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Anyone else had a terrible Friday 13th?


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Guest guest9824
Omg what a day! So many things happened that just combined to make an awful day! Spoken to a few friends who said the same. Anyone else had a rubbish day??


At least its the weekend!!! Off to the aquarium tomorrow seeing as though its going to be raining...again!!!!!




Enjoy Aqwa....been like Aqwa outside with this weather! Terrible storm this afternoon, just at school chucking out time too!!! There's still time for my day to get messy:wideeyed:...enjoy your weekend Lozza.

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The last fri 13th i had an attempted break in at my home [ i was at work ] my youngest was home asleep shes 21 , thank god she heard them and scared them off , by shouting in a deep voice " ive rung the police " god knows what would have happened to her with three white males if they had got in , im glad to say today went smoothly

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