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Planning the move and many questions - Help!


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There majority of shellfish off the coast of Perth live in deeper water / a lot further out, so their shells are not washed up as much. On our beach at the right time of year we get thousands of cutlefish bones washed up - that's the oblong white things people give to parrots.


Other things we have found on the beach are sea horses, jelly fish and a dead whale!

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See, I thought you would know!


we have cuttle fish in a bowl in the lounge. No budgies!


We also have a pile of shells we have collected over the years. I was wondering if I clean them and stick them in the microwave for a good zap before declaring them, whether I will be allowed to keep them. What are the odds? Anyone else been allowed to bring them in?

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I think it depends how you pack them, how clean they are, whether they are labelled as shells etc. We had collected shells from beaches in various parts of the world and brought them in with us, but they were packed individually in tissue and bubble wrap (big shells mostly) and listed as "ornaments" by the packers. All were OK and are in an even bigger collection now!

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Hi :biggrin: just found this site today, and as a complete forum/ chat room etc virgin ( i don't even do facebook:shocked:) I thought I would be terribly brave and join in. My OH has just resigned from work a few days ago and is starting a new job in Perth at end of this month ( subject to 457 ) This was a right to the line decision.... we have 2 children both at uni, an 11 year old blind dog and I have an elderly mother, so loads of emotional baggage. However, I've been to Perth twice, absolutely loved it. We need to buy a flat for our children to live in, then empty our house for rental. My OH reckons I can do this all in a month (lol!) I think it's unrealistic, but he obviously wants me out asap, and I want to go asap,once a decision is made you just want to get it all moving.

I have trawled the internet to try to find as much info as I can, but to be honest my head is about to go POP. I have lists of lists... we are planning to rent in Perth at least for the forseeable future- we have a great house in a very sought after area here and if sold could never hope to get back on this scale. we thought about leaving it as it is, but the balance of income and an uninhabited house , the dosh won! so all the furniture has to go, though will use some in a flat for the children. we thought about a container and to take over my car ( saab convertible very old) but so much hassle we have discounted that. So, boxes in a shared container, no furniture but take a furnished flat. How on earth does anyone ever get the timing to work out? We have moved quite a few times in the past and this is the longest we have been in one area so it is a bit of a wrench, and especially to leave children and the dog. Does being a "certain age" make it more difficult to find new friends? no kids at school? I initially won't have work so will need to job hunt, so no work colleagues to meet. Is it fairly easy to find work? stayed in CBD before, but liked the feel of Subiaco, anywhere to recommend for a flat, needs to be within cycling or walking distance of CBD? Confused about healthcare- reciprocal on 457, but a levy to pay? Have managed to read most of this post, loved Portlaunay about the " pommie spider", fell for it for a few seconds! Isn't it great to have a forum like this to chat?

Any advice, including "sit down with a bottle of wine" ( or especially that) will be appreciated- my OH just said he woke up last night not sure if he has made the right decision....:wacko: love these wee faces, have no idea what they are supposed to mean. I think this one means I am finally going bonkers. cheers.

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I think you will always feel you are bonkers. We had never planned to move overseas. A job opportunity came up and we are two weeks in to Perth life and are loving it here. We had no friends and family here but you can meet people from here on the site. If you are not working you can volunteer, do a course or a hobby that will get you meeting people. It's certainly surreal but I can't imagine going back to UK at the moment.

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I think it depends how you pack them, how clean they are, whether they are labelled as shells etc. We had collected shells from beaches in various parts of the world and brought them in with us, but they were packed individually in tissue and bubble wrap (big shells mostly) and listed as "ornaments" by the packers. All were OK and are in an even bigger collection now!


Brilliant! They are just that, ornaments and memories. Thanks so much Rossmoyne!

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Welcome Scotland smilie! Sounds like you are going through a pretty intense learning curve. I started this thread back in august 2013 and I still have questions. I am addicted to this site, or it several times a day. I would recommend getting yourself a folder or note pad and just scribbling down all the key points you find out about as you search through PP. Telly off, wine open and search.


As for being mad, yes I think we have all doubted ourselves at some point. I gave my notice in two weeks ago and it felt very unsettling, however, I am now enjoying being open about it all now. Saying that though, I still regularly wake up at 4am as I things on my mind. No regrets, just uncertainty of what life has in store for us. One good thing about telling people is that many people tell me that they have been to Perth and loved it, their favourite Oz city! Bonus!


Good luck with the move.

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welcome to PP scotland smilie, love your post

Thanks guys, going to try to go with the flow and not freak out too much!:arghh: sorry, I just love these emoticons! I do volunteering currently in addition to some work and love it- Does anyone help at any charities that are centrally based, and have any recommendations? Also do people use dog walkers? I assume they do, I will be bereft without my dog, so maybe I could volunteer to walk if someone is ill? I currently take part in School inspection teams as a volunteer lay member- do they have this sort of system in Perth? Cheers

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Hi Scotland Smiley.


Well, where to live is one of the big issues most face. It largely depends on budget! Furnished places are VERY expensive.


Subi is a nice area and in demand so prices are high. Have a look at realestate.com.au to get some ideas.


There are new apartments in the Burswood area which is close to the CBD, west Perth and east Perth are also good for central apartments.


Healthcare. You are required as a condition of a 457 to have healthcare. However, once you are here you can abandon it as you are entitled to reciprocal healthcare. However, many people, including Australians have private cover as public may not cover everything and things such as dentistry, physio and even ambulances (have an accident and its about $700 for an ambulance) costs. There are also, depending on income, some tax advantages of having private. Do be aware though that not all private cover is best for temporary residents. I recommend Bupa who have a plan that is specially designed for you.


Be aware as well, the system isn't the same as the NHS. Most GP's will now charge you an amount on top of what they can get from the government. This can be between $30 to $60 a visit. Drugs are also at market price. So, some are a win, but some can be expensive.


Regards work. It will depend on what you do. Some partners of 457's do find it harder as you are only a temp resident.


Hope this helps.

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Thanks Verystormy

really helpful! any recommendations for ambulance cover or is that part of the Bupa cover?We are so spoilt in the uk with the NHS, I don't think I have ever spent more than £20 at the dentist, and being a Scot I did have to go and have a wee lie down after I paid that! so $$$$ may bring out my violent side... Are teeth really that important? get a good blender and straw? Anyone know about feather items through customs-? I know it says no decorative things- and I am assuming I can't bring pillows etc, also, If we did decide to go for unfurnished would it mean I couldn't bring my sofas anyway- as they are part feather filled?? anyone any experience of this?


Many thanks again

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Regularly manufactured feather products like duvets, pillows and coats are fine. The shipping agent told me it was a urban myth that you can't bring them. It was circulated on the web.


You cannot however take feather decorations, things that have not been treated. Hooray for my Northface coats, they are safe and coming with me!

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Hi Akasully2 Will the sleepless nights ever stop do you think? Are you taking any bicycles? are you buying new tyres or just scrubbing with jeyes fluid? Is it silly to take bikes- I was only over for a month before, and bought a bike for that time, but couldn't get same the quality for the price at home, ( I am no expert, I look for pretty colour and a basket and bell! my current bike can't actually go up hills, but maybe that's me) , so think it may be worth the hassle, but open to advice on that one. We had a month in Sydney and a month in Darwin and a long weekend in Melbourne, and I thought Perth was just the bees knees...can't wait to get there,but don't want the "journey"


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Hi SS, we are taking our bikes with us, just jet washing them and a jeyes fluid wash down. Wrapping tyres in clingfilm afterwards to keep them clean.


It is my birthday soon and at the moment I don't have a bike as sold it on eBay. When recently a shipping agent came round he firstly went round half the house with my OH then I took over and did the rest. Not knowing which bits they had mentioned already, I did a quick summary and said, "did he mention the bikes?" At this point he said, "Yes, two children's and two adults". I think he just told me my present!! I haven't said anything to OH, maybe it was a precautionary estimate. :jiggy:

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Most private cover includes ambulance. There are a million variable policies out there. However, there are very few that allow temp visa holders to claim the tax allowance. The only one I know of is the Bupa visitors cover.


Thanks Verystormy

really helpful! any recommendations for ambulance cover or is that part of the Bupa cover?We are so spoilt in the uk with the NHS, I don't think I have ever spent more than £20 at the dentist, and being a Scot I did have to go and have a wee lie down after I paid that! so $$$$ may bring out my violent side... Are teeth really that important? get a good blender and straw? Anyone know about feather items through customs-? I know it says no decorative things- and I am assuming I can't bring pillows etc, also, If we did decide to go for unfurnished would it mean I couldn't bring my sofas anyway- as they are part feather filled?? anyone any experience of this?


Many thanks again

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Hi Akasully2 Will the sleepless nights ever stop do you think? Are you taking any bicycles? are you buying new tyres or just scrubbing with jeyes fluid? Is it silly to take bikes- I was only over for a month before, and bought a bike for that time, but couldn't get same the quality for the price at home, ( I am no expert, I look for pretty colour and a basket and bell! my current bike can't actually go up hills, but maybe that's me) , so think it may be worth the hassle, but open to advice on that one. We had a month in Sydney and a month in Darwin and a long weekend in Melbourne, and I thought Perth was just the bees knees...can't wait to get there,but don't want the "journey"



Hi and welcome to PP.


Regarding bikes, cycling is very popular here and there are lots of s/h bikes on Gumtree. Unless you love your bike or it's unusual or high value I'd say ditch it and buy another when you get here. http://www.bikeexchange.com.au has some good deals and lists s/h bikes too so you can get an idea of prices. As for bikes not going up hills, mine suffers from the same problem, I think it's a major design flaw as going down it seems to work fine. Electric bikes are very popular here and I may invest in one in the hope that it overcomes the issue with hills.

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Most private cover includes ambulance. There are a million variable policies out there. However, there are very few that allow temp visa holders to claim the tax allowance. The only one I know of is the Bupa visitors cover.


You can also take out Ambulance Cover direct with St John Ambulance if you don't want to have any other health insurance.

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Hi Nadrim Do you recommend anything that particularly worked for you? Heard of many book groups/supper clubs? I am quite happy to continue zumba/ yoga but would like some cerebral stuff too. Is there a site or something where I could find out about that sort of stuff or is it word of mouth/ shop window info?



Welcome to PP Scotland smiley! I think some libraries might be able to put you in touch with book groups, my Dad is part of one and I think that's how he got involved...

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