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Planning the move and many questions - Help!


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Lincraft also sell fabric etc, prices seemed fairly reasonable (only needed a small bit of fabric for school play) here is the link http://www.lincraft.com.au/ I was also recommended somewhere else, that I got the impression was possibly a bit cheaper and probably a 'better' shop for those that are serious about fabric etc, but alas I cant remember the name (sorry not very helpful) will let you know if it comes back to me!

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New question....


How easy is it to buy fabric for dress making and soft furnishings? Independent shops or an area within a department store?


What is the selection like? Same as UK? Reasonably priced or expensive?


Do many people make their own curtains, cushions, etc?


As something of an expert in this field Mrs p says that Spotlight and Textile Traders are really the only two places. There's nothing like Goldhawk markets, Berwick Street or Petticoat Lane in London and a lot of what is available is of poor quality. Since we're so close to China she's a little disappointed that there's such limited choice and a lot of the fabric she buys she has shipped from America.

As for prices, there's little difference apparently.

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Spotlight and Textile Traders would be the main fabric shops throughout Perth, but there is also the following:


Fabulous Fabrics (in Balcatta):

They mostly have good quality bridal and evening fabrics, but they also stock general good quality fabrics, patterns, haberdashery. Can highly recommend them.



Homecraft Textiles (in St James):

They have a huge range of curtain and dress fabrics of varying qualities. They also stock rugs and ready made curtains. Is a bit of a messy store when you walk in the door and a bit overwhelming, but if you take your time and wander around, there is some nice stuff there.



There are also a few other specialist shops in Perth that supply dance dress fabric, or woollen fabrics.... Quilting is also quite popular here and there some shops that just sell quilting fabrics and give quilting classes.

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As something of an expert in this field Mrs p says that Spotlight and Textile Traders are really the only two places. There's nothing like Goldhawk markets, Berwick Street or Petticoat Lane in London and a lot of what is available is of poor quality. Since we're so close to China she's a little disappointed that there's such limited choice and a lot of the fabric she buys she has shipped from America.

As for prices, there's little difference apparently.


Porty has Mrs P been to Fabulous Fabrics in Balcatta yet? Some seriously nice stuff there that is imported from all over the world.

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Spotlight and Textile Traders would be the main fabric shops throughout Perth, but there is also the following:


Fabulous Fabrics (in Balcatta):

They mostly have good quality bridal and evening fabrics, but they also stock general good quality fabrics, patterns, haberdashery. Can highly recommend them.



Homecraft Textiles (in St James):

They have a huge range of curtain and dress fabrics of varying qualities. They also stock rugs and ready made curtains. Is a bit of a messy store when you walk in the door and a bit overwhelming, but if you take your time and wander around, there is some nice stuff there.



There are also a few other specialist shops in Perth that supply dance dress fabric, or woollen fabrics.... Quilting is also quite popular here and there some shops that just sell quilting fabrics and give quilting classes.


Oooohhhh thanks Rossmoyne for this...... when we lived in Ballarat in Victoria I used to visit Spotlight (Spottie), Lincraft and a couple of smaller independent fabric shops for most things textile-y, so it's good to have the names of a couple of shops before we get to Perth so that I can get a 'fabric fix' pretty swiftly after we arrive!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, had to rescue my Thread as it has started to sink into the sediment! This should be the start of the 50th page which astounds me. I just wanted to say thank you for to all the brilliant people who have made it so entertaining to read. Hats off to you!


In true tradition, I have another question....


When you had finally reached Perth after all of the planning, worrying, tears, anxieties and joy, what was the first thing that you did or saw that made you stop and say, "Wow, we did it, we're here, OMG!"?

correction, this is still page 49! Someone else can intro page 50 :rolleyes:

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Hi all, had to rescue my Thread as it has started to sink into the sediment! This should be the start of the 50th page which astounds me. I just wanted to say thank you for to all the brilliant people who have made it so entertaining to read. Hats off to you!


In true tradition, I have another question....


When you had finally reached Perth after all of the planning, worrying, tears, anxieties and joy, what was the first thing that you did or saw that made you stop and say, "Wow, we did it, we're here, OMG!"?

correction, this is still page 49! Someone else can intro page 50 :rolleyes:


Page 49? Only page 13 for me (Settings/General Settings/Show 40 Posts Per Page)


Same as ali for me. The drive along Kwinana into the city is still pretty magical, the river on your left, Mount Eliza/Kaarta gar-up/Mooro Katta in the distance and then the city just appears out of nowhere.

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We are a bit different as we originally moved to Sydney - we were only there 6 months. But for us, it was reaching the hotel and looking out the window and seeing the bridge and opera house. Special moment


loving these recent posts - so inspiring! :-)


VS- did you enjoy Sydney? there is a strong possibility of my OH being offered a position there and I have suggested to him we may use it as a "stepping stone" to get to WA eventually. Don't think we could ever afford to buy there, but may be good experience to have under our belt? a friend lives on the northern beaches and adores it there.


Apologies Akasully2 for this little interlude in your thread,


J xx


just realised I have started page 50!!

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loving these recent posts - so inspiring! :-)


VS- did you enjoy Sydney? there is a strong possibility of my OH being offered a position there and I have suggested to him we may use it as a "stepping stone" to get to WA eventually. Don't think we could ever afford to buy there, but may be good experience to have under our belt? a friend lives on the northern beaches and adores it there.


Apologies Akasully2 for this little interlude in your thread,


J xx


just realised I have started page 50!!


We enjoyed it and glad we did it, but we prefer WA. Its a nice city - but a bit like a smaller version of London. We were very spoiled thouh as we lived in a fantastic appartment (View of the harbour bridge and a private members club for residents that was incredible - dont ask how we afforded it, beause we couldnt - had to subsidise our rent from savings! Which would have been a disaster long term, but i had to move to Perth for work 6 months later so it wasnt too bad.

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is there a prize, in the form of cake?....


Maybe but I think you would need to collect it Perth once we are both there! :laugh:


Right, got to change my avatar pic, it's too weird. My 8 year old said he couldn't believe I had stuck it on here (apart from the fact we were wetting ourselves playing around with the images at the time). Ok, better go and take a pic of myself without a jelly sweet attached to my face. By the way, my eyes are really further apart than shown here! Ha ha. :biglaugh:

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We enjoyed it and glad we did it, but we prefer WA. Its a nice city - but a bit like a smaller version of London. We were very spoiled thouh as we lived in a fantastic appartment (View of the harbour bridge and a private members club for residents that was incredible - dont ask how we afforded it, beause we couldnt - had to subsidise our rent from savings! Which would have been a disaster long term, but i had to move to Perth for work 6 months later so it wasnt too bad.


So why do you prefer Perth?

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It is more laid back, a quieter easier pace of life. Its visually stunning. The weather is better and the beaches are better - Bondi was one of the most disapointing things i have seen in Oz. A very ordinary beach. Manly was better, but prefer the ones in WA.


Oh VS this is music to my ears! It so reassuring hearing your words because I know they are solid and spot on. We went to Sydney last year and found Bondi Beach so very disappointing. It looked like something from the UK and the water was chilly. Full of 'Eastern European wide boys' in cars with gravelly engines. Parking was a nightmare and very expensive. Manly was better but still didn't hit the spot, it didn't satisfy my expectations of Australia. Sydney described as a little London, very apt. Busy, busy, busy. Very Asian and sleek.


I love the fact perth is visually stunning. That is such an important quality for me.


Cheers, VS!

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