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should hubby travel to perth first or not ?? what did you do ??

jo and scott

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We have lived in a few different countries and my husband always went first. I followed about 2 to 3 months later. I tied up all the arrangements at home and he sorted everything out at our destination. It worked well for us. It depends if you are the sort of person that can cope alone. If you're not then don't do it.

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Mrs p came out before the kids and I. We had around two months apart but the difference for us was that we didn't really have any choice, she simply had to start work and it all happened so quickly we had loads to do before we could leave.

It was an extremely stressful time for us and the kids endured a roller coaster of mixed emotions while I mostly wrote lists and swore.

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We have talked about doing it when the time comes and after just coming back from there the place would be very familiar for hubby and we have friends there, but now we have come back hubby has said it started out as family adventure and we shoudl all go together etc etc, to support each other and I totally agree with that now, I would rather stay in uk for exrta 1/2 months and save for us all to go out there together!! But this is only our family choice, not everyone has that choice!!

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thanks for your replies :-)


i do feel that we are a family and would love us to all to go together, but am also wondering whether scott could go out first, validate the visa and sort work etc.


its still a long way off yet for us, so we shall have to wait and see.


also, we are in the process of a 189 visa, so is it possible for scott to go out now on a different visa whilst waiting for the 189 to be processed.


thanks !

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We are going to do this. We have two young children and think in the long term it's best for Mr JP to go out, get a job and start looking for a house then be more settled or at least financially and have a plan before we all go out to somewhere that has little support.. I think it will work well xx

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My OH flying out alone on 13th oct, he really doesn't want to but its the only option I will fly out sometime in December before the flights get to expensive. We have a friend picking him up from airport and he is staying in her spare room until he finds a job and house in Mandurah. It would be way too stressfull and expensive for 5 of us to fly out and pay for hotel etc until we found a rental, plus I can still earn for the time im here. Makes sense all round.


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we have sold our house and are living with MIL, we was joking with scott last night about him going to perth first to find work, not sure how long for before me and the kiddies come out, or if it would even work !


did many of you do this ? did it work out okay ?







We did exactly that!!! hubby flew out on 27th may 2013 on a WHV and found a job after three days and in the last two weeks has rented our first house out there. We have three children and thought this was the best way of doing things because we didn't want to think he was guaranteed to find work and then how we feed ourselves? We lodged our 190 on 21/08/2013 and are having meds done 10/09/2013 and fingers crossed we will have our grant by end of sept. hubby will then fly back here and we are flying back out together. it has been tough but we know we are near the end now and that he has secured a full time job for as long as he wants it and that we have a home also. It will be so totally worth it. :) good luck

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thanks for your replies :-)


i do feel that we are a family and would love us to all to go together, but am also wondering whether scott could go out first, validate the visa and sort work etc.


its still a long way off yet for us, so we shall have to wait and see.



also, we are in the process of a 189 visa, so is it possible for scott to go out now on a different visa whilst waiting for the 189 to be processed.


thanks ![/quote


ask about a working holiday visa :-)

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Guest jomanchester
lol !! you dont have 2 girls called lauren and lucy do you lol !


;-) x


No but I have a niece named lucy and a cousin names Lauren! Hope the move has gone well. we are trying to find jobs before we leave. dont know if thats even possible though. quite a big gamble to go there without a job.

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No but I have a niece named lucy and a cousin names Lauren! Hope the move has gone well. we are trying to find jobs before we leave. dont know if thats even possible though. quite a big gamble to go there without a job.



lol, popular names :-) the move has gone well thanks :-) girls are struggling a little bit as they are back in bunk beds and theres not a lot of space for them, but, im thinking of the bigger picture, its not forever, and in oz hopefully they will have a lovely big bedroom each,


its quite a struggle getting to school now we have moved, but im not moving schools again, and if we cant go to oz for whatever reason then we will find a house and move back to where we were living.


good luck with the job hunting :-) im not sure how people secure jobs before they go, but hopefully scott will find a job easily, fingers crossed anyway :-/

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