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Looking to meet new people


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I have just moved to Perth, near Belmont at the minute and am looking to meet different people to go out and explore or simply meet up for a coffee or a proper drink. I have met some really nice people so far since I have been here (2 weeks) but would like to expand my social circle. I'm 31 and have quite a bit of spare time at the minute as still on the job hunt but have my own transport so have the option to meet anywhere round Perth.



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Hi Kerry,


Not long to go for you now then. Let me know when your finally here and we can meet in the city. Good luck with the move.




Would love to. Will let you know once I'm settled and over the jet lag.


What type of work are you looking for? There is a group on LinkedIn called Perth networking. Think they meet for breakfast once a month in the cbd. I may tag along one morning if you fancy going. Look me up on LinkedIn if you want because I may have joined a few other Perth groups

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Would love to. Will let you know once I'm settled and over the jet lag.


What type of work are you looking for? There is a group on LinkedIn called Perth networking. Think they meet for breakfast once a month in the cbd. I may tag along one morning if you fancy going. Look me up on LinkedIn if you want because I may have joined a few other Perth groups



Your being super organized. That should really help you out when you get here. I'm looking for work as a teacher but waiting on paperwork to be registered in WA before I can start doing supply etc. I'll have a look for you on Linked in.

Enjoy your weekend.


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I have been here for 2 weeks, I'm 29 and on the job hunt so have lots of free time at the moment! Would love to meet up with new people, I've been staying with family up in the hills so I haven't met anyone yet. I've got a car and should be moving down to the city in the next week or so.


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Hi Liz,

I've just moved over last month, currently staying with family in southern suburbs. I'm Ayshe (32) originally from Sunderland. I'm married to Gary (44), we've got two boys, Tommy (2) and Henry (4 months). Gary's on the job hunt and I'm on the house, car and friends hunt. I've visited Perth 17 times before making the big move so know my way about quite well...

If you fancy meeting up PM me.


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Hi Kerry,

My mother moved to Perth 16 years ago and every time I've visited I've always stayed with her in Canning Vale. Since I've become a mother the need for grandparents has become more apparent. Hence the big move finally happening. As we want to be near my family we're only really looking in the Southern Suburbs. There are many new estates always popping up and becoming more established with schools, shops etc. Obviously the closer to the city the bigger the cost especially when 4 bedrooms as a minimum is a must. I think so long as we can commute to the city with relative ease we will be ok so we're looking for houses in, Canning Vale, Southern River, Thornlie, Huntingdale. If you want to talk about it PM me. Hope you have got over the flight?

Ayshe. x

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