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The new pm and goverment


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Guest guest9824

I didn't vote them in, but I didn't vote for the other clowns either, just wish someone would come up with policies and not just bicker between themselves and make it a personality contest rather than a political contest. I voted Greens for the first time in my life! Lets see what Mr Abbott does about Gay Marriage....hmmmm...won't be holding my breath for a positive outcome on that one.



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Lets see what Mr Abbott does about Gay Marriage....hmmmm...won't be holding my breath for a positive outcome on that one.




He will do the same as Rudd and Guillard did over the last 6 years.


Im happy. He'll make changes to business and taxes to help WA.

He'll invest in infrustructure, and he'll cut public sector size and cost.


Im in IT and I'm not fussed about NBN. As a business, if I need it, I'll pay for it. I don't expect everyone else to pay for it via tax.


I dislike the fact he's religious, but it's the lesser of two evils when it comes to politics/religion.

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I'm ashamed to say I know little of the policies of any of the parties but my heart would always be drawn to the green end of the colour spectrum.

Left, Right, Centre, Red, Blue, Green, the problem I have is that in order for any of the issues I care about to be resolved it needs a whole planet approach. All governments the world over are concerned with the here and now and the immediate future.


The mere fact that someone would want to go into politics immediately makes me cautious of them and their motives for doing so, they just don't seem normal to me and as a result I'm unlikely to trust their way of thinking.


When I think of any politician the most offensive profanities spring to mind but the more I delve into Aussie politics the more I admire those willing to stand up and bloody well say what they like, it's fantastic. Take Palmer. I know nothing of his political stance and from his adverts he seems comically eccentric but I think that's a really good quality, I love people who are creative and don't give a damn about what others think of them.


What do I think about our new leader? I try my hardest not to judge people on appearance but if I didn't know him and my kids went near him at the park I'd drag them away from him and call the cops.

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I found it interesting that that immigration played quite a large part in the run up to the election (Ok I know the main issue was asylum seekers) and 2 out of the last 3 prime ministers (Gillard, Rudd, Abbott) have been from migrant families. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the coming weeks / months.


Joe Public usually only see's the news headline with 'Migrants' in it, I wonder how many misconceptions this feeds?

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All we know is what we heard on Sky News last news. He is a Catholic and a fitness fanatic. We have so much in common - not!


If they are anything like the UK, you could probably not slide a piece of paper between their differences. They all seem the same nowadays:skeptical:


Wonder if he will be shipping some of the hard earn taxes back to the Vatican ........... oooo naughty naughty of me :ssign11:

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I know one thing. I am glad i dont live in the ACT - 12000 job losses is going to decimate the economy there


I think 12000 is a bit of an exaggeration. I dont like to see anyone lose their job but if they can cut thousands of jobs they must be grossly overstaffed to start with. I know some companies I have had dealings with have half a dozen people, each doing a certain part of a job that one person managed to the whole thing a few years ago! And then they probably sit on their ar*se thinking they are overworked or on the internet for half of the day. Am sure PS jobs are the same.

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Mr Abbott later told ABC’s AM program “No its 12,000, we think we can deliver good services with 12,000 fewer by natural attrition. My real objective is to build a stronger economy.”


No it's not 12,000 people sacked. It's retirements etc.


It's also bureaucrats, not the front line workers portrayed in the adverts (with fluro and tabbards on).

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