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457 Application Questions...help !!!


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I am just trying to submit our online, we have TRN sponsor number...


It's asking to attach Health Insurance, does anyone know if you have to arrange that now before we arrive...


Also costs ????


Does each person have to pay the €900 or is it just the main applicant...


Anyone going through this now and have the answer would be great]



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Yes you need to have medical insurance in place, although you can cancel it once here and have your Medicare.


Not sure about the fee, the majority of the time the cost of the visa is covered by the company but when ours was done it was only for the main applicant.

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There are loads of private health care providers online. We were in the same situation so just googled it and tried to compare services and costs. We went with Bupa in the end mainly because we found the website much clearer! We had to pay for a month up front which started on the day we arrived. It was around $200. We chose ambulance cover, optical and dental mainly. We have chosen to keep it for the time being until we get to grips with how medicare works but may cancel or reduce the cover at a later date. You need to provide your private health cover details for your 457 application though. Not sure about visa fees I'm afraid..

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Wow just spoke to the UK OZ Consulate....


457 visa's changes from 1st July have seen the following change. Whereas Spouse & Children were included on the visa in the main applicants cost which was $650 earlier this year, now each person on the application is due a fee....Our visa price is now $2475.....ouch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey ho not a complaint just an observation and a costly one lol

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Wow just spoke to the UK OZ Consulate....


457 visa's changes from 1st July have seen the following change. Whereas Spouse & Children were included on the visa in the main applicants cost which was $650 earlier this year, now each person on the application is due a fee....Our visa price is now $2475.....ouch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey ho not a complaint just an observation and a costly one lol


Ouch indeed - and with the addition of education fees coming in for this visa quite an expensive one.

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