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Is this really happening....


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Hellooo :)


Hubby leaves for perth on the 8th October hoping to secure a job and a rental before me and my 3 daughters arrive. Hubby will return bk for Xmas and then as a family set off to perth on the 8th jan. Move cube arrives on the 18th October and then me and the girls will be moving in with the parents. I've just sat down with a cuppa and thought to myself s*** what am I doing. All of a sudden I'm getting nervous. Don't get me wrong I'm excited and have been planning the move for about 5 years. We've been really busy trying to get everything organised such as renting our house, moving into a rental, booking flights, thinking about what furniture we are going to take, if it will fit in a move cube etc etc....and now it's all coming together I'm scared about what I'm leaving behind! My move cube arrives in 6 weeks time so I should be busy packing, but instead I'm sat here thinking how my life is being turned upside down :arghh:


I'm assuming this is a normal reaction.... But just wondering how did you feel?

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We too leave for Perth on 8 October. We are due to leave Spain in 11 days and are in the "thick of it" at the moment. De-registering from the country, packing, organising removals and closing bank accounts and utilities as well as winding up our business. We are both going through a mix of emotions and I think it is perfectly normal. We are not that excited at the moment, but we are hoping that once we get back to the UK, we can relax a little and then get excited.


Best of Luck with your move.

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We are having exactly the same feelings at the moment! :eek: We've decided to do a reccie and fly out 18 October. :wink: Our house is on the market so looking to move once it sells or if hubbie can secure a job and we can rent out the house. We are also onstantly going through mixed emotions but although the pending move is nerve racking I think of not moving and can't see that happening! We did something similar 10 years ago...rented out the house and did a ski season! It was nerve racking then as we gave up our jobs and didn't know if we would get another on our return but we did and we had the time of our lives! :biggrin: Best thing we did before having the kids. I just keep telling myself things will work out because if you want something enough you'll make it work :wink:

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It's normal!!!


At least I hope it is, otherwise I'm going doo lally flip too!!


I went through it a couple of weeks ago when we sold and moved out of our house into our temporary place. The next time we move it'll be to oz so all our packing was done with that in mind and we're now living with the bare minimum of our stuff (which is still actually quite a lot!!) I stood in the bare hallway of our old house and sobbed!


Now we're getting settled I'm starting to excited again. I have to keep reminding myself its really happening!


N x

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Thanks for the replies..... It really does help reading other people's experiences and feelings about the move. I have a feeling that my emotions are gonna be like a roller coaster ride for sometime yet. One thing for sure when it comes to saying good bye I know I'm gonna be a blubbering wreck and that terrifies me, especially for my children. However I've been planning this move for 5 years and believe you me I'm gonna give it my all.


best of luck to everyone planning the move :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

we are in same position as you our container arrives on 14th oct and we fly out 5th jan, we have boxes everywhere, stuff that going stuff that's not as we are living here in our house we barely any things till jan lol, we are yet to sell our house and maybe rent it, so yes im kinda nervous now and wake up thinking OMG in 3 mths we will only have 1 day left!!! I am looking forward to it but cant help thinking whether we are doing the right thing! im sure we are and hope we all love it!! where are you heading too???

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Hi kimmy I'm always thinking if this is the right thing were doing, but I just think of the reasons of why I decided to move and to try and stay focused on that or else I'll go mad..... Hubby has left for perth today and I'm a complete blubbering mess thinking why have I let him go, but deep down I know it's the right thing we have done for our family for him to go before us. God I miss him all ready.... Bloody emotions :arghh: Anyway were hoping to live down south been looking at halls head/ lakelands/meadow springs but it does all depend on hubby's work to where we finally settle. What about yourself?

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hi me and my husband went in march to have and look around we stayed in mandurah and loved it, we looked all around the areas sor and have a friend in secret harbour so have decided to start there and see how we go, its a nice little place and is right in the middle inbetween mandurah and rockingham!! our dog flies out new yrs eve, quite worried about her but praying she wont miss us too much!!

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Mandurah is a lovely place. My brother lives in halls head and he seems to love it there. I did look at secret harbour and that was one of our favourite places when we came out to oz a few years ago, we also came out in march and had another look at secret harbour, but never had that feeling of when we first went so decided to look further afield. I'm sure your dog will be fine and will soon be loving running up and down them beaches. Good luck

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Hi libbyw,

we thought we would spend Christmas Day here with family and New Years with brother inlaw who lives in perth. Also due to work commitment here in the uk . Also it gives us a bit of time when in perth to sort out a few things . Good luck with the move, it's quite exciting but nerve racking at the same time.

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There's going to be an influx if us poms landing in that first week if Jan. We arrive on the 7th!!


We're doing the container thing the other way round. We're hosting Xmas so need a lot of our stuff until then. The container leaves on the 3rd Jan and we go two days later. It means we'll be without our stuff the other side but we're staying with family to start with so hopefully we'll have got sorted with a rental in time for it to arrive.


Can't believe it's only 3 months away! It's coming round so quickly now!!

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We are doing the last xmas with all the family too this yr, with hardly any stuff lol, bring a plate and chair with you :biggrin: going to be weird, bit sad in a way but everyone saying last time but hey no ones saying we wont come back one christmas to visit!!!! sometimes it sounds like we are going and never coming back to visit! xx

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I can't believe this is really happening either. Like everyone else I guess, we started with an interest in moving to Oz, jumped through hoops to get the visa whilst experiencing the 'will we, wont we get the visa' anxiety. Now we have it and I am still worrying. Today started thinking to myself, what exactly am I scared of? Pretty much the same stuff as everyone else. I think I need to start re looking at the beautiful images of Perth to get my juices flowing again and remember why we wanted to do it in the first place.

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