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Planning the move and many questions - Help!


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one great tip I was given was to bring your own hair colour out with you. I have a stash of 2 years worth of DIY loreal colour that my hair dresser uses on me. This way I will be grey free for quite some time before needing to seek the assistance of a professional.


:laugh: 0825 here and Mrs p has just asked me if I'll dye her hair this morning before we go out.

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one great tip I was given was to bring your own hair colour out with you. I have a stash of 2 years worth of DIY loreal colour that my hair dresser uses on me. This way I will be grey free for quite some time before needing to seek the assistance of a professional.


Well sorry Sully but that is the worst advice ever! L'Oreal is big in Oz and you can buy the DIY stuff everywhere... it is always on special and although dearer than the other crap on the market, not at all expensive! But am so pleased you use a quality product!

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Didn't get time to do it this morning so I did it a couple of hours ago. She wanted it streaky and I did my best but… :swoon:


She's decided to go 'dark'. I don't think I'll be asked to do it again :tongue:


I have to say you're very brave. My OH wouldn't dream of trying to due my hair let alone doing streaks. Mrs P obviously trusts you implicitly!

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Well sorry Sully but that is the worst advice ever! L'Oreal is big in Oz and you can buy the DIY stuff everywhere... it is always on special and although dearer than the other crap on the market, not at all expensive! But am so pleased you use a quality product!


The stuff that I bought was not the usual over the counter box ones that show you a picture on it. These ones are professional supplies hairdressers use that I have to mix myself. I had to get then from a special suppliers. If they turn out to be available over there, all the better. I'm hoping the sun will give me natural highlights so that will save a bob or two!

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The stuff that I bought was not the usual over the counter box ones that show you a picture on it. These ones are professional supplies hairdressers use that I have to mix myself. I had to get then from a special suppliers. If they turn out to be available over there, all the better. I'm hoping the sun will give me natural highlights so that will save a bob or two!


After making this move I'll be more in need of hair dye than ever! ;)

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Akasully are you taking the peroxide for it aswell?






The stuff that I bought was not the usual over the counter box ones that show you a picture on it. These ones are professional supplies hairdressers use that I have to mix myself. I had to get then from a special suppliers. If they turn out to be available over there, all the better. I'm hoping the sun will give me natural highlights so that will save a bob or two!
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Hi, just wanted to give you an update as I feel like I haven't really been on here as much as usual. For the past couple of weeks we have been getting ready for the big move out of our house. To say it was full on, would be an understatement. We had the packers Pickfords in for 3 days. They were brilliant, really professional but very friendly and funny. However, I personally found the whole moving out thing very stressful. We were ebaying right up to the last minute and had masses of stuff to be recycled or dumped. If I had to do it all again, I would have started that process a lot earlier. I underestimated just how time consuming it actually was. I felt very stressed as the container arrived as I was sleep deprived from waking too early from worrying, whilst trying to email, take phone calls, kids announcing the 40ft container had arrived and they wanted to talk to me and a husband at work unable to be there to help. At this point I became a muttering nut case. I hadn't had lunch and my hands were shaking and I just felt I was pulled in too many directions. Thankfully, at this low point my in-laws turned up with sandwiches and support, they also took the kids away with them.


Anyway, we did it. We moved out of the house last night, said goodbye to our neighbours who kissed us farewell and thanked us for being lovely neighbours, ahh... (we thought the same of them). As I drove away feeling exhausted I didn't particularly feel sad to see the house go. Must mean we are ready for our new adventure. We gave the keys over to the new owners today and officially became homeless! That felt weird. However, at least the money is in the bank, well, for a while at least!


We are staying with the in-laws who are great. Spent the day unpacking our cases for the 3 week stay. Feels odd to have time to just sit and do nothing. The count down really has started now.

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Akasully you bring back so many memories I'm sure for everyone. I remember our last week I had a sudden need to go clothes shopping, can't tell you why, but I had to go. (especially as my suitcases were packed with what we were taking and there was no more room for additional stuff. Went wondering around Debenhams in a state of numbness then concluded I needed bras, bought two bras that were way too big for me and was crying as I paid for them, the woman behind the counter must have thought I was mad, and all the clothes I brought that day I have not worn once as they are horrible. I was obviously in a bit of state that day and now I can laugh about it, but it was a totally confusing day that had no rhyme or reason, but it was something I had to do. Hubby was a bit shocked to come home to find me with these two bras that I had brought, honestly the are the most horrid things I had ever brought,I have not thrown them away as they make me laugh now, but he was more confused as only three weeks before he had spent a fortune on buying me lots and I mean lots of very beautiful sets and there was me crying my out saying I HAD to go and get these things.


I don't think any amount of planning, being organised can control the mind, it may make things run a bit more smoothly, but the mind has a thing of its own, but now you can breathe and relax a bit, enjoy the next three weeks, make the most of being "homeless", treat it as a holiday, make sure you take time out to relax, go for a drink just you and hubby, the last week when Pete had finished work, we made sure that we did something everyday just the two of us, and made the most of the time alone, it felt surreal to sit in a pub on a Wed school day lunch and have a bowl of chips and a glass of wine, just the two of us. This is the start of the next bit of the adventure, and you need to treat it as a holiday as once you land and get over the jet lag you will be busy again. See you soon. XX

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Hubby was a bit shocked to come home to find me with these two bras that I had brought, honestly the are the most horrid things I had ever brought,I have not thrown them away as they make me laugh now


:laugh: Frame them! I'd buy a couple of really gaudy gilt frames, starch them into shape and mount them on the bedroom wall. :cool:

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SJT, spot on. Glad my lunacy is commonplace. Feeling much calmer now.


We fly out on Sunday 11th May from London. Rental to be finalised this weekend.


Some possible good news on the work front though, OH told the client that he was leaving and he said he used to live in Perth whilst working in the construction industry and had lots of contacts. He said he was really impressed by him and would make some calls on his behalf. If that pulls off, we would be over the moon.

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SJT, spot on. Glad my lunacy is commonplace. Feeling much calmer now.


We fly out on Sunday 11th May from London. Rental to be finalised this weekend.


Some possible good news on the work front though, OH told the client that he was leaving and he said he used to live in Perth whilst working in the construction industry and had lots of contacts. He said he was really impressed by him and would make some calls on his behalf. If that pulls off, we would be over the moon.

That's great news on the job front

hope you manage to relax and enjoy your last 3 weeks they'll soon fly by x

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Cottesloe http://www.boatshedmarket.com.au/


It is not cheap, but very very good. Just be careful as it is easy to get carried away


They don't happen to do a decent Chorizo do they? I have tried every version in the supermarkets and they are all really bland and fake tasting! I like a really good punchy, smoky chorizo.


Pork related products in general seem a bit rubbish. Not quite sure why as the joints of meat are lovely!

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They don't happen to do a decent Chorizo do they? I have tried every version in the supermarkets and they are all really bland and fake tasting! I like a really good punchy, smoky chorizo.


Pork related products in general seem a bit rubbish. Not quite sure why as the joints of meat are lovely!


Yes loads at the deli - a lot of it imported from spain. Also incredible hams and things from Spain and Italy. The deli is on of the best bits there - huge and with an incredible range


The butchers has the best pork in Perth - Hertfordhire

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Thought I would share our removal photos with you. All carried out on a beautiful spring day...


Yet again, all the pics are upside down. What is weird, I rotated half of them on my iPad so at least some should be the right way up, but no, not the case!





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