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7wks to go!!! I'm an emotional mess, keep welling up at everything, photos, music, thoughts of saying good byes!! I'm worried we won't find a house, jobs, the kids won't be happy. I'm worried about the dog on his flight over. We won't make any friends!! You name it, I'm worried about it:arghh:. But the next moment I'm bouncing around with excitement!! Ahhhhh please let the next 7wks go really fast, before I completely loose my mind! Please tell me this is normal?!

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There will allways be worries with a move like this we left our kids and parents behind, but 12 months on the two kids have just left to go back to the UK, and my wifes mom at 84 flew over here in March for a month, and loved it.


Don't try to solve all your problems at the same time, just tackle things as they arise.


My other suggestion, is where your here its easy to get caought up in these issues, and forget why you came. WE live 10 minutes drive from some fantastic beaches, and quite often we just take time out, drive to the beach for an hours walk, and just enjoy!!!!



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7wks to go!!! I'm an emotional mess, keep welling up at everything, photos, music, thoughts of saying good byes!! I'm worried we won't find a house, jobs, the kids won't be happy. I'm worried about the dog on his flight over. We won't make any friends!! You name it, I'm worried about it:arghh:. But the next moment I'm bouncing around with excitement!! Ahhhhh please let the next 7wks go really fast, before I completely loose my mind! Please tell me this is normal?!


wow, you have just literally explained exactly how I am feeling right now and there's less than 2 weeks to go now for us.


I was told today that worrying wont get me anywhere and it's pointless getting stressed, easier said than done though hey?! Xx

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7wks to go!!! I'm an emotional mess, keep welling up at everything, photos, music, thoughts of saying good byes!! I'm worried we won't find a house, jobs, the kids won't be happy. I'm worried about the dog on his flight over. We won't make any friends!! You name it, I'm worried about it:arghh:. But the next moment I'm bouncing around with excitement!! Ahhhhh please let the next 7wks go really fast, before I completely loose my mind! Please tell me this is normal?!


Good luck over your next 7 weeks, we leave on Thursday and things are getting messy!! :arghh:

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7wks to go!!! I'm an emotional mess, keep welling up at everything, photos, music, thoughts of saying good byes!! I'm worried we won't find a house, jobs, the kids won't be happy. I'm worried about the dog on his flight over. We won't make any friends!! You name it, I'm worried about it:arghh:. But the next moment I'm bouncing around with excitement!! Ahhhhh please let the next 7wks go really fast, before I completely loose my mind! Please tell me this is normal?!


Goodluck with the adventure! We have 11 weeks to go ourselves ...

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