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Planning the move and many questions - Help!


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Just wanted to ask you a quick question, did you apply for your visa on your own or did you use an agency?






we did it without an agent to save money, if your case is straightforward you should manage - just ask questions on here and search old threads- all the info is there and people are more than happy to share/help. good luck Charlene,

Bean x

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Thanks Rossmoyne good idea- I will contact them. Did anyone take an unlocked phone and just put in a sim when they arrived? are basic contracts quite cheap? ( I pay £10 per month to tesco and get all I need) Has anyone had direct experience of shipping a car?


Hi SS,


My OH brought his unlocked iPhone 5 and I bought one out here (from Apple so unlocked too).


We bought pre-paid (pay as you go) SIMS from Telstra. We went for the $30 option as that have us the data we needed but there were loads of options. We have had them two and a half weeks and I still have $14 left.


Contracts do seem relatively easy to get BUT you need at least two forms of Aussie ID to get one. Generally this is the Medicare card and WA drivers licence. Seeing as Medicare can take up to four weeks to come through and you can't change your drivers licence over without Medicare, it's quicker to get pre-paid when you first arrive. They will accept uk passports as ID for pre-paid.


Hope that helps


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New question....


A development of the duvet question earlier. Ok, so we have agreed to go for an all seasons one in light of advice on here. Now we are differing in whether to go for feather and down or a breathable synthetic. I hate synthetic but OH has read a review if a product in john Lewis which says people think this one is great. A lady with night time hot flushes says it has help wick away moisture and kept her comfortable. We are at logger heads on this one.


So, which is better for the Perth climate? Anyone out there tried synthetic? What would you recommend?

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We brought over our feather one, and to be honest we have had it on our bed most nights, just a couple of nights these last few weeks we have not had it on, due to it being hot and sticky and during the winter it was a god send as the house was freezing of a night.

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I've decided to order a new one from the UK when we get to perth. There's a great company who will deliver to Australia for £25 within 11 days (if I recall the days correctly).


I gather from this post that you're unable to buy duvets in Perth? I will be looking to get one shipped over too if this is the case...must have a cozy duck down!

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Sorry guys but I just don't get all the comments about buying stuff in UK to bring to Oz. We do have shops here you know that sell items of comparable quality! Surely part of the new life adventure is to forgo the comfort of familiar things and try out what your new country has to offer?


And duvets are called doonas here or sometimes "quilts".

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Thanks nikki- really helpful. Note you are safely in Perth... all going well? Any shocks?


Yep been here three weeks tomorrow! It feels like a lifetime already and haven't missed the UK at all yet. Having said that we've not had a chance to we've been so busy.


The only shock we had so far (and it wasn't a nasty one really) was the 46 degree temperatures which hit when we'd only been here four days!!

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Sorry guys but I just don't get all the comments about buying stuff in UK to bring to Oz. We do have shops here you know that sell items of comparable quality! Surely part of the new life adventure is to forgo the comfort of familiar things and try out what your new country has


my nine year old asked if she was allowed to take her watercolours with her- ie would they get through customs, then she asked "do they have paint in australia??!!" I sometimes wonder what she thinks it's like !! I pointed out it was not a third world country! bless x

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Sorry guys but I just don't get all the comments about buying stuff in UK to bring to Oz. We do have shops here you know that sell items of comparable quality! Surely part of the new life adventure is to forgo the comfort of familiar things and try out what your new country has


my nine year old asked if she was allowed to take her watercolours with her- ie would they get through customs, then she asked "do they have paint in australia??!!" I sometimes wonder what she thinks it's like !! I pointed out it was not a third world country! bless x


I agree although some things are worth bringing or shipping from the uk. I've looked at getting a luxury goose down duvet; always wanted one; and by the looks of it it's must cheaper to get one shipped from the uk.

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I think I've said before but I spent ridiculous amount on a SK duvet from JL, much like this one;


I have to say that it was worth every penny, it's been lovely. In winter, when you're acclimatised and it's 3 degrees at night in a house with no heating or insulation it's lovely to snuggle up against someone toasty and warm beneath this.

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my nine year old asked if she was allowed to take her watercolours with her- ie would they get through customs, then she asked "do they have paint in australia??!!" I sometimes wonder what she thinks it's like !! I pointed out it was not a third world country! bless x




We were looking at something to do with Perth online and there was a picture of a park or garden with a lovely grassy slope to which my daughter commented, "that will be a great place to go sledging..."

The look she gave me when I told her there was NEVER any snow in Perth was priceless. I thought for a moment she was about to say she wasn't going if she'd never see snow again? It does make me wonder exactly what she's expecting?

Edited by Sideshowdeb
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We were looking at something to do with Perth online and there was a picture of a park or garden with a lovely grassy slope to which my daughter commented, "that will be a great place to go sledging..."

The look she gave me when I told her there was NEVER any snow in Perth was priceless. I thought for a moment she was about to say she wasn't going if she'd never see snow again? It does make me wonder exactly what she's expecting?


A couple of years ago we went to Fremantle (memorial hill), a friend had obtained large blocks of ice from his workplace, they placed a towel on the block, sat on it and slid down the hill

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