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Planning the move and many questions - Help!


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We got granted finally :) We are planning the removal, flying on 1st september. I have question, I heard from a friend that there are no gas stoves in Perth. Our stove top works with gas. The oven Works with electricity, so thats fine. But can I use the stove over there?



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Hi Sunflower. I think a lot depends where you are. A lot of places are on electric and those that are on gas are on bottled. My experience is based in the countryside so happy to be corrected.

TBH I'm not sure that there is much point bringing a stove as most rentals will have one.

Edited by Nikkis2000
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Going back to PPP's... I spoke to my OH last night and he said he couldn't believe his sister. She really p'd him off (although he didn't show it) because she gave her view as if was fact not opinion and wouldn't let it drop. Also, Her OH started telling us about the most awesome waves he caught in Cornwall whilst bodyboarding. My OH related it to what we had done in Oz and he over road it, basically presenting himself as a know it all. How can people have such confidence in themselves that they appear to be experts in everything? Arrogance? I am the first person to put my hand up and say I know a little about a lot of things, but there is so much I don't know, however, I'm always keen to learn.


I was chatting to my lovely MIL yesterday and she repeated the views held by her daughter (PPP's) about not buying in Perth as the bubble was likely to burst. She told me how she knew about these things and had predicted it before when a recession hit the UK in the 1990's. They had taken her advice and it paid off. (I told this to my OH and he just laughed and said that was nonsense). At this point I politely reminded her that she wasn't always correct because she told us years ago to hold off buying our first house as the mkt was going to drop lower but in fact it rose sharply and priced us out of the area we wanted. Sometimes we hit lucky but it is not a definite. I also backed it up with info I had found on PP thanks to Rossmoyne and Porty! MIL said people were just looking out for us and trying to give us their best advice. I wonder???

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With respect Sully, what do you care?

Seriously, does it matter to you what she or anyone else thinks? I realise they might be dragging you into a negative space, exacerbated perhaps by your own heightened sense of vulnerability and uncertainty, but what bearing do they have on your decision to come and your health, happiness and wellbeing once you're here?


Why engage? Let it wash over you. Think of the Indian ocean, glorious sunsets, Perth Poms, Australian Pinot. Thank them for their concern and tell them it's so reassuring to have someone so focussed on your best interests and change the subject.

If that's too much, objectify the comment. If it's insensitive or unfounded, probe to see if there's substance to their claims. - "Wow, that's very interesting about the housing market, thanks for the heads up, I'd like to read more, where did you find the info?"

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We got granted finally :) We are planning the removal, flying on 1st september. I have question, I heard from a friend that there are no gas stoves in Perth. Our stove top works with gas. The oven Works with electricity, so thats fine. But can I use the stove over there?




Well done on the grant!!!


As far as the gas hob and electric oven.... why would you bring them? You will have to have them checked by qualified and certified operatives to ensure you can have them connected in WA (once again by qualified and certified operatives as you are not allowed to do this yourself.... insurance is null and void if you do anyway). The gas hob will more than likely need a conversion to be able to use WA gas... Seriously, don't even think about bringing them. If you need to have European appliances you can buy them here. Save yourself the stress.

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Thanks for your answers. Ours is a combined oven and stove, as big as a dishwasher. It's still new actually thats why we want to take it. Also we'll pay the same with or without taking it. Is there stoves even in unfurnished flats?


Yes. All rentals have to provide cooking facilities.

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Sully.... keep a handle on yourself hon and don't get wound up at this stage in your journey.... you and your family have researched this migration move so very thoroughly, and many of us on PerthPoms have told you exactly how it is here. If PPP thinks we know nothing... well that is her view, but she isn't living here and it doesn't matter how much she researches and reads on the internet, it will never replace reality. And reality is what we here in WA are living in and this is what we have been advising you. Sully you are close to the "leaving day" and your emotions are working on mega stress right now and you will be so emotional about all you are leaving and what on earth are you coming to. Please try not to buy into other people's issues.... just concentrate on what your immediate family have been planning for a while and just go with the journey. Rossy....

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Yes, you are all right! Positive thinking and faith in one's own research/opinion. Thank you PP's for keeping me focused on what really matters. I sound like a loon now! I guess it is just that PPP's has a long track record of being a trouble maker and it has got under my skin over the years. A bit like a fungal infection that just won't go away. Time to get some distance from it all. The other side of the world should do it! :biglaugh: Thanks again. X

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Depends on what school you go to. All three of mine wear trainers, and no colour protocol they can wear what they like, but some of the schools, mainly private insist on Clarkes type of foot wear. Not that this helps you in any shape of form for now.

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Guest guest9824

You can buy Clarkes shoes here, and Airflex at Betts Shoe Shops, which is what my girls have to wear for school, big bulky lace ups, ugly looking things but practical I guess... They average $100 to $120 a pair.

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New question...


Is it worth getting the boys new school shoes from clarkes before we come over or do they wear trainers at school? If so, is there a colour protocol for trainers?


Ours went in the bin. They needed new but with a month off school before our arrival being fed, watered and storm sunshine we decided it might be a false economy buying them before we left the UK.

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New question...


Do they have bio sculpture gel nails over there? If not, is there a different leading brand?


How much does it cost to have gel nails applied on average?


thank you


Well you have really stumped me on this one lol. But i guess getting nails done is cheap as there are loads of nail places in the shopping centres

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New question...


Do they have bio sculpture gel nails over there? If not, is there a different leading brand?


How much does it cost to have gel nails applied on average


thank you

yes, to have gel nails on there are nail saloons everywhere, all asians and so quick, will do feet to. around $50, I only pay £15 here so a lot more expensive.

I always use a place in Clarkson who are really good, had them done in Karrinup once and they were awful.

they all seem to be the same franchise Professional Nails

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yes, to have gel nails on there are nail saloons everywhere, all asians and so quick, will do feet to. around $50, I only pay £15 here so a lot more expensive.

I always use a place in Clarkson who are really good, had them done in Karrinup once and they were awful.

they all seem to be the same franchise Professional Nails


$50 for a quick in and out! I have only just had mine done for the first time and it cost me £24 and took 1.5 hours. I must admit I had admired other people's nails (as long as they don't have stick on drawings or gems all over them) but never thought it would suit me as my nails are short. Well, blow me away, I am convert! No more blendy, chipped nails, just classic coral red beauties and the end of my fingers. Just need to get them off once I get to perth otherwise they will be looking manky. Not a good first impression!

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