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Planning the move and many questions - Help!


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No accommodation sorted yet. Literally everything has been hanging on the exchange date. Didn't want to book something only to find we had to cancel then lose a deposit. Limbo. Our MIL has kindly invited us there but when we asked if that was ok tonight they asked if we had looked into renting a caravan! They are the most generous of people but at that point I really felt like we weren't wanted. They phoned back and said of course we can stay with them and not to worry about looking for something. My OH has already offered my services to cook the family dinners as a sweetener! I don't want to tread on anyone's toes, especially in the kitchen dept. very sensitive ground!

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Not another question, but an announcement.....




I am waiting to get the boys in bed then the red wine is coming out along with cheese and biscuits. After the stress of the day it will take a while for the knots in my shoulders to dissolve. All in all though, we are walking away with a good deal and with a very comfortable home to live in with the fantastic in laws. A lot to be thankful for. I'll raise a glass to that! :rolleyes:

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Not another question, but an announcement.....




I am waiting to get the boys in bed then the red wine is coming out along with cheese and biscuits. After the stress of the day it will take a while for the knots in my shoulders to dissolve. All in all though, we are walking away with a good deal and with a very comfortable home to live in with the fantastic in laws. A lot to be thankful for. I'll raise a glass to that! :rolleyes:



well done huni!

fantastic news


lauren xxx

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Not another question, but an announcement.....




I am waiting to get the boys in bed then the red wine is coming out along with cheese and biscuits. After the stress of the day it will take a while for the knots in my shoulders to dissolve. All in all though, we are walking away with a good deal and with a very comfortable home to live in with the fantastic in laws. A lot to be thankful for. I'll raise a glass to that! :rolleyes:


Congratulations, so pleased for you x

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Thank you! I must confess, I couldn't wait for the kids to go to bed to open the bottle. I'm on the sauce already. Don't worry, I'm not swigging out of a can of special brew or necking neat vodka. Have a smooth Rioja on the go with McVities Cheddars and cheese. Bliss! Got some of those delicious fiery stuffed peppers coming up next. I'm slipping into heaven. Just need to watch Call the Midwife and then I've peaked!

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Not another question, but an announcement.....




I am waiting to get the boys in bed then the red wine is coming out along with cheese and biscuits. After the stress of the day it will take a while for the knots in my shoulders to dissolve. All in all though, we are walking away with a good deal and with a very comfortable home to live in with the fantastic in laws. A lot to be thankful for. I'll raise a glass to that! :rolleyes:

Brilliant news so pleased for you :)

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Not another question, but an announcement.....




I am waiting to get the boys in bed then the red wine is coming out along with cheese and biscuits. After the stress of the day it will take a while for the knots in my shoulders to dissolve. All in all though, we are walking away with a good deal and with a very comfortable home to live in with the fantastic in laws. A lot to be thankful for. I'll raise a glass to that! :rolleyes:



Congrats! This is great news. Hope all work out with the in laws, hopefully you won't be there for too long. How is the job hunt going? Where are you thinking of locating? We got our holiday accommodation from Stayz and the lady with booked with has been really helpful. Its NOR so if that's any good to you let me know and I will send across the details. As she is an estate agent, she can give us a reference for a long term rental too which should help x

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Great news Akasully, big weight off your shoulders I bet.



Just saw your flights booked for 25th May, it really is flying by! We have a few months longer to go, but so much to do still. I look around the house and wonder how I can get everything sold/sorted in time EEK! Good news is that we have a confirmed tenant to rent the house and we have had our resignations from work accepted! Scary scary but no going back now! EEEEKKKK

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Just saw your flights booked for 25th May, it really is flying by! We have a few months longer to go, but so much to do still. I look around the house and wonder how I can get everything sold/sorted in time EEK! Good news is that we have a confirmed tenant to rent the house and we have had our resignations from work accepted! Scary scary but no going back now! EEEEKKKK


Yep 25th May for the flight but we are leaving our house and Scotland around the 15th to spend the remaining time in Cornwall with MIL before heading to Heathrow! We are trying to get as much done now as we can because we are working up until 4 days before we leave!


Good that you have a tenant, another box ticked for you.

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New question...


Tonight I have just been consuming Stilton and port, my favourite cheese and tipple. I realised that in one month I need to pack up the entire contents of the house and I am not prepared to waste the copious amounts of alcohol that we have stashed away in the cupboard. I have made it my mission to indulge in a few tipples every night, not only to use up what it there but also to enjoy the time we have left. Call it a counter balance to the stresses of the day, sorting out 'stuff' related to the move.


It then got me thinking (3rd glass in) whether you have Stilton in Oz. What is Oz cheese like? Do they import or make decent stuff themselves? Do you have port and if so, is it obscenely expensive?


And just for a little bit of good natured PP discussion, what is your favourite cheese and can you get it in oz?


Night night, look forward to some replies when I wake up. :cute:

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Guest guest9824
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Tonight I have just been consuming Stilton and port, my favourite cheese and tipple. I realised that in one month I need to pack up the entire contents of the house and I am not prepared to waste the copious amounts of alcohol that we have stashed away in the cupboard. I have made it my mission to indulge in a few tipples every night, not only to use up what it there but also to enjoy the time we have left. Call it a counter balance to the stresses of the day, sorting out 'stuff' related to the move.


It then got me thinking (3rd glass in) whether you have Stilton in Oz. What is Oz cheese like? Do they import or make decent stuff themselves? Do you have port and if so, is it obscenely expensive?


And just for a little bit of good natured PP discussion, what is your favourite cheese and can you get it in oz?


Night night, look forward to some replies when I wake up. :cute:


I love blue cheese, especially Saint Agur, I get it froma deli here and it's very expensive but a treat every now and again. You can get Stilton mainly at Christmas from Coles, it's a prepacked cheese, it's ok. Blue Cow do a good range of cheeses, blue included. The cheese you struggle getting hold of that is quite common in supermarkets in the uk is buffalo mozzarella, I also buy that at a local deli, it works out quite expensive but better than the mozzerellas sold in the supermarket which aren't buffalo and taste and look like plastic. I can get Red Leicester and Cheshire in my local Coles....love cheese!!

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Like pea I've struggled to find good Buffalo Mozzarella and I've still not had a chance to sample her recommendation from her local deli.

I love Gorgonzola and I've found all cheeses to be expensive here if you buy from a supermarket. There's a nice little cheese stall in Freo markets but she's expensive too so for real cheese fanatics you have to go to European Foods in Northbridge. They're a wholesalers but you can open an account with them without an ABN and the minimum spend is $200 but that's not really difficult. Last time I was there they had Gorgonzola on special and I bought a half round for $20!

There are some amazing Tassie cheeses, from sharp goats to triple cream Brie and we're planning a Tassie trip soon because it just looks like foodie heaven.

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We're trying to be good after months of living and eating the good life so I haven't bought that much cheese yet, aside form the common or garden cheddar and the odd packet of parmesan.


My new guilty pleasure though is Mersey Valley Cheese - It's scrummy and goes lovely with a nice Cab Sav!

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Guest guest9824
New question...


Tonight I have just been consuming Stilton and port, my favourite cheese and tipple. I realised that in one month I need to pack up the entire contents of the house and I am not prepared to waste the copious amounts of alcohol that we have stashed away in the cupboard. I have made it my mission to indulge in a few tipples every night, not only to use up what it there but also to enjoy the time we have left. Call it a counter balance to the stresses of the day, sorting out 'stuff' related to the move.


It then got me thinking (3rd glass in) whether you have Stilton in Oz. What is Oz cheese like? Do they import or make decent stuff themselves? Do you have port and if so, is it obscenely expensive?


And just for a little bit of good natured PP discussion, what is your favourite cheese and can you get it in oz?


Night night, look forward to some replies when I wake up. :cute:


...and in answer to the Port front, there are also lots to choose from, some of the wineries in Margaret River do a nice tawny port. My favourite though is Mr. Pickwicks Particular port, it's about $65.00 plus a bottle but very very nice with a smelly cheese...by the way the triple cream Brie here is lovely too. Castello cheeses are quite big here they do a nice blue cheese too, soft cheese rather than a harder Stilton.

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Cheers fellow cheese lovers. Good to know you can get it. Really good to know they make their own decent stuff too. However, judging by the rate I am necking the port at the moment, $65 for a bottle may put the breaks on my guzzling. Indulge now, repent tomorrow.


Porty, what or where is Tassie?

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Cheers fellow cheese lovers. Good to know you can get it. Really good to know they make their own decent stuff too. However, judging by the rate I am necking the port at the moment, $65 for a bottle may put the breaks on my guzzling. Indulge now, repent tomorrow.


Porty, what or where is Tassie?


Come on you keep up; Tassie is short for Tasmania in Ozzie slang lingo. You'll need to brush up a little before you arrive as many words here are abbreviated. :biggrin:

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