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Absolutely buzzing!


Nice little email popped through today...... VISA GRANTED!


I've seen quite a few posts on here with people getting the nod and what a feeling it is to be part of that group


This forum has been a fantastic source of information and support throughout this process and has helped keep my chin up, particularly after getting an initial knock back from VETASSESS.



One online Australian diploma later and .....bingo!


Feels like ages since I first tested the waters regarding our eligibility to emigrate


Hoping to move out there next July - we want our son to finish his first year in school, and then give him enough time to get used to Australia before starting school in feb. Plus, I think we are going to need all of that time to save and sell the house etc...


Good luck to everybody still waiting to hear!

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  Lisa VCH said:
Fabulous, well done! We are currently gathering stuff for vetassess, good to know it is possible to get there in the end :biggrin:


I wish you every success


I was initially knocked back from VETASSESS and thought that the dream was over before it had chance to get going. However, I was able to complete an Australian diploma online in a matter of weeks (they were happy go as fast as I could in order to get the work passed).



My advice for what its worth is don't give up until the fat lady is well and truly warbling down your earhole (and even then, try and butt in and sing over the top of her)

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I remember that feeling so well, great isn't it.


This forum is great, with lots of friendly people who have either been through it and came out the other side or are getting themselves already for the big move.


We have been here six and half weeks and really loving it now. Everyone who we have come across have been very helpful and most put themselves out to help you.


We also wanted our children to finish the school year, I have three James 14, Tom 12 and Emily 8 so that they would still have the six weeks off that they would had had in the UK before starting school here. Tom and Emily started school a week and a half ago and have settled in so well. We wanted them to start school so that they could make friends and get into some sort of routine and as they are effectively repeating the last four months that they did in the UK, the pressure is off work wise, they can just use the time to get use to the way the school does things, makes friends and be already to work hard from Feb 2014. Tom has found this very useful as they way they do things here are slightly different to the UK, but in a good way and the way the staff are is very relaxed and informal, but they still have to get to the work done. My daughter who really does like school (in the UK she was in the gifted and talented side of things and every term they went to school for the whole day on a Saturday which she thoroughly loved) and since being here she likes to get into the classroom early so she can do extra work.


I might be wrong and others might disagree with me here, but in the UK when the children walked around the school they had to be quiet, single line and were not allowed to play on school premises out of school hours, here it seems the children are allowed to be children, it has been great to see kids laughing when moving from one class to another, as soon as they come out of school they are playing basketball in the playground or champ (don't ask me what that is, but they all play it). It also seems children are more valued here, their opinion counts and the teachers listen to what they have to say. Maybe we have just been very lucky with the school we have chosen or we had a very bad school back in the UK, but either way my children are happy and settled and that is what counts.


My eldest starts high school here on Monday and again they expect the children to work hard (apparently two hours of homework a night) and my son will actually be doing a whole hour of school work in the school day more than he did in the UK, but they provide so much support for them it makes me feel less nervous about him starting as there are people there to look out for the well being of the children. And the funny thing which I am still trying to get my head around is there are no fences around the either of my two schools, so they obviously don't have the problem of (one) children escaping during school hours and (two) the problem of strangers just walking in.


I really do wish you all the best in everything you do. Its a very exciting time and so well worth all the stress and hassle.



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We are looking at Willetton , Churchlands and Rossmoyne with Duncraig thrown in for good measure! Shenton was on the list but didn't get the vibe from the email I received back from them!

All around the CBD as hubby will be working there.

Did you look at any of these schools?


Edited by beesenior
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Hi Bee,


We sort of fell in love with Wembley Downs and Scarborough so have just stayed put. Churchlands was always on my list for High School it was our number one choice, then once we moved into the area for our short term let, we just fell in love with the place. It took us 20 mins to get from the CBD to home through the back lanes the other night which was quite quick and it means we are central to everything so we can go out and about and everything is not too far to get too. When are you planning on moving out here. We have only been here six weeks and love it already and we move into our long term rental on Friday when we will feel even more settled.



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  SJT said:


I remember that feeling so well, great isn't it.


This forum is great, with lots of friendly people who have either been through it and came out the other side or are getting themselves already for the big move.


We have been here six and half weeks and really loving it now. Everyone who we have come across have been very helpful and most put themselves out to help you.


We also wanted our children to finish the school year, I have three James 14, Tom 12 and Emily 8 so that they would still have the six weeks off that they would had had in the UK before starting school here. Tom and Emily started school a week and a half ago and have settled in so well. We wanted them to start school so that they could make friends and get into some sort of routine and as they are effectively repeating the last four months that they did in the UK, the pressure is off work wise, they can just use the time to get use to the way the school does things, makes friends and be already to work hard from Feb 2014. Tom has found this very useful as they way they do things here are slightly different to the UK, but in a good way and the way the staff are is very relaxed and informal, but they still have to get to the work done. My daughter who really does like school (in the UK she was in the gifted and talented side of things and every term they went to school for the whole day on a Saturday which she thoroughly loved) and since being here she likes to get into the classroom early so she can do extra work.


I might be wrong and others might disagree with me here, but in the UK when the children walked around the school they had to be quiet, single line and were not allowed to play on school premises out of school hours, here it seems the children are allowed to be children, it has been great to see kids laughing when moving from one class to another, as soon as they come out of school they are playing basketball in the playground or champ (don't ask me what that is, but they all play it). It also seems children are more valued here, their opinion counts and the teachers listen to what they have to say. Maybe we have just been very lucky with the school we have chosen or we had a very bad school back in the UK, but either way my children are happy and settled and that is what counts.


My eldest starts high school here on Monday and again they expect the children to work hard (apparently two hours of homework a night) and my son will actually be doing a whole hour of school work in the school day more than he did in the UK, but they provide so much support for them it makes me feel less nervous about him starting as there are people there to look out for the well being of the children. And the funny thing which I am still trying to get my head around is there are no fences around the either of my two schools, so they obviously don't have the problem of (one) children escaping during school hours and (two) the problem of strangers just walking in.


I really do wish you all the best in everything you do. Its a very exciting time and so well worth all the stress and hassle.




Great post, thanks


I hope that we have the same kind of experience that your family has had of the schools over there


Like your Daughter, our Son (4) also has a real thirst for education. In nursery, they picked up on this on his first day and they invest so much time into helping him develop further. I hope that he gets the same level of input from wherever he ends up over there


Great to hear that you feel settled already


Good luck with your upcoming home

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  SJT said:
Hi Bee,


We sort of fell in love with Wembley Downs and Scarborough so have just stayed put. Churchlands was always on my list for High School it was our number one choice, then once we moved into the area for our short term let, we just fell in love with the place. It took us 20 mins to get from the CBD to home through the back lanes the other night which was quite quick and it means we are central to everything so we can go out and about and everything is not too far to get too. When are you planning on moving out here. We have only been here six weeks and love it already and we move into our long term rental on Friday when we will feel even more settled.







Thanks do much for the information.


Can I ask you about enrolment? I am aware that you need to have proof of 12 months tenancy and a couple of proofs of residence. How did you get around this? I'm panicking slightly that the kids will be out of school for potentially quite a long period, until we secure a long term rental property.


Also, what is the area like for eating out etc....both in our early 40's so not looking for any nightclubs, just a nice places to eat out now and again.


Thanks again for your help



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Hi Bee


regarding proof residency, we provided a copy of our 12 month lease, then because we dont have utility bill information at the moment, we got an email from our removers saying that once our container had cleared customs they were going to deliver to the address on the enrolement form, we also gave copies of emails from the bank confirming they would update our new address from our moving in date and also copies of our Foxtel account and copy invoices of furniture we had brought that was being delivered. Once the container arrives I have to give copies of their birth certificates and last school reports and once I have them to hand, copies of our utility bills. We also had an informal interview with the Principal.


James started today and got on fine, here they chose what subjects they want to study, other than the basics, maths, english etc, but he chose photography, history and french and they choose what subjects they want to do twice a year , which I think is a great idea, he is doing something he wants to do, photography rather than art/drama and another course which I cant remember rather than home economics, rather than what school tells them to. Then obviously next year he chooses his options.


We have found a rather nice bar/cafe near us, which is lovely, and the staff are brilliant, the lady offered us rugs as we watching the sunset and it was getting a bit nippy and there are a few others along the sea front which we have yet to indulge ourselves in, which we will try over the next few months.


When are you planning on coming over.




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  SJT said:
Hi Bee


regarding proof residency, we provided a copy of our 12 month lease, then because we dont have utility bill information at the moment, we got an email from our removers saying that once our container had cleared customs they were going to deliver to the address on the enrolement form, we also gave copies of emails from the bank confirming they would update our new address from our moving in date and also copies of our Foxtel account and copy invoices of furniture we had brought that was being delivered. Once the container arrives I have to give copies of their birth certificates and last school reports and once I have them to hand, copies of our utility bills. We also had an informal interview with the Principal.


James started today and got on fine, here they chose what subjects they want to study, other than the basics, maths, english etc, but he chose photography, history and french and they choose what subjects they want to do twice a year , which I think is a great idea, he is doing something he wants to do, photography rather than art/drama and another course which I cant remember rather than home economics, rather than what school tells them to. Then obviously next year he chooses his options.


We have found a rather nice bar/cafe near us, which is lovely, and the staff are brilliant, the lady offered us rugs as we watching the sunset and it was getting a bit nippy and there are a few others along the sea front which we have yet to indulge ourselves in, which we will try over the next few months.


When are you planning on coming over.





Thanks Sarah for all the info.


Im loving the idea of sitting watching a sunset. I have a fantastic view of sunsets from my house but would love to appreciate them outside a little more often!!


We are coming over in February, which seems ages away but really isn't. I've got my weekly counter up in work for all to see.....down to 22 weeks now!


The school sounds great . I think its great that each school has loads of info on the net but I think we will need to actually be there to get the right feel as you say.


Do you actually live in Scarborough or further inland? I have mixed reports about Scarborough so would love your opinion.



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Hi Be


We fell in love with Wembley Downs, but cannot afford to live in Wembley Downs, so we had to widen our net, it is literally 5 mins up the road but we are Wembley Downs side of Scarborough Beach Road which still has the same feel and the houses and streets look very neat and tidy. Some road further across Scarborough Beach road did not look as nice, but looks are not everything. Obviously I have not seen what the area is like long term so could not possibly comment at the moment, but I will keep you informed.


February will come round so quick, I remember marking the weeks and then when it got to 100 days started to mark down the actual days and they seem to go really quick.


Have to go now as moving in today and I am getting a bit excited.



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