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Planning the move and many questions - Help!


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im glad i see this SJT - i love xmas , its my fav time of year - but not this year - hope it is due to the fact were just here and it all feels slightly strange . Both my kids are in school and loving every minute of it don't seem too fussed about xmas (yet) . We dont get our container till Jan so no memories of home to look at.


i hope i get in xmas spirit when i put on my new xmas tshirt and hit the beach ! xx

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Just done the first huge tesco shop in prep for Christmas. I have brain stormed all those things that could be delivered at sit in the cupboard waiting for the big day (booze, nuts, etc.) I have scanned Mary Berry's recipes and decided on a rich white chocolate cheesecake as an alternative to Christmas pudding for those that don't like it. I have tried to get as much of the bulky stuff ordered and we just need to get the fresh stuff closer to the time. The final tesco delivery is prebooked just before the event. No doubt I'll still be running around looking for fresh cranberries on Christmas Eve (reminds me of that song by the waitresses). Why am I never completely organised??!


Well, the wind is blowing hard in the south of the UK, the leaves are swirling in a frenzy, quite cold too. Scotland has got it really bad. The weather reporter could hardly stand up. The BBC were asking people to send their own pics in as they can't get their own reporters up there to film. The Thames barrier is going up too today as high tides and winds expected. Feels chilly and Christmassy.

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Getting worried for my youngest in Norfolk. this weather looks dreadful, we are ok here in the midlands.


I sell those santa keys had to send some over for my grandchildren

we have one and put it out every year, have been looking for two for my nephew and god children but struggling! do you sell online Odies?

j x

ps Scotland is v bad, my train and course have been cancelled :(

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You're welcome. I always thought an Aussie Santa should wear board shorts and sunnies.


Not sure how he'll get in the house this year. We've no chimney.


Santa comes to our beach every christmas morning and gives out some sweets to the kids. I can confirm he does indeed wear board shorts for the delivery and he leaves the sleigh behind and arrives by jet ski

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You're welcome. I always thought an Aussie Santa should wear board shorts and sunnies.


Not sure how he'll get in the house this year. We've no chimney.


I used to tell my children he had a magic key and came in the front door - so our first year here we made a big key out of cardboard covered in foil and left it outside on the bench on the front verandah for him...... Then when he "let himself in" and partook of the obligatory mince pie and glass of brandy and took the carrot for Rudolf, he left the key on the table with a thank you note! My kids are now in their 30's and still talk about it... and yes they do know there isn't really a Santa now!!!

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Hello. I feel another question coming on.....


As of yesterday, we sold our house and the buyers sold their's so it's full steam ahead! :jiggy: Time to get solicitors involved.


Now my mind has to turn to all the other stuff we need to do to do before we leave, to make it happen.


So my question is.... Does anyone have a list of all the things they knew they had to do? The sort of thing we all have to do. Share with us your lists, you may have something I hadn't even thought of. Even the obvious stuff is good to note.


Here we go, onto the next phase of the process.


Looking forward to reading your words of wisdom!

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Wow Akasully2.... brilliant that you have a buyer who has sold! I hate that "chain" thing in UK that goes pearshaped all the time! As far as your list of what to do is concerned, I vaguely remember that someone had posted one, but can't find it! Knowing you and your thoroughness though I bet yours will be top notch! Would you be a Capricorn by any chance???

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Not one list, hundreds!

I had loads, all taped or tacked to rooms in the house, lists of stuff to be done in each particular room, the garage, the cars, on Google, iCloud, in my wallet and on the back of my hand, the kids even went to school with lists.


I do remember one of the best things I did was get everything I didn't want on eBay early in the process so it was out of the way. One day I had three buyers turn up at the same time and once one of them found out I was emigrating she turned into a thing possessed and started offering me cash for everything, regardless of whether it was for sale. She kept pointing at things and asking "What about that? Or that? And that?" foaming at the mouth and hyperventilating. She drove a three hour round trip to return for a set of Ikea shelves she couldn't get in the car the first time around and when she got back and I threw in a coat rack I thought she was going to rip my clothes off in the hallway.


We sold our 'nice' car pretty early too and I bought an old Subaru estate which turned out to be the best car I've ever owned as it could haul anything and I just didn't care about it.


I also sorted out loads of scrap metal and rather than throw it in the skip I took it to the local scrap merchant and sold it. I had filled the car, even the passenger seat and got more than £500 for it all.


One of the best things was planning ahead for the kids, making sure they were occupied, away on sleepovers or day trips so they weren't around when the house was in chaos. It became like a game with the two of them guessing what would be different by the time they got home.


I wish I'd been more organised with my paperwork too and rather than assume certain things were in 'that' place I should have checked, found them when I wasn't tearing my eyes out in frustration and filed them away for the future.


Well done with the house sale, full steam ahead, pip pip!

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