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Planning the move and many questions - Help!


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Hi Akasully2. We have been very fortunate with the schools we have chosen. My daughter has gone to a local primary school which we did not have a say in and its fantastic. The children are allowed to be children, they run around, they play on the play equipment that is on the school grounds and to be honest I was shocked at the amount of laughter you hear (I did not realise how the children did not do that at the UK schools, yes there were lots of noise, but here they actually laugh) but on the other hand they are very respectful to the teachers here and seem to want to help out more.


Tom has just started high school and was gobsmacked that the teachers do not shout at the students unlike the school he was in back in the UK (when we went for James' interview with the head master, he said none of the teachers are allowed to shout and they have all had training) and they really don't. My own concern regarding high school is that they don't have books like we do in the UK, they use loose papers and have to file them themselves, its up to the students to be organised, I'm not sure how good that will be and only time will tell, but I can honestly say all three of mine love going to school now.


Tom is going on camp today for three days, he started high school two weeks ago, its about them getting to know their new classmates and having fun.


You do sort of feel pressurized to send your kids to private here, but there was an article the other day on the BBC news that someone had done regarding private v state, and it proved there was nothing in it, if your child will want to learn and is happy in school they will, it also depends on what crowd they end up in. We purposely chose an area that had a brilliant state school and I know of parents that have moved area since they arrived as they found the schools their kids were suppose to go to were not all that good and one of my friends send's her son to private school as the catchment high school is terrible, but they love where they live. I suppose if you are in an area that has a bad state school then private is the way to go.


Personally all three of mine are flourishing and I'm very happy where we live and the schools we have chosen.





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Sarah that's great that yours are so happy and flourishing. Guess it is down to the individual school.


As as for being trained not to shout, thought that was funny. On Friday, my 11 year old had an INSET day. So I brought him to school with me. It was valentines day and he was the only boy in an all girls private school! He stayed in the class and sat at the back. As each class passed through he commented on the class, whether they were friendly, listened properly or applied themselves. I asked him what he thought I was like as a teacher. (That was dangerous!) He said that I was relaxed, very friendly and made a nice atmosphere in the class when the pupils worked well. He added that I was actually quite strict too, but only to the ones that needed it. I did raise my voice a little bit but I didn't think it was much, just a short sharp remark. He said it made him jump! Anyway, I must be doing something right because my girls said they were sad I was leaving because the lessons were so fun. Said they were going to hand cuff me to the table so I couldn't leave! Going to miss them too. :sad:


I guess we are going to have to do a fair bit of viewing schools to see what feels right. Having been through having to choose secondary schools last year, I realise that it not all about league tables but what feels right for your child.


Someone asked me how do Oz school qualifications rate compared to the UK in terms of if you return and want to go to a UK Uni. Did the students have to do a additional course or were they accepted like A levels on a degree course. I had no idea.


Anyone out there have knowledge of this?

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I have another question but still want to continue asking about the school thing too. So please feel free to comment on either, they will both be active.


New question....


Can anyone tell me if it is worth bringing the Nespreso machine to Oz? How easy is it to get the pods and how much they are? They are 30p in the UK.



We have a machine here in the UK but want to know if it is worth bringing it over. I looked on the Nespreso site for Oz and before I can get a price I have to fill out my account details with an Oz postal address!! Grrrr.....



The only ones I can see on eBay in Oz are imported from the UK, USA or Hungary.


To to bring or not to bring, that is the question (and how much they are!).

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Sarah that's great that yours are so happy and flourishing. Guess it is down to the individual school.


As as for being trained not to shout, thought that was funny. On Friday, my 11 year old had an INSET day. So I brought him to school with me. It was valentines day and he was the only boy in an all girls private school! He stayed in the class and sat at the back. As each class passed through he commented on the class, whether they were friendly, listened properly or applied themselves. I asked him what he thought I was like as a teacher. (That was dangerous!) He said that I was relaxed, very friendly and made a nice atmosphere in the class when the pupils worked well. He added that I was actually quite strict too, but only to the ones that needed it. I did raise my voice a little bit but I didn't think it was much, just a short sharp remark. He said it made him jump! Anyway, I must be doing something right because my girls said they were sad I was leaving because the lessons were so fun. Said they were going to hand cuff me to the table so I couldn't leave! Going to miss them too. :sad:


I guess we are going to have to do a fair bit of viewing schools to see what feels right. Having been through having to choose secondary schools last year, I realise that it not all about league tables but what feels right for your child.


Someone asked me how do Oz school qualifications rate compared to the UK in terms of if you return and want to go to a UK Uni. Did the students have to do a additional course or were they accepted like A levels on a degree course. I had no idea.


Anyone out there have knowledge of this?


With regard to returning to the UK for university, my Australian friend was accepted to study Pharmacy (4 years masters degree) here in the UK purely on her Australian high school qualifications. I looked into this briefly a long time ago and I think there's a reciprocal arrangement for moving on to tertiary education.

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I have another question but still want to continue asking about the school thing too. So please feel free to comment on either, they will both be active.


New question....


Can anyone tell me if it is worth bringing the Nespreso machine to Oz? How easy is it to get the pods and how much they are? They are 30p in the UK.



We have a machine here in the UK but want to know if it is worth bringing it over. I looked on the Nespreso site for Oz and before I can get a price I have to fill out my account details with an Oz postal address!! Grrrr.....



The only ones I can see on eBay in Oz are imported from the UK, USA or Hungary.


To to bring or not to bring, that is the question (and how much they are!).


No, don't bring it, they're hideous things - cheap and nasty coffee, over packaged, gimmicky rubbish, wait till you get here and convert to decent coffee :tongue:

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There is an issue with kids returning to do uni in the UK as they will not be regarded as normal UK students untill they have been back in the UK for a period of time - i think its 2 years. Until then they would not be entitled to any funding


Thanks for pointing that out, I'd looked into funding/costs of uni in Oz but I hadn't considered anything would change for him if he decided to come back to the UK for university.

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Cheers. The machine was a present and I do like selective pods but I must admit they make tiny amounts. To use two pods for one cup seems expensive to me for a home brew. At the weekends we tend to have the percolator jug on for full cups. Might end up being an eBay job.


As for the Uni, that was good to know about the two year thing. Not planning on doing that but at least I have the answer if anyone asks.

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New question.....


Are you a giver or a taker?


On our avatar profile blurb at the side of the screen it tells as how many posts we have made and how many 'likes' we have received. I often look at those people who have a high 'post' to 'like' ratio and think that they must be incredibly witty or friendly or informative (or all three) to gain those results. Hats off to them.


In addition to this, by clicking on someone's profile you can see not only the information above but also how many likes they have given. Some are givers, generously liking other people's posts, whilst others who may have received many, have in fact liked very few in return.


So, are you a giver or a taker?


Have you been motivated to 'like' more because others are generous to you? Do you spread the love/like? Do you give and receive equally? Are you frugal with the likes because you like very little or has it not occurred to you to do it? :cool:


i like to 'like'other peoples posts, i feel that it shows support. i wish i had more time to reply too, but i just dont :-(


i do have a quick look through the posts during the day, but only on my phone and i cant stand typing on it with one finger, i can just about manage to text, i prefer to type on my laptop, its much faster.



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i like to 'like'other peoples posts, i feel that it shows support. i wish i had more time to reply too, but i just dont :-(


i do have a quick look through the posts during the day, but only on my phone and i cant stand typing on it with one finger, i can just about manage to text, i prefer to type on my laptop, its much faster.




you're obviously a one fingered giver! Well done. :laugh:

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Guest guest9824
Woo hoo. Price isn't much different to here too. Yay.





I buy the cafe au lait too cause there is 16 pods in there rather than have 8 coffee ones and 8 milk ones like you get in the latte etc....see I'm learning how to save pennies Deb :biggrin:



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I buy the cafe au lait too cause there is 16 pods in there rather than have 8 coffee ones and 8 milk ones like you get in the latte etc....see I'm learning how to save pennies Deb :biggrin:




Im proud of you pea. I take a travel mug to have a drink on my way to work. It quite big and takes 2 of the cafe au lait. But it's still much cheaper than stopping off for a costa or Starbucks on my way, which I used to do.


your garden and pool are beautiful by the way x



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Guest guest9824
Im proud of you pea. I take a travel mug to have a drink on my way to work. It quite big and takes 2 of the cafe au lait. But it's still much cheaper than stopping off for a costa or Starbucks on my way, which I used to do.


your garden and pool are beautiful by the way x




Like your style....


Thanks chuck! Hard yakka to keep it clean, me being a bit OCD too, but worth the hard slog! x

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Guest guest9824
Anyone know how much the Nespreso ones are?



Not sure but I know you can get them easily here, and I think coles do their own which is supposed to be compatible with the nespresso pods, I think! which will probably be a lot cheaper than the real McCoy.

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Im proud of you pea. I take a travel mug to have a drink on my way to work. It quite big and takes 2 of the cafe au lait. But it's still much cheaper than stopping off for a costa or Starbucks on my way, which I used to do.


your garden and pool are beautiful by the way x



can't wait until we're all having a pool party chez Pea ;-)

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