start with will be staying in Byford, which I know is a huge trek each way. Looking for ideas for nice but reasonably priced areas near-ish to Nedlands, would be happy to travel upto about 30mins each way but not much more. Thanks in advance for any help/ideas Tanith:laugh:


Not sure that it will be easy to help / advice until you can give us an idea on a few things including what "resonable" is to you. We will all no doubt have different views on the various suburbs that come within that time radius I guess, i.e. there are some very smart ones and paying more in get into one of them may be well worth it.


Howevere is it 30 minutes travel by car or do you want to be able to use public transport to get there? Also will you be travelling at peak times, mainly outside those or a mix?


Perhaps the best way is to start with the available budget and confirmation of the above?


Sorry more questions than answers but sure that by helping with those folk can hopefully give you better information in relation to what you are after.

Edited by StraighttothePoint
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Hi straighttothepoint, thanks for the response.


Will be hoping to not have to spend more than $400-450 a week, will have own transport but husband doesnt drive so will need good transport links.


Not sure if i will be travelling at peak times as i have yet to estabish shift patterns, but could probably say i will at times be travelling during peak times.


hope this may give you something to work with. Many Thanks in advance. Tx

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I live in Nedlands and being a western suburb, rental prices are outrageous. In saying that, the pubic transport links and good and we manage easily with one car. We are a family of three and our son is able to get the bus to school. Regular buses along Stirling Highway between Fremantle and Perth city centre are ideal for Nedlands. The nearest train station would be Claremont with many connecting buses to Nedlands, or Loch Street and Karrakatta stations with a 15-20 minute walk, depending on where it is you are working.

Parking in and around the Nedlands area is not great because of it's proximity to the University of WA. Public transport is your best friend. You may be able to get a rental for around $500 a week, but it will most likely for a 2 bedroom flat or a duplex. Have a look at http://www.postnewspapers.com.au 'Classifieds' each Friday and you will find a list of private rentals under the 'To Let' section. Also keep an eye on http://www.reiwa.com.au.

Areas within 20 minutes of Nedlands are Crawley, Claremont, Mt Claremont, Shenton Park, Subiaco, Cottesloe, Swanbourne, Daglish, Karrakatta, Graylands, Mosman Park and Peppermint Grove. North Fremantle is also worth considering. All of these are western suburbs and therefore you will be paying a premium rent, but it is a very desirable area in which to live, being sandwiched between the sea and the Swan River and with good transport links into Perth. You will get cheaper rent further out but it will cost you considerably more in fuel and parking so there would be little benefit.

If you have children, there are very good school in this area.

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